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Waaagh! Da Orcs! ........................................................................2 Kiknik Toofsnatcha....................................................................34

In Savage Lands............................................................................7 Ogdruz Swampdigga..................................................................36
Waaagh! Kiknik..........................................................................12 Troll Hags ....................................................................................38
Ambush at Winter’s Teeth Pass.......................................................18 Badlands Ogre Bulls..................................................................40
Looters & Raiders......................................................................26 Black Orc Boar Chariots ..........................................................41
Orc & Goblin Tribes Bonegrinder Giants ...................................................................42
Nomadic Waaagh!.................................................................................28 Lore of Troll Magic....................................................................44
Brutes of the Badlands..............................................................30 Orc & Goblin Tribes Magic Items..........................................46
Orc & Goblin Tribes
Troll Horde..............................................................................................32

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Orc & Goblin Tribes


- Warboss Kiknik Toofsnatcha
O rcs and Goblins are a scourge upon the lands. They are ferocious raiders that spread war to every corner of the world.
So eager for battle are they that, when lacking a foe, they will gladly attack each other. Should they ever stop fighting
themselves and unite into a cohesive force, they would sweep away all opposition in a brutal tide of violence.

Might Makes Right Though it takes an impressive brute to lead a tribe, and all
admire a leader possessed of the ability to push an opponent’s
Throughout the known world, tribes of brutal and belligerent nose through his brainpan, a dose of low cunning is also
Orcs and Goblins prosper. From the inhospitable wildernesses useful. This is particularly true amongst Goblinoids, for there
of the Badlands, to the lush pastures of Bretonnia and the will always be a challenger eager to advance by quite literally
dense forests of the Empire, no corner of the Old World has stabbing their rivals in the back. Thus, Bosses and Warbosses
gone untouched by their scourge. These tribes are made up of are suspicious creatures, forever alert for signs of treachery
mobs, each consisting of a single type of warrior: Orc mobs, amongst their subordinates and always prepared to batter
Goblin mobs, Wolf Rider mobs, and so forth. someone to a bloody pulp in response to even the most minor
challenge to their superiority.
Orcs and Goblins take tremendous pride in the mob they
belong to and the tribe their mob is part of, for it comes easily Ultimately, all Orcs and Goblins are united by a simple desire
to them to believe that they and their mates are the best and, – to fight alongside a powerful Boss and follow a mighty
by extension, that those they hang around with are just as Warboss who has built a reputation for leading his tribe to
good as they are. glorious victories. This is partly because they all want to be
on the winning side, but mainly because no mob wants to
This belief in their own superiority makes the average Orc or miss a good scrap. The biggest Warbosses lead their tribes to
Goblin almost impossible to lead, for they instinctively resist so many victories and cause such commotion throughout the
the ideas of others and will only follow those that can readily land that lesser tribes flock from far away to join the mighty
prove their strength and prowess. Thus, mobs are led by the commander, and a great Waaagh! is born – a tidal wave of
biggest and toughest of their number, known to their fellows destruction feared throughout the civilised nations of Men,
as ‘da Boss’, and tribes are led by the biggest and strongest Boss, Dwarfs and Elves.
generally known as a Warboss.

Waaagh! Da Orcs!
Tribal Life Tribes grow when they conquer smaller
ones, as most often the winners slay all
Orcs and Goblins are often encountered the opposing commanders and force the
together in the same tribe. Amongst their remaining warriors to join their tribe. At
kind, this is the natural order of life – the other times the process of ‘absorbing’ the
strong ruling over the weak. The larger smaller tribe is much more literal, with the
and more powerful an Orc mob, the more winners actually eating the vanquished.
eager its members will be to keep mobs of How the defeated are dealt with depends
Goblins around as their presence means on many factors, from how hungry the
the Orcs are never short of someone to victors are, to how well the opposition
intimidate and bully into doing the most fought, or some other, more mysterious
unpleasant chores. As Orcs despise almost whim of the Warboss.
everything except fighting, Goblins do all
the mundane jobs around camp, such as Warriors that have been recently recruited
gathering fuel for fires, erecting crude huts into a new tribe will try to fit in, often
and other jobs too dangerous or dirty for adopting some of the common colours,
any right thinking Orc to contemplate. symbols or icons of their new group,
In return for their work, Goblins gain the though rarely are individuals welcomed
protection of their larger kin. into the ranks of an already established
mob. Instead, new mobs join existing
Beyond the natural dominance of strong tribes, often retaining symbols of their old
over weak, there is little semblance of order allegiance and bringing with them habits
in an Orc and Goblin tribe. Things change and mannerisms picked up from mobs now
constantly and often in a hurry. The wilds vanquished. In this way, strange beliefs
in which most tribes live are dangerous and cultural oddities are passed from tribe
places, subject to attack by all manner of to tribe, adapted and built upon. Seldom
foes and monsters, including other Orcs are the outlandish ways of any tribe truly
and Goblins. Tribes alter constantly as old forgotten after its demise.
mobs leave to seek their own way, new
mobs join and Warbosses fall as stronger Due to their wide variety of beliefs and the
challengers rise up to take over. It has been staggering range of cultural sects and
said that, should all the Orcs and Goblins sub-sects Orcs and Goblins are given to
unite, they could conquer the world, but display, the only thing that can be called
should they try, they would succeed only in uniform about their tribes is their disparate
fighting themselves to extinction. and ragtag appearance. Flea-bitten Wolf
Riders ride to war beside disciplined and
When there is no enemy to focus their well-armoured Black Orc mobs who, in
aggression on, Orcs and Goblins spend an turn, fight side-by-side with mad, cackling
inordinate amount of time fighting each Night Goblins. This kind of muddled
other. Thus, the tribes that last the longest disorder is exacerbated during a large
and that rise to supremacy within the Waaagh!, when many tribes trek great
wildernesses are the biggest, strongest and distances to join the throng.
most cunning.
Brutal, But Cunning The massed infantry mobs of the Night
Goblin tribes, drunk on fungus wine, are
Though Orc and Goblin tribes grow by given to sporadic bouts of cackling and
absorbing already established mobs into gibbering. Hidden amongst their ranks are
their midst, their core will always consist fanatical fighters that consume mad cap
of a number of mobs that share a common mushrooms prior to battle – turning them
ancestry and origin with the Warboss. into deadly whirlwinds of destruction.
Most often, these will be mobs of Orcs These gibbering hordes of malevolence
or Black Orcs fighting on foot, wielding are accompanied to war by large herds of
a variety of weapons ranging from stout subterranean Cave Squigs and wild mobs of
thrusting spears to crude warbows, mobs of Squig Hoppers.
boar-riding cavalry known as ‘Boar Boys’,
or ostentatious charioteers that clatter Such quirks of Goblin culture are indicative
about the place bellowing loudly to ensure of their environments. Those tribes that
everyone has seen them. favour Giant Wolves can be found on
the open plains of the wilderness. Those
In tribes that contain no Goblins, the that harness Giant Spiders dwell in the
Orcs are more belligerent than usual, deep forests of the Old World, where
and full-on fights break out in Orc-only such monstrous creatures thrive. Whilst
camps with alarming regularity. These Night Goblins dwell in the deepest caves,
struggles determine the pecking order, far below the towering Worlds Edge
with the lowliest warriors doing all the Mountains, untroubled by the sun.
work usually left to the Goblins, while the
victors loll about. No Orc can bear any On occasion, a tribe may consist solely of
peaceful or productive task for very long, mobs of a particular type, reflecting the
causing further violence to erupt. This preferences of its Warboss or an adaptation
environment ensures that Orc-only tribes to an unusual habitat. On the plains of
are small, but very battle-hardened. It also the Badlands, for example, nomadic tribes
means their camps lack even the crude are common, consisting almost entirely of
amenities that ingenious Goblin labour mounted mobs of Boar Boys, Wolf Riders
normally provides, such as simple skin huts, and raucous charioteers. Amongst these
stockades to fence in the boars or, perhaps nomadic groups are Orc tribes that contain
worst of all, any consideration given to the only Boar Boys, or Goblin tribes made up
placement of the latrines. exclusively of Wolf Riders.

Such tribes tend to attract large numbers of As tribes grow, most Warbosses are not
monsters such as Trolls and Giants. Indeed, particularly fussy about who joins their
it is not unknown for tribes renowned ranks, often welcoming a wide array of
for their brutality to absorb whole family weirdos into the midst. For the most
groups of savage Trolls into their ranks. part this works surprisingly well – good
ideas catch on quickly, beneficial customs
Amongst Goblin tribes, swarming mobs and beliefs are eagerly adopted, whilst
of infantry are common. These are dangerous or unpopular traits are
accompanied by mobs of cavalry mounted quickly dealt with by the ever
upon huge wolves or massive spiders rather present violence of tribal life.
than the War Boars favoured by their
larger cousins.
F ar from the baroque palaces and towering city walls of the Empire, beyond the crenellated towers and gleaming
castles of Bretonnia, the civilised races’ grip upon the Old World loosens. In unconquered lands, where great beasts
roam, violent tribes of Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and worse dwell, their numbers ever increasing, their lust for violence
never diminishing.

The Badlands Further south, the quagmire gives way to low hills, dry plains
and, finally, desert. Here, upon the shifting sands, where the
Wicked creatures have dominated the lands between the Badlands meet the Land of the Dead and many nomadic Orc
Worlds Edge Mountains and the Dragonback Mountains since tribes rampage, crude stone idols stand beside the eroded
time immemorial, and it is well-known that to cross Blood monuments of a long dead civilisation. These statues, raised
River and venture into the Badlands is to leave the safety of long ago to ward against the foul spirits that plague the
civilisation behind. cursed realm to the south, mark the southernmost border of
the Badlands.
The people of the Old World dread the area and only the most
desperate would attempt to settle there, for there can be no The landscape of the Badlands is harsh; it is a place of boulder-
safe haven in lands so dominated by dark forces. Yet dwell strewn moors and arid steppes. Ancient ruins, barrows and
here they do. The scattered towns and villages that dot the cairns testify that once the land was more fertile, but now
northern shores of the Black Gulf, between the heights of the stand as a grim tribute to some long gone nation. These days,
Dragonback Mountains and the shadow of Barak Varr, cling the inhabitants are Orcs and Goblins, Trolls and Giants.
desperately to the barren soil. Here reside those renegades and Tribes of these creatures beyond counting fight endlessly for
rogues unable to find shelter, even in the lawless lands of the space, for the land’s meagre resources, and for the simple love
Border Princes to the north, a violent and battle-torn land of of violence.
petty fiefdoms that is almost perpetually ravaged by war.
These tribes roam the plains, making ramshackle camps and
To the south, lies the foul and foetid expanse known as squatting in crude strongholds to stake their dominance in
the Marshes of Madness. These mist-covered swamps their constant battle for territory. The ever-shifting borders
are trackless and nigh impossible to cross. Yet, despite the of innumerable tribal realms are marked with picket lines
treacherous nature of these ghastly marshes, many Goblin of spiked skulls, gory battle trophies or the vast symbols of
tribes dwell there, skulking in great stilted huts that rise mighty Warbosses carved into the rocky outcroppings.
precariously from the deep mire. All across the Badlands, effigies of Gork and Mork cast long
shadows over the plains. Some are sculpted in stone, others
shaped out of piled bones and worse things...

In Savage Lands
A Guide To The Badlands Black Crag
Once known by the Dwarfs as Karak Drazh, a hold of such
Although barren and blasted, the Badlands are not devoid of wealth and grandeur that it was rivalled only by the Eight
natural features and landmarks, from the impregnable fortress Peaks, Black Crag is strategically placed within the mineral
of Black Crag in the north, to the towering and Giant-infested rich mountains at the western end of Death Pass. Today, this
heights of the Dragonback Mountains. great fortress is known as the most powerful Orc stronghold
in the Worlds Edge Mountains and the magnificent statues
Mount Bloodhorn (Ekrund) of the Ancestor Gods that once lined its wide avenues have
The tallest peak in the Dragonback Mountains is known been crudely defaced and transformed into effigies of Gork
as Mount Bloodhorn, a stronghold, swarming with Orcs, and Mork. From here, the Orcs of the Bloody Tusk tribe reign
that exerts its influence over the whole mountain chain and tyrannically over the mountains and plains for a hundred
deep into the heart of the Badlands. Before the coming of leagues in every direction, threatening to one day overwhelm
the Orcs, the mountain was mined by Dwarfs from the lost Barak Varr and the Border Princes to the north, or to topple
hold of Ekrund. The Dwarfs dug deep into the rock, creating the isolated defences of Karak Azul to the south.
a tunnel network that joined with naturally occurring caves.
Far below the surface, within these cavernous chambers, Mourkain
the Orcs continue to delve into the darkness, uncovering the At the heart of the Badlands lies the Necropolis known as
vast riches sealed within the tombs of the Dwarfen ancestors Mourkain. Once the capital of a great realm of Men, known
and stumbling upon ancient wonders, forgotten since the to its people as Strygos, the city of Mourkain was founded by a
Golden Age of the Dwarfs. Shaman named Kadon. In times past, Strygos stretched from
the banks of the Blind River to the shores of the Black Gulf,
Blind River & Blight Water all controlled from Mourkain. Unfortunately for the people of
Two great rivers cut through the open expanses of the Strygos, the Orcs of the Badlands did not take kindly to being
Badlands, flowing from the Worlds Edge Mountains and pushed from their ancestral lands and joined together in a
feeding into the Marshes of Madness. The foetid blackness great Waaagh! led by Warboss Garsnag Craktoof. Mourkain
of the Blight Water runs from the Sour Sea, laden with was sacked and the power of Strygos broken forever. An aura
warpstone and other poisons. The cursed waters of the Blind of despair now hangs over the desolate ruins, and they are
River meander past Mourkain, their chill depths laden with shunned by all but the most evil denizens of the Badlands.
the evil magic of that place. The banks of these unwholesome
rivers are home to many Trolls. So many, in fact, that they
dwell in crude tribes and family groups, often led by gigantic
motherly figures that constantly fuss and mither over their
grotesque charges.
Misty Mountain Giant Stomping Grounds
South-east of the Sour Sea, a solitary peak known as Misty Though rarely seen in the lands of Men and Dwarfs, Giants
Mountain towers above the Worlds Edge Mountains, facing can be found the world over, dwelling in remote moors and
the cursed pit of Nagashizzar on the northern shore of the striding between the peaks of mountains. In the Badlands,
great inland lake. Despite the eternal darkness that hangs where they are free to live untroubled by the attentions of bold
over the towering peaks, where once evils so harrowing heroes looking for fame, Giants of great age and size can be
that they shamed the gods were undertaken by the Great seen wandering freely between the southern foothills of the
Necromancer himself, Misty Mountain teems with life. Here, Dragonback Mountains and the highlands that overlook the
Goblin tribes dwell in huge numbers, farming their twisted Black Gulf. Giants seem to enjoy the heady coastal air and,
fungi in the warpstone-laden caverns that stretch from the when not lumbering to battle alongside an Orc warband, or
foot of the mountain, far beneath the Sour Sea, raising Squigs attacking the merchant caravans that occasionally brave the
of prodigious size and vicious temperament and warring Zandri Road, delight in tossing great boulders at the ships that
eternally against the accursed denizen of Nagashizzar. ply the treacherous waters of the gulf.

The Eight Peaks Death Pass

Known also as Vala-Azril-Ungol, the Eight Peaks was once In ages past, when the Dwarfs of the Old World still dealt and
the crowning glory of the Dwarf realm. A gleaming city, the traded with the Elves of Ulthuan, a Dwarf-built road carried
upper citadels of which lie nestled within a great bowl created great wealth and finery from Tilea in the west, through the
by eight towering mountain peaks, the Eight Peaks endured Border Princes and the Badlands, to the mighty Dwarf holds
for centuries before succumbing to the evils that besieged it. of the southern Worlds Edge Mountains. Here, it passed
Today, the upper reaches of this mightiest of holds are infested beneath the towering might of Karak Drazh, past the Eight
with the Goblins and Trolls that now rule it. Where once the Peaks and rose into the unwelcoming heights of the Death
kings and queens of the Dwarf race walked through cavernous Pass, the only clear route through the snow-capped mountains
subterranean chambers of silver and gold, now fungus climbs to the bleak and desolate expanses of the Dark Lands beyond.
the walls and Trolls nest in ravaged staterooms. In the lowest Today, bold human merchants occasionally brave the dangers
levels, where the Dwarfs once mined the riches of the world to of Death Pass in search of a route to distant Cathay. Entire
fuel their industries, dead things lurk in desecrated tombs and armies have been dispatched from the nations of the Old
mutated creatures scuttle in the endless dark. World, intent on forging safe passage through the Orc-infested
Worlds Edge Mountains and across the blasted wasteland
that lies beyond. Alas, few such expeditions into the Dark
Lands return…
Dressed in tanned leather and
mismatched scraps of metal
armour, a pair of Orcs careen
into battle atop their ramshackle
chariot. Orcs love to customise
their war machines, making
them as deadly as possible,
banding the wheels with iron
and attaching large blades to
scythe through the enemy. In
the same way that they cover
themselves in tattoos, so do
Orcs adorn their chariots,
shields and mounts, painting
crude depictions of their gods
alongside tribal markings.

The shields of the Orc and Goblin tribes are usually crafted from scavenged wood and
repurposed iron, and adorned with likenesses of the Orc gods or tribal markings – or
whatever its wielder decides to decorate it with when not crumpin’ their foes. The
standards that the Orcs and Goblins carry into battle will often celebrate Gork and Mork,
their toothy grins adorning ragged tapestries and torn fabric.

Though their wargear is often cobbled together from Easily identified by their suits of dark plate armour,
battlefield scraps, Goblins are still armed to the teeth! Black Orcs are the biggest and meanest of their kind.
Carrying pointed spears, curved short bows and wooden Having salvaged the best kit, these brutes carry enough
shields, Goblin Wolf Riders race into the fray atop their weapons to outfit a regiment of soldiers and still have an
thick-furred mounts. axe going spare!
W ith winter’s icy hold on the region mostly banished by spring’s warm embrace, Goblin Warboss Kiknik Toofsnatcha
knew that it would soon be time to raid and plunder once more – all he needed was for Mork, or possibly Gork, to
point him in the right direction.

The Call To Battle An Early Warning

When Orcs and Goblins gather in large numbers with violence The residents of High Spear saw the rising cloud of dust and
in mind, a vortex of magical Waaagh! energy coalesces around heard the baying wolves long before Waaagh! Kiknik came into
them, acting as a signal fire to others of their kind. In northern view. Having suffered many attacks in the past, the common
Bretonnia, Warboss Spine-Cracker had launched an enormous folk quickly retreated behind their fortified walls and, by
Waaagh!, flooding the countryside with a tide of Orcs and the time the raiders arrived, the town had been made ready
Goblins that created such a colossal build-up of energy that for battle and messengers dispatched to warn neighbouring
tribes as far away as the Badlands could sense it. settlements. But Kiknik had no interest in a protracted
siege, so ordered the majority of his warriors to plunder the
The Shamans of Goblin Warboss Kiknik Toofsnatcha detected smallholdings surrounding High Spear, whilst the rest were
this magical build-up and urged their chieftain to set out in left to scream insults at those cowering inside the town.
search of the almighty scrap that no doubt caused it. The idea of
roving across the land and pillaging everything he came across Over the days that followed, Kiknik’s warriors liberated
appealed greatly to the Goblin Warboss. So, with a mighty anything they perceived to be of value, from rusted farming
howl from Chompa, Kiknik’s Giant Wolf, the camp sprang into equipment to small pouches of coins and bent silverware.
action, making hasty preparations to ride across the Badlands Once the surrounding lands had been suitably relieved of
and rampage through the lands of Men. The horizon beckoned valuables the mounted force took off at full speed, leaving
with the promise of riches and bloodshed. a trail of discarded trinkets and the bodies of their former
owners in their wake.
The nomadic procession swiftly made its way northwards
across the Badlands, gathering warriors as they rode and To the west, a rider from High Spear reached the settlement
welcoming any who could maintain the relentless pace set by of Malko with news of the approaching Waaagh!. Unlike most
the Goblin Warboss’ Giant Wolf. As Waaagh! Kiknik crossed of the Border Princes, the lands surrounding Malko were rich
the Howling River and River Stacnek, those who had tried to and fertile, making it one of the largest producers of crops
follow on foot having been long abandoned, Kiknik was left in in the region – a perfect place for Kiknik to resupply before
the company of Boar Boys, Wolf Riders and charioteers – as continuing northwards. The mayor of Malko dispatched
well as a couple of Giants, whose long, lumbering riders of his own to neighbouring towns with a plea for aid,
gait allowed them to follow close behind. hoping reinforcements would arrive before the approaching
horde descended.

Waaagh! Kiknik
Easy Pickings The Trap Is Set
Kiknik struck hard and fast upon his arrival at Malko, his Being a Goblin, and a cunning one at that, Kiknik was not one
riders spreading out to sow disorder and anarchy amongst to be drawn hastily into battle, choosing instead to continue
the populace. Panic set in for those closest to the advancing looting his way north through the undefended farmland
Waaagh!, as commoners fled their homes and farms, hoping and avoiding a fight altogether. Though the more violent
to find safety behind Malko’s fortified walls and the blades of members of his warband had been left itching for a fight by his
its well-trained garrison. As refugees flooded into Malko, the approach, they were placated with the best pickings from the
mayor bolstered the ranks of his standing force by creating an looted food stores and promises of battles to come.
ad hoc militia, arming anyone who was able to fight to protect
the farms and fields that they depended upon so greatly. The mayor quickly grew frustrated by the Goblin Warboss’
unwillingness to meet his forces in battle, so commanded the
Throughout the farmlands of Malko stood a vast network of soldiers and militia of Malko to give chase to the mounted
storehouses and barns in which produce could be kept safe warhost, hoping to overtake the fast-moving raiders when
from the elements before being moved to market. Though they stopped to load their freshly pilfered supplies. In doing so,
the large storage sheds had not been left undefended, their the mayor made a fatal mistake. His now overextended force,
small garrisons had been quickly swept aside by Kiknik and comprised mostly of lightly armoured, inexperienced militia,
his riders. With the defenders slain, the Orcs and Goblins was at risk of becoming encircled by Kiknik’s riders.
had stuffed sacks full of loot and loaded their chariots with as
much plunder as they could carry, before torching the empty Despite the vague and uninformative nature of the reports
buildings and charging off to the next storehouse. from his wolf-riding scouts (Goblins often pay attention to
entirely the wrong things when on watch or scouting duty),
Those within the walls of Malko wept as the countryside Kiknik was able to learn of his attackers’ vulnerable position.
burned, their homes set ablaze whilst the fruits of their He immediately dispatched his Wolf Rider packs to outflank
labours were snatched away. Many begged the mayor for the and ambush the mayor’s forces. The rest of his fighters, mostly
chance to strike back at the marauding Orcs and Goblins, Orc Boar Boys and heavy, ramshackle chariots, began setting
hoping that a show of force would send them scurrying back fires in the nearby fields, the thick, black smoke billowing from
to wherever they came from. Though the mayor had preferred the burning crops concealing the vast majority of his warriors.
to await reinforcements, none had yet come and his people’s The final stage of his plan involved a small group of Orcs and
desperation grew with each passing day. With seemingly little Goblins, who continued to load their stolen carts with supplies
choice, the mayor sent a challenge to Kiknik in the hopes of from a large storehouse – unknowingly becoming the bait in
baiting the Warboss into meeting him in battle. Kiknik’s trap…
The Scorched Field Massacre The veteran troops, unable to help as the fleeing militia were
hacked down by the bloodthirsty Orcs, rallied at their mayor’s
The mayor’s force closed in on the raiders at the storehouse, command. With the howls of Giant Wolves coming from all
the burning fields drawing curses from those that had sides, they formed a tight ring of shields and pointed spears,
ploughed and planted them. Though the more experienced offering no weak flanks to the mounted host. As the Orc and
town guards advanced carefully, tempers flared within the Goblin horde closed in around the armoured formation, the
undisciplined ranks of the militia – the sight of those who mayor realised that his warriors were hopelessly outnumbered
had defiled their homes and made off with their hard-earned and, this far away from Malko, there was little hope
goods caused many of the common folk to break ranks and of reinforcements.
charge at the raiders with reckless abandon.
Kiknik did not rush to finish off the encircled veterans,
Kiknik peered through the heavy clouds of smoke as the choosing instead a far crueller fate for them. In the hours
enemy rushed over the open ground, the determination on that followed, the Wolf Riders surged forwards time and time
their faces clear to see. As soon as the militia had advanced again, close enough to unleash arrows at any gaps within the
out of reach of the more heavily armoured veterans, Kiknik’s shieldwall, but beyond the reach of any retaliation, before
ferocious mount unleashed a long, baleful howl – a sound falling back to safety. As the hours ground by, the defenders
echoed by the Wolf Riders who had encircled the impetuous slowly fell to the Goblins, until the dead were piled so high
militia. The chorus of baying and barking halted the militia in that the living could almost hide behind them. As their allies
their tracks, their blood turning cold at the sudden realisation lay dying around them, the veterans of Malko all came to the
that they were totally surrounded and a long way from same grim realisation – stand and fight or run and hide, it
Malko’s high walls… mattered not. One by one, they were going to die.

As the courage of the common folk failed, Kiknik and his As daylight faded, Kiknik’s enemies no longer had the strength,
warriors broke from cover and thundered through the smoke nor the numbers, to withstand a charge from his Boar Boys.
screen, whooping and hollering as the farmhands turned As Chompa’s dreadful howl resonated across the fields one last
and fled. The charging Boar Boys and chariots were quickly time, Kiknik’s riders thundered across the scorched farmland
in amongst the fleeing militia, the massive porcine mounts and clattered into the waiting veterans. Whilst there are many
trampling the common folk of Malko as they raced into battle. tales of heroic last stands in the stories of the Old World, this
Those who avoided the thick, goring tusks of the boars found was not one of them – for the warriors of Malko were too
themselves hewn down in droves by the choppas and heavy- exhausted to stand and fight and were swiftly put to the sword
bladed spears of their Orcish riders, or crushed under the by the rampaging horde.
iron-banded wheels of heavy chariots.
The Mountain Road Waaagh! Kiknik quickly made up much of the time it had lost
and, before long, Kiknik found the trail that would lead away
Shortly after Kiknik’s warriors had finished picking over the from Winter’s Teeth and into the Grey Mountains. However,
corpses of the slain, warhorns sounded to the south and north- before he could give the order to ride north, a group of scouts
east, heralding the arrival of sizable mercenary companies returned with news of an approaching trade caravan, one
from nearby settlements. Malko was the breadbasket of the that would travel through the valley directly below them. Not
Border Princes and its trading partners relied too heavily one to miss a chance to snatch up some easy pickings, Kiknik
upon its markets to leave it undefended for long. Not wanting ordered a sizable cohort of his riders to take up position on the
to tussle with larger and more experienced forces, Kiknik other side of the pass and await the arrival of the traders.
chose this as his opportunity to vacate the Border Princes and
continue north-west. Renowned for their lack of patience and need for decisive
action, the Orcs and Goblins were itching for a scrap when
The route ahead of the nomads was not an easy one, as they the convoy of wagons and pack animals crawled into Winter’s
would need to cross Winter’s Teeth Pass before heading north Teeth Pass a day later. It took endless threats of gratuitous
along the Grey Mountains in order to reach the source of the violence from Kiknik and menacing growls from Chompa to
Waaagh! energy. With unseasonably late snow still choking stop the horde from leaping into action as soon as the convoy
the mountain passes, Kiknik and his warriors faced a series of drew into view; the Goblin Warboss would not have his
frustrating delays and setbacks which, given how quickly Orcs ambush ruined by impatient, half-witted brutes, no matter
and Goblins resort to bickering and infighting, could have seen how big they might be.
the Waaagh! disband entirely.
The convoy was composed of Dwarfen traders and craftsmen,
In the hopes of speeding up their advance, Kiknik urged travelling from Karak Izor to the free state of Sudenland –
Chompa to lead the way through the mountains – trusting the likely bearing a shipment of arms and armour to aid in the
cunning wolf to find the path of least resistance through the civil war raging within the Empire of Man. Alongside the
thick snow. Chompa did not disappoint, as he led the Nomadic Dwarfs, a company of Men stood vigil over the caravan, no
Waaagh! down game trails, over soaring peaks and along doubt hired by a nervous investor to protect the Dwarfs and
perilous ridgelines. Though this often narrow route was slow their precious cargo from bandits and mountain dwelling
going and, on more than one occasion, a misplaced step saw monsters. What awaited them in the pass, however, was not
chariots, boars and Orcs go tumbling over the edge of a cliff, it some mere band of poorly armed brigands or a tired, starving
proved much quicker than wading through the dense blanket creature in search of an easy meal.
of snow in the bottom of the valley.
Waaagh! Kiknik
Rampaging forth from the Pale Sisters, Waaagh! Spine-Cracker flooded into
northern Bretonnia, sending the provinces of Gisoreux and Couronne into
disarray. The Orcs and Goblins set the countryside ablaze and destroyed countless
villages as they went, their sheer numbers proving too much for the valiant
warriors of the northern dukedoms to defeat alone.

The Duke of Couronne made a plea for aid to King Louen, who swiftly declared
an Errantry War against Warboss Spine-Cracker. Marshalling scores of knights
from across Bretonnia, the King raced towards his embattled countrymen, ready to
meet the Orc horde with courage and steel.

Unbeknownst to the King of Bretonnia, a new threat was coming their way, as
Waaagh! Kiknik had thundered across the Badlands, sacked the Border Princes
and then sped towards Winter’s Teeth Pass. Having caught the foetid scent of the
Waaagh! energy surrounding Spine-Cracker’s horde, Kiknik and his Shamans knew
an almighty scrap was taking place, and they were not going to miss it!
P eering into the valley below, Kiknik and Chompa snarled at the sight of the Dwarfen caravan and its mercenary escort
crawling across the bottom of the snow-choked basin. The Warboss knew he had to strike quickly once the caravan
was in position, for it would soon pass within reach of a fortified outpost that guarded the trade route. Needing little
encouragement from his rider, Chompa let out a blood-chilling howl that echoed across the valley – signalling Kiknik’s
warriors to begin their attack…

Historical Recreation The Attacker

The attacker should write a single 2,500 points muster list
The Ambush at Winter’s Teeth Pass was fought between using the Nomadic Waaagh! Army of Infamy composition
Kiknik’s Nomadic Waaagh! and a Dwarfen trade caravan and list (see page 28). The General of this army must be Kiknik
their allies from the Empire. To represent this, the players Toofsnatcha (see page 34).
should write three muster lists (one for the attacker and two
for the defender) as follows: Defenders
The defender should write two muster lists, one representing
the guards of Chief Engineer Thundrid Ironbrow and the
other, an allied contingent representing their mercenary
company escort.

Dwarfen Guards: The defender should write a 1,000 points

muster list using the Dwarfen Mountain Holds Grand Army
composition list found in Forces of Fantasy. This force must
include a Dwarf Engineer who must be the army’s General.

Empire Escort: The defender should write a 1,500 points

Ambush at Winter’s Teeth Pass muster list using the Empire of Man Grand Army
composition list found in Forces of Fantasy.

Alternatively, this scenario may be played with any armies

of the players’ choosing. If so, the attacker should write a
single 2,500 points muster list. The defender should write two
muster lists, one of 1,000 points and another of 1,500 points.

Attacker’s Deployment Zone A
Goods Carts

18" Defender’s Deployment Zone 18"

12" 12"


Attacker’s Deployment Zone B

Set-up Scenario Special Rules
This battle takes place at the bottom of the snow-choked Late Snows: Any unit whose troop type is ‘infantry’ cannot
Winter’s Teeth Pass: a mountain road with steep cliffs on march unless they are on the open road way that runs across
either side. The battlefield should be left fairly barren, with the centre of the board. In addition, Goods Carts may not
only a few rocky outcroppings and areas of raised ground march unless they are on the open road.
placed sporadically across the battlefield. There should also be
an open road, approximately 6" wide, running down the centre Fleeing to Safety: Should any part of a unit in the defending
of the board from east to west. player’s force, or any of the Goods Carts, move into contact
with, or cross beyond, the eastern edge of the battlefield,
Deployment it is removed from play but is not destroyed. The unit has
The defender begins by deploying three Goods Carts (see successfully escaped the ambush and is well on its way to the
below) as shown on the map. Next, they deploy their entire safety of the outpost.
army anywhere within the defender’s deployment zone as
shown on the map. Then, the attacker splits their army into Victory!
two roughly equal halves; one of which is deployed anywhere Once the battle has ended, use Victory Points to determine
within attacker’s deployment zone A as shown on the map. which player is the winner, as described in the Warhammer:
The other half is then deployed anywhere within attacker’s the Old World rulebook. In addition, at the end of the game:
deployment zone B as shown on the map.
The defending player wins a bonus 100 Victory Points:
First Turn For each Goods Cart that escapes the battlefield via the
In this scenario, the attacker will automatically take the eastern table edge.
first turn. If the Dwarf Engineer escapes the battlefield via the
eastern table edge.
Game Length The attacking player wins a bonus 100 Victory Points:
The battle will last for 6 rounds, until one side concedes, or For each Goods Cart they have destroyed.
until the time limit agreed by the players is reached. If Kiknik Toofsnatcha slays the Dwarf Engineer.

Goods Carts: Wagons and carts flow constantly up and down the trade routes of the Old
World, filled to bursting with food, glittering gemstones and weapons of war.

Goods Cart - - - 4 5 3 - - -
Dwarf Crew (x1) - 4 4 3 - - 2 1 9
Draft Pony 6 2 - 3 - - 2 1 -

Troop Type: Light Chariot

Base Size: 75mm x 50mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 5+
Dwarf Crew: Hand weapon
Draft Pony: Iron-shod hooves (counts as a hand weapon)

Special Rules: Hatred (Orcs & Goblins), Impact Hits (1), Magic Resistance (-1),
Open Order, Resolute
Emerging from her lair, a Troll Hag shambles towards the enemy surrounded by jeering mobs of Orcs and Goblins.

A mob of Goblin Wolf Riders, armed with shortbows and mounted upon fleet-footed wolves.
A Goblin Rock Lobber, accompanied by an Orc Bully.

An Orc Warboss leads his Boar Boyz and Boar Chariots from the front, thundering towards the enemy
whilst Goblin Wolf Riders assail the foe with arrows from a safe distance.
An Orc Weirdboy mounted An Orc Bigboss bearing the A heavily armoured Orc Warboss,
on a War Boar. Battle Standard of the Warboss. armed with a great weapon.
A Black Orc Warboss, armed An Orc Bigboss mounted A Goblin Oddnob,
with a great weapon. on a War Boar. wielding a magical staff.
O rc and Goblin tribes have always been nomadic to some degree, only settling in a place for long enough to thoroughly
pillage the surrounding area before moving on. But some take this to the extreme, mounting War Boars and Giant
Wolves before riding to the horizon in search of new stomping grounds.

Beasts of Burden Full Tilt

When the first Orc and Goblin tribes settled in the Badlands, When a Nomadic Waaagh! first moves into a new area,
it was apparent that slogging across the landscape on foot was its arrival is heralded by Goblin Wolf Riders. These sneaky
not the most effective way to traverse this desolate wasteland. outriders will scout the area, hunting likely victims and on the
Thus did they learn to harness the wildlife indigenous to the lookout for loot, before making a hasty return to the rest of
region. The Orcs found a kinship with giant boars who, much the tribe. With a target established, the Orcs and Goblins will
like them, are ill-tempered and aggressive creatures, whilst the eagerly race into battle, the ground trembling under the weight
Goblins summoned all their cunning to bring Giant Wolves to of stomping hooves and rumbling chariot wheels.
heel – both rider and mount benefitting from the speed and
cruel intellect of the other. The vanguard of a Nomadic Waaagh! is filled with the
Warboss’ toughest warriors and their bad-tempered mounts,
Mounted upon enormous razor-tusked boars, the Orcs had thundering towards the enemy with weapons held ready.
found mounts that well-suited their simple brutality, quickly Ramshackle chariots pulled by pairs of boars follow closely
discovering that their own massive bulk combined with that behind, barrelling into the ranks of their foes with enough
of a charging swine to devastating effect. Those Goblins that momentum to shatter bone and crumple armour. Whilst the
survived the perilous task of taming a Giant Wolf found their Orcs charge headlong into the fray, Wolf Riders and wolf-
mounts to be fleet-footed and vicious, making them ideal drawn chariots race around the flanks of the enemy, eager to
scouts and outriders for the emerging Nomadic Waaaghs!, hunt down any hastily deployed war machines or vulnerable
harrying the flanks of the enemy before falling into an ‘orderly missile troops. Some of the more cunning and opportunistic
retreat’ when things began to look dangerous. Goblins will lag behind the battlelines entirely, hoping to
pillage the battlefield before their larger Orcish cousins claim
Cohorts of mounted Orcs and Goblins began to gather all the best loot for themselves.
together and raid much further afield than previously possible,
returning sporadically with vast hordes of ill-gotten loot and Though they started out in the Badlands, there have been tales
shiny trinkets from far-off lands as trophies of their victories. of these Nomadic Waaaghs! journeying throughout the known
Each time these warbands returned, their ranks would swell world. The fortified towns of the Border Princes are regularly
with Orcs and Goblins, inspired by stories of ferocious battles subjected to attacks as mounted warbands of raucous Orcs
with mysterious warriors and all the strange treasures that and Goblins make their way north, to the lands of Bretonnia
might await them. and the Empire, or eastwards, into the shattered hellscape of
the Darklands and beyond.

Looters & Raiders

Those who ride in a Nomadic Waaagh! often adorn their shields and banners with depictions of their mounts, with boar skulls
and Wolf paw prints emblazoned upon shields. The armoured plates that Orcs drape across their boars will often be dipped in
dyes to match the colours of the Warboss they fight beside.

Sporting blazing chariot wheels, furred tails and tusked maws, the banners and totems of Nomadic Waaaghs! vary from mob to
mob. Some bosses love the sound of their banner snapping in the wind as they ride, others prefer something with a little weight to
it and that can double as a skull smashing implement!

Mounted upon slathering Giant Wolves and snorting War Boars, and flanked by ramshackle chariots,
a nomadic horde of Orcs and Goblins bursts from the Badlands to loot and pillage.
T his Army of Infamy composition list is designed to be used with the Orc & Goblin Tribes army list found in
Ravening Hordes, and alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

If you wish to field a Nomadic Waaagh! army in your games of Warhammer: the Old World, you may write your muster list
using the Army of Infamy composition list below instead of the Grand Army composition list found in Ravening Hordes.
Over the following pages you will find new profiles and rules for certain models in your army, representing units unique to a
Nomadic Waaagh! army:

Army of Infamy Composition List

Characters Mercenaries
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on
mercenaries, including:
0-1 Black Orc Warboss or Black Orc Bigboss per Black Orc
Boar Chariot Badlands Ogre Bulls
0-1 Orc Warboss or Orc Weirdnob per 1,000 points 0-1 Bonegrinder Giant
Orc Bigbosses, Orc Weirdboys, Goblin Bosses and
Goblin Shamans Note that mercenary units are subject to the ‘Misbehaving
Mercenaries’ rules, as described on page 279 of the Warhammer:
Core the Old World rulebook.
At least 25% of your army’s points value must be spent on:

Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs and Goblin Wolf Chariots Battle Standard Bearer
If your General is an Orc Boss, 0-1 Boar Boy Mob may be A single Bigboss (Orc, Black Orc or Goblin) in your army
taken as a Core choice may be upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer for
If your General is a Black Orc Boss, 0-1 Black Orc Boar +25 points. In addition to their usual allowance of points
Chariot may be taken as a Core choice to spend on magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can
purchase a single magic standard with no points limit.
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Magic Items
Any models within this army that have the option to
Orc Boar Boy Mobs, Orc Boar Chariots and Snotling purchase magic items may purchase magic items from the
Pump Wagons Common or Orc & Goblin Tribes magic items lists.

Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

Black Orc Boar Chariots and Giants

Orc & Goblin Tribes Nomadic Waaagh!

O n this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules that apply to an army built using the
Nomadic Waaagh! Army of Infamy composition list. These are in addition to the Orc & Goblin Tribes special rules
found on page 45 of Ravening Hordes. In case of contradiction, the special rules below take precedence over the Orc &
Goblin Tribes special rules.

Cunning Hunters Hunting Packs

The Wolf Riders who hunt alongside a Nomadic Waaagh! have Though traditionally employed as skirmishers, some Wolf Rider
learned to encircle the enemy before the battle begins and launch mobs amass in larger numbers, allowing their wolves to get up close
their attacks from all sides. and personal with their prey.

Within a Nomadic Waaagh! army, any number of Goblin Wolf Any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob within a Nomadic Waaagh! army
Rider Mobs may have the Ambushers special rule at the cost may exchange the Open Order and Skirmishers special rules
of +1 point per model. In addition, Goblin Bosses and Goblin with the Close Order and Horde special rules.
Shamans that are mounted on a Giant Wolf may have the
Ambushers special rule at the cost of +10 points per model. On Da Move
Those in a nomadic Waaagh! who find themselves without a mount
Hit ’em Fast and Hit ’em ’Ard! are not only mocked by their mounted brethren, but risk being left
Boar Boyz are renowned for their hitting power, but those who behind when the Waaagh! races off to raid elsewhere.
spend a lifetime in the saddle know best how to hit the enemy where
it hurts. All characters within a Nomadic Waaagh! army must
be mounted.
Within a Nomadic Waaagh! army, any Orc model that is
mounted on a War Boar (Black Orc Bosses, Orc Bosses, Solitary Fighters
Orc Shamans and Orc Boar Boyz) gains the Impact Hits (1) Mounted atop chariots liberated from weaker Orcs, many Black
special rule. These Impact Hits are made using the Strength Orcs discover a new love for crumpin’ the enemy whilst careening
characteristic of the War Boar and have an Armour Piercing around the battlefield!
characteristic of -1. In addition, 0-1 Orc Boar Boyz Mob per
1,000 points may have the Vanguard special rule for +1 point Black Orc Bosses within a Nomadic Waaagh! army are not
per model. subject to the Da Boyz or Quell Impetuosity special rules.
F or those who dwell within the thriving metropolises of the Empire or Bretonnia, stories of Trolls are used to scare
children into behaving themselves. For those living in the fortified towns and hamlets of the Border Princes and
the Badlands, however, tales of these voracious monsters carry genuine warnings.

Brawn Over Brains Voracious Monsters

Trolls possess an insatiable appetite, their highly corrosive When Trolls gather in great numbers, they are far beyond the
stomach acid quickly breaking down whatever they consume, ability of sellsword companies and brave bands of common
even materials such as stone and metal. Left to its own devices, folk to deal with. Local rulers are forced to summon their
a Troll will eat its way through a herd of cattle, demolish warriors and draw the beasts into open battle, yet, even then
the contents of a storehouse or polish off a winter’s worth an army of significant size or peerless skill is needed to rout a
of crops in short order. Once a Troll moves into a food-rich horde of Trolls. With each Troll fighting with the strength of
location, it will fight to keep the place for itself and force the ten Men or more, a group of three or four of the slobbering
inhabitants to band together to have any hopes of dealing with dullards can swiftly sweep aside a company of spearmen or
the creature. halt a cavalry charge in its tracks.

Ridding their lands of one Troll is a great challenge for most, It is not only their immense physical prowess that makes
hence a mob of them will often send residents into a state Trolls so dangerous, but also their powerful regenerative
of panic – with many simply packing as much as they can capabilities – deep slashes in their hide knit back together,
carry and abandoning their homes. Those with more coin once-severed limbs begin to sprout from bloody stumps, and
at their disposal might hire mercenaries to deal with these wounds that should prove fatal seal themselves shut within
new neighbours, but for many sellswords, the risk of dying a moments. It is apparent that this ability to rapidly regenerate
horrible death at the hands of a couple of Trolls is simply not grows stronger in the presence of other Trolls, making a horde
worth it. that much harder to bring down.

Yet for all their ferociousness, Trolls are notoriously dim- Should a Troll Horde be left to roam across a kingdom
witted, a trait easily exploited by many Orc and Goblin tribes unchallenged, they will consume anything they can get
to coerce the creatures into joining their ranks with the their hands on, leaving the landscape barren and empty in
promise of plentiful food. In rare cases, groups of Trolls will their wake. Facing a vast army of Trolls on the battlefield
fall under the sway of a cunning Shaman, who often relies is not a challenge any ruler wishes to meet, yet, it is far
upon a combination of magical manipulation and a clever more favourable than having the Trolls eat their kingdom
disguise to control the brutes. into extinction.

Brutes of the Badlands

Trolls have never been known to carry banners or standards declaring their allegiance. However, they are known to mark the edges
of their territory with rocky cairns, often decorated with the remains of a Troll’s last meal or crudely crafted jewellery. Sometimes,
Men who live nearby will add to these ramshackle markers, warning travellers or would-be heroes of the dangers that lie ahead.

Goaded from their stinking lairs by an Orc Shaman’s promises of feasting and fighting,
unruly mobs of Stone, Common and River Trolls lead the Orc Waaagh! to battle.
T his Army of Infamy composition list is designed to be used with the Orc & Goblin Tribes army list found in
Ravening Hordes, and alongside the ‘Forming Units’ and ‘Warhammer Armies’ sections of the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

If you wish to field a Troll Horde army in your games of Warhammer: the Old World, you may write your muster list using the
Army of Infamy composition list below instead of the Grand Army composition list found in Ravening Hordes. Over the following
pages you will find new profiles and rules for certain models in your army, representing units unique to a Troll Horde army:

Army of Infamy Composition List

Characters Rare
Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on:

0-1 Orc Warboss or Orc Weirdnob per 1,000 points Giants

Orc Bigbosses, Orc Weirdboys, Goblin Bosses,
Goblin Shamans and Troll Hags Mercenaries
Up to 25% of your army’s points value may be spent on
Core mercenaries, including:
At least 33% of your army’s points value must be spent on:
Badlands Ogre Bulls
1 Troll Mob per 1,000 points 0-1 Bonegrinder Giant
0-1 additional Troll Mob may be taken as a Core choice
per Troll Hag taken Note that mercenary units are subject to the ‘Misbehaving
Orc Mobs, Goblin Mobs, Goblin Spider Rider Mobs and Mercenaries’ rules, as described on page 279 of the Warhammer:
Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs the Old World rulebook.

Up to 50% of your army’s points value may be spent on: Battle Standard Bearer
A single Bigboss (Orc or Goblin) in your army may
Troll Mobs and Goblin Wolf Chariots be upgraded to be your Battle Standard Bearer for
0-1 Orc Boar Boy Mobs per 1,000 points +25 points. In addition to their usual allowance of points
0-1 Orc Boar Chariots per 1,000 points to spend on magic items, a Battle Standard Bearer can
purchase a single magic standard with no points limit.

Magic Items
Any models within this army that have the option to
purchase magic items may purchase magic items from the
Common or Orc & Goblin Tribes magic items lists.

Orc & Goblin Tribes Troll Horde

O n this page you will find a full description for each of the army special rules that apply to an army built using the Troll
Horde Army of Infamy composition list. These are in addition to the Orc & Goblin Tribes special rules found on
page 45 of Ravening Hordes. In case of contradiction, the special rules below take precedence over the Orc & Goblin Tribes
special rules.

Enhanced Regeneration Troll Tongue

With so many Trolls in one place, their regenerative properties seem Though Troll Magic is a near-forgotten craft, some amongst the
to be in overdrive, slowed only by scorching flame, potent magic and Orc and Goblin tribes have learned these arcane secrets from the
legendary weapons. grotesque Troll Hags.

Models with the Regeneration (X+) special rule within a Troll In addition to the Lores of Magic they may normally know
Horde army may re-roll any failed Regeneration saves against spells from, Orc Shamans and Goblin Shamans within a Troll
Wounds caused by non-magical attacks. Horde army may know spells from the Lore of Troll Magic
(see page 44).
Oi! Dis Way!
To put it kindly, Trolls are remarkably unencumbered by intellect.
However, when someone with an authoritative voice gives them
simple instructions, they are incredibly effective shock troops,
capable of tearing a man limb from limb.

Unless the character is fleeing, friendly Troll Mobs within

a Troll Horde army that are within the Command range
of an Orc Shaman, Goblin Shaman or Troll Hag can use
the Leadership characteristic of that character instead of
their own.
G oblins are well-known to have ambition that far outstrips their ability to accomplish their lofty dreams. However,
every now and then, a Goblin is able to muster just enough savage cunning and treachery to rise up amongst not only
their kin, but within the ranks of their larger Orc cousins, and Kiknik Toofsnatcha is just such a Goblin.

From atop his enormous wolf, Chompa, the Goblin Warboss In recent times, Kiknik has turned his attention back to
Kiknik Toofsnatcha has carved out a bloody reputation as a the lands of the Old World. With dead things invading the
merciless raider throughout the Old World, and his Waaagh! Border Princes, the Empire tearing itself apart in civil war and
has left trails of devastation from the northern tip of the Waaagh! Spine-Cracker sweeping through Bretonnia, there
Empire to as far south as the Land of the Dead. are plenty of opportunities for the devious Warboss and his
boys to stuff their saddlebags with loot and ride into the sunset
Before finding the Giant Wolf, Kiknik was just like many other whilst people’s attention is elsewhere.
Goblins; cowardly, skittish and bullied by anything bigger than
him. Though there was little he could do about it, the constant
abuse he endured at the hands of his larger Orc cousins turned
the Goblin into a bitter and spiteful creature, who spent every
waking moment dreaming about the day he would have his
revenge upon his tormentors. What Kiknik never anticipated
however, was that his vengeance would come in the form of a
monstrous, white-furred wolf.

How Kiknik managed to tame Chompa without being eaten

on sight remains both a mystery and a legend, for each
retelling of the story is wildly different from the last. He once
boasted that he wrestled the Giant Wolf into submission.
Another time, a glance in the wolf’s direction was all Kiknik
had needed to have Chompa recognise him as its master. The
strangest account is an oddly wholesome tale about how he
had nursed the injured wolf back to health and, since then, the
two had formed an unshakeable bond.

Kiknik’s rise to power began the day he rode into camp atop
the colossal wolf, filled with a new-found confidence. One
by one, those who had tormented Kiknik were found in and
around the camp, their throats torn out in a savage display of
violence. Though no one had witnessed any of the killings, or
been foolish enough to admit that they had seen something,
the fresh blood that stained Chompa’s muzzle after each body
had been discovered was a clear enough sign that Kiknik was
no longer to be messed with.

Though Kiknik’s methods of leadership are not unusual and

the tactics his warriors employ are not uncommon amongst
Goblin Wolf Riders, who are notorious for their hit and run
attacks, his cunning ambushes have made Kiknik far more
Kiknik than most Goblin Warbosses could ever hope to be.
Kiknik has led his warriors far and wide in search of battle,
refining his methods in great running battles against the
horsemen of the open steppes, the Marauder tribes of the far
north and even against the noble warriors of Grand Cathay.
Kiknik Toofsnatcha
Kiknik Toofsnatcha is a Goblin Warboss. He may be included in any Orc & Goblin Tribes
army made using any army composition list that includes this option. He must be fielded as
presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Kiknik Toofsnatcha 4 5 3 4 4 3 5 4 8 105
Chompa 9 3 - 4 - - 3 2 - -

Troop Type: Light Cavalry (named character)

Base Size: 25 x 50 mm
Unit Size: 1
Kiknik Toofsnatcha: Da Boss’s Trophy Rack, Da Skull Smasha, cavalry spear,
shield and light armour
Chompa: Claws and fangs (counts as a hand weapon)

Special Rules: All Sneaky Like, Ambushers, Armour Bane (1, Chompa only), Kiknik Toofsnatcha
Armoured Hide (1), Chariot Runners, Fast Cavalry, Fear of Elves,
Impetuous, ’It & Run, Rallying Cry, Swiftstride, Warband “You do wot I say or
Chompa will ’ave ya
All Sneaky Like fer dinner!”
Kiknik’s packmates are excellent hunters that encircle the enemy before launching their attacks.
Kiknik Toofsnatcha
0-1 Goblin Wolf Rider Mobs in the same muster list as Kiknik may have the Ambushers ‘encouraging’ his warriors
special rule for free. In addition, you may apply a +1 or -1 modifier to the result when to make the climb over
rolling to determine if a Goblin Wolf Rider Mob with the Ambushers special rule that is Winter’s Teeth Pass
currently held in reserve arrives this turn as reinforcements or is delayed.

’It & Run

With a barked command from their leader, Kiknik’s riders fall back, ready to charge off in pursuit
of new prey.

Should they win a round of combat, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined
may choose to Fall Back in Good Order rather than making a follow up or pursuit move.

Da Boss’ Trophy Rack

Grisly trinkets swing from Kiknik’s trophy rack, striking fear into his enemies’ hearts.

During a turn in which he charged, Kiknik and any Goblin Wolf Rider Mob he has joined
cause Fear and receive a bonus of +1 combat result point.

Da Skull Smasha R S AP Special Rules

Hammer Combat S+2 -1 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks
Pick Combat S -2 Armour Bane (2), Magical Attacks,
Multiple Wounds (2)
Notes: Da Skull Smasha has two profiles. You must choose which Kiknik will use at the start of the
first round of combat.
E ven by the bemusing standards of Orc Shamans, Ogdruz Swampdigga is strange. So strange, in fact, that the members
of his tribe wanted nothing to do with him, expelling him from the relative safety of their camp to fend for himself in
the dangerous wilds of the Badlands.

A solitary existence would be a death sentence for most This change became apparent when a Giant stumbled upon
creatures forced to wander those arid prairies, but Ogdruz the Troll lair in search of a meal and quickly resorted to
did not fall foul of hulking Giants, black-feathered Carrion shouted threats and violence when its demands were not met.
or other hungry predators. Instead, he found a way to hide in Ogdruz leapt to the defence of his new tribe. He intended
plain sight. to unleash a bolt of Waaagh! magic towards the Giant, but
instead, a vast torrent of caustic bile erupted from the Orc,
Ogdruz’s salvation came in the form of a deceased Troll, soaking the Giant in burning vomit. The monstrous figure was
discovered whilst hiding from a dark shape soaring above the unprepared for such an assault and was knocked off-balance,
clouds. By skinning the creature and draping its pelt about his toppling to the ground with a deafening roar, where it was
shoulders, Ogdruz was able to summon his magic and tap into quickly set upon by the Trolls and, ironically, turned into an
the regenerative powers that clung to the ragged hide. Ogdruz impromptu feast.
was also hopeful that, with a few additions, any dim-witted
Trolls that he stumbled across would be confused for long Realising that his proximity to so many Trolls had had a
enough to allow him to slip away without being eaten. profound effect upon his magic, Ogdruz knew that if he could
draw more of the brutes to his side then nobody would ever
Little did he know, his new disguise would work far better than think to call him strange or kick him out of their tribe again.
anticipated, for the first group of Trolls he encountered saw Accompanied by his dim-witted bodyguards, Ogdruz set off
him as one of their own – albeit a little shorter than most of across the Badlands, wading through dense bogs in search of
their kind. Having been adopted by the brutes and taken back bulbous River Trolls and scouring the deepest caves to find
to their lair, Odgruz was presented to a grotesque Troll Hag rock-skinned Stone Trolls. It did not take long for him to
who began to fuss over what she thought was a malnourished gather a sizeable force of the voracious brutes, a feat that did
runt. In the weeks that followed, Ogdruz was force-fed not go unnoticed by Warboss Spine-Cracker, who had just
cup after cup of a foetid liquid brewed by the Hag in a vast unleashed his forces against the gallant knights of Bretonnia –
cauldron, and though Ogdruz did not suddenly sprout to the a crunchy delicacy to any right-minded Troll.
size of his new siblings, something else changed within him.

Ogdruz Swampdigga
Ogdruz Swampdigga
Ogdruz Swampdigga is an Orc Weirdnob. He may be included in any Orc & Goblin Tribes
army made using any army composition list that includes this option. He must be fielded as
presented here.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ogdruz Swampdigga 4 4 2 4 5 3 4 2 8 195

Troop Type: Regular Infantry (named character)

Base Size: 30 x 30 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Bog-wood staff, Troll-hide shawl and
Lore Familiar (see page 343 of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook)

Magic: Ogdruz Swampdigga is a Level 3 Wizard. He knows spells from the following
Lores of Magic:
Troll Magic Ogdruz Swampdigga

Special Rules: Choppas, Da Troll Calla, Ignore Goblin Panic, Protect Da Boss, “Remember ladz, chew yer
Syphoned Strength, Warband food all proper like, else
you’ll be sick! Hur, hur, hur!”
Da Troll Calla
The Trolls that follow Ogdruz do so knowing he leads them to find plenty of fresh meat – even if Ogdruz Swampdigga
that meat fights back!

Unless he is fleeing, friendly Troll Mobs within Ogdruz’s Command range may use his
Leadership characteristic instead of their own.

Protect Da Boss
The Trolls that accompany Ogdruz will dutifully shield him from harm.

This model cannot be targeted by enemy shooting or by enemy spells whilst it is within 3"
of a friendly Troll Mob, unless this model is the closest target.

Syphoned Strength
Ogdruz has learned to empower his magic by drawing on the physical strength of his Trolls.

Whilst Ogdruz Swampdigga is within 3" of a friendly Troll Mob with a Unit Strength of 6
or more that is not fleeing, he may apply a +1 modifier to any Casting roll he makes.

Trollhide Shawl
Though it stinks, this bedraggled garment of rotted Trollhide helps keep Ogdruz safe from harm.

Ogdruz Swampdigga improves his armour value by 1. In addition, he has the Regeneration
(5+) and Flammable special rules.

R S AP Special Rules
Bog-wood Staff Combat S+2 -1 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands.
Notes: For each unsaved Wound inflicted with this weapon, Ogdruz may recover a lost Wound.
Troll Hags
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Troll Hag 5 2 2 6 5 6 2 3 8 235

Troop Type: Behemoth (character)

Base Size: 60 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Gnarled stump (counts as a hand weapon), Troll vomit, swamp breath and
scaly skin (counts as heavy armour)

Magic: A Troll Hag is a Level 1 Wizard. Every Troll Hag knows spells from one of the
following Lores of Magic:
Battle Magic
Troll Magic

Troll Hags A Troll Hag may:
Giant River Troll Hags are Be a Level 2 Wizard ..........................................................................................................+35 points
loathsome creatures, far Purchase magic items up to a total of ............................................................................50 points
larger and more dangerous
than their kin. The sight Special Rules: Close Order, Flammable, Immune to Psychology, Indiscriminate Hunger,
of one shambling from the Large Target, Motherly Love, Regeneration (5+), Slimy Shanks,
water in pursuit of her prey, Stomp Attacks (D6), Stupidity, Terror, Timmm-berrr!, Unbreakable
her massive bulk glistening
with pungent swamp slime, Indiscriminate Hunger
is truly terrifying. Yet, Troll A Troll Hag’s appetite is both ravenous and indiscriminate. In battle, they will scoop up handfuls
Hags are also, and quite of enemy warriors or bite chunks of flesh from hulking monsters.
inexplicably, filled with
powerful motherly instincts During the Command sub-phase of its turn, a Troll Hag that is engaged in combat may
that give rise to strange acts choose to make an ‘Indiscriminate Hunger’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit
of affection towards their that the Troll Hag is engaged in combat with. The unit must immediately make an
enemies. In the heat of battle, Initiative test:
it is not unheard of for a
Troll Hag to gather enemy If this test is failed, the Troll Hag scoops warriors into her gaping maw or sinks her filthy
warriors and monsters alike fangs into the flesh of a monster. The target unit immediately loses a single Wound.
into a powerful embrace, or If this test is passed, the enemy manages to avoid the grasping Troll Hag. This attack has
to attempt to discipline those no effect.
that raise arms against her
as if they were nothing more Each time an enemy unit loses a Wound as a result of an Indiscriminate Hunger attack, the
than exuberant children. Troll Hag recovers a single lost Wound.
Unfortunately, such displays
of affection from a creature
so large and clumsy often
prove fatal.
Troll Hags
Motherly Love
Troll Hags are affectionate creatures, prone to treating enemies as wayward children in need of Character
guidance or affection. Unfortunately, few creatures are able to withstand such treatment for long.

Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Troll Hag may choose to make
a ‘Motherly Love’ attack. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Troll Hag is engaged
in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Motherly Love table below to
determine what the Troll Hag does:

Motherly Love Table

D6 Result
1-2 Smother: The Troll Hag throws her massive arms around the foe in a terrible
embrace. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over
the centre of the target unit. Any model (friend or foe, but not including this
model) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit and suffering a
single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this model, with an AP of -2.
3-4 Mother: The Troll Hag chastises her foe as if it were a wayward offspring.
Nominate a single model in the fighting rank of the target unit to be the target
of this attack. That model is hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or Troll Hags
Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal). In addition to their size
5-6 Mither: The Troll Hag bombards the enemy with a tirade of slaps and a torrent and strength, Troll Hags
of unintelligible Trollish invective. The target unit suffers D6+1 hits, each using are possessed of an innate
the Strength characteristic of this model, with no armour save permitted (Ward ability to shape the Winds
and Regeneration saves can be attempted as normal). In addition, so shocked of Magic as they stir the
is the target unit that, until the end of this turn, it suffers a -1 modifier to its brackish waters in which
Leadership characteristic. they dwell. Though these
abilities are crude and their
Slimy Shanks mastery of magic limited,
The thick coating of swamp slime covering the Troll Hag’s body makes landing a blow upon her when the Winds of Magic
exceedingly difficult. blow strong, a Troll Hag can
summon forth impressive
Any enemy model that directs its attacks against this model during the Combat phase arcane power. Her curses
suffers a -1 modifier to its rolls To Hit. addle the wits of her enemies
and her gestures summon
R S AP Special Rules storms of foetid swamp water
Troll vomit Combat 3 -2 - to drown the foe. So potent
Notes: A Troll Hag that is in base contact with an enemy model may make one additional attack is the power of a Troll Hag
each turn with this weapon. This attack must be made last, after all other attacks have been made that Orc Warbosses will go
(including Stomp Attacks), but hits automatically. to great lengths to lure one
from her watery lair, offering
R S AP Special Rules up many a live Goblin as bait.
Swamp breath N/A 3 -2 Breath Weapon With her belly full, a Troll
Notes: Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic Hag can be easily convinced
test as if it had taken heavy casualties. to accompany an Orc horde
onto the field of battle.

Troll Mother
Any army made using the Orc & Goblin Tribes Grand Army composition list that
includes one or more Troll Mobs may include 0-1 Troll Hag as a Rare choice.
Badlands Ogre Bulls
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7 31
Crusher 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7 +7

Troop Type: Monstrous infantry

Base Size: 40 x 40 mm
Unit Size: 3+
Equipment: Hand weapons and light armour

Any model in the unit may take one of the following:
Additional hand weapon..............................................................................+3 points per model
Great weapon...................................................................................................+4 points per model
Ironfist................................................................................................................+4 points per model
Any unit may:
Upgrade one model to a Crusher (champion)..........................................+6 points per unit
Badland Ogres Upgrade one model to a standard bearer...................................................+6 points per unit
Ogres are large, brutish Upgrade one model to a Bellower (musician)...........................................+6 points per unit
creatures that stand twice Purchase a magic standard worth up to........................................................................50 points
the height of a Man, with Replace light armour with heavy armour..............................................+4 points per model
powerful arms, thick skulls,
and with an appetite for Special Rules: Armour Bane (1), Close Order, Fear, Impact Hits (1), Mercenaries,
violence matched only Motley Crew, Ogre Charge
by their appetite for
food. Though lacking the Ogre Charge
intelligence of other races, Ogres barge into combat using their great lumbering mass as a weapon, harnessing their
they are blessed with an tremendous momentum to crush anything they collide with.
insatiable curiosity that leads
them to travel throughout The Armour Piercing characteristic of any Impact Hits caused by a model with this special
both civilised nations and rule is improved by the current Rank Bonus of its unit.
the wild places of the Old
World. The Badlands hold R S AP Special Rules
a particular appeal for Ironfist Combat S - Extra Attacks (1), Requires Two Hands
wandering Ogres, for there Notes: A model equipped with an Ironfist improves its armour value by 1.
are few places where they
can test their mettle against
such a large array of foes; Dogs Of War
Orcs, Trolls and Giants Badlands Ogre Bulls may be taken as Mercenaries in any army made using any Grand
alike are ideal for a cohort Army composition list that includes a Mercenaries category.
of battle-hungry Ogres to
sharpen their skills and Note that mercenary units are subject to the ‘Misbehaving Mercenaries’ rules, as described on
quiet their rumbling bellies. page 279 of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.
Hired into the service of
both the denizens of the
Border Princes and Orc
war parties,
Badlands Ogrethese
of fortune are able to keep
their pockets heavy with
coin, their bellies full and
lust for battle satisfied in this
dangerous wasteland.
Black Orc Boar Chariots
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Chariot - - - 5 5 4 - - - 130
Black Orc Crew (x2) - 4 3 4 4 - 3 1 8 -
War Boars (x2) 7 3 - 3 - - 3 1 - -

Troop Type: Heavy Chariot

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm
Unit Size: 1
Armour Value: 3+
Black Orc Crew: Hand weapons
War Boars: Tusks (counts as hand weapons)

Each Black Orc Crew must take one of the following:
Additional hand weapon.....................................................................................................+1 point Black Orc Chariots
Great weapon........................................................................................................................+2 points Orcs love finding new and
May have a standard (counts as a standard bearer).....................................................+10 points innovative ways to crump
their opponents, and
Special Rules: Choppas, Close Order, First Charge, Furious Charge (Black Orc Crew only), generally unleash destruction
Ignore Panic, Impact Hits (D6+1), Tusker Charge in the most creative way
they can think of – which,
given their straightforward
Representing This Unit In Your Games approach to warfare, usually
A Black Orc Boar Chariot can be easily represented by replacing the crew of an Orc just involves hacking away
Boar Chariot with Black Orc models. with something choppy. Black
Orcs are no exception to
this, and quickly bullied their
Character Mount: A Black Orc Boar Chariot may be included in your army as a way into owning chariots of
character’s mount, as follows. If so, its points are added to that of its rider. their own after witnessing
the wanton destruction
A Black Orc Warboss or Bigboss may be mounted on a: they could unleash on the
Black Orc Boar Chariot............................................................................................+130 points battlefield. Ever since, Black
Orcs have been seen riding
alongside Nomadic Waaaghs!,
careening into the enemy
at top speed in their rickety
chariots, with their favourite
choppas in hand and wide,
toothy grins across their faces.

Black Orc Boar Chariots

Bonegrinder Giants
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Points
Bonegrinder Giant 6 3 1 7 6 8 3 * 10 300

Troop Type: Behemoth

Base Size: 50 x 100 mm (min) 100 x 150 mm (max)
Unit Size: 1
Equipment: Bonegrinder Giant’s club and calloused hide (counts as light armour)
Special Rules: Bonegrinder Giant Attacks, Close Order, Immune to Psychology,
Large Target, Mercenaries, Stomp Attacks (D6+1), Terror,
Timmm-berrr!, Unbreakable

R S AP Special Rules
Bonegrinder Combat * * *
Giant’s club
Notes: *A Bonegrinder Giant’s club may have different characteristics and special rules depending
upon what they do with it, as described in the Bonegrinder Giant Attacks special rules.
Bonegrinder Giants
For reasons unknown, Giants Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
continue to increase in size Bonegrinder Giants do not attack in the same way as other creatures. They are far too large and
throughout their lives, their fractious to take orders and much too scatter-brained to have any sort of coherent plan.
forms becoming ever more
lumpen and awkward with Instead of attacking normally during the Combat phase, a Bonegrinder Giant must make a
each passing year as their ‘Bonegrinder Giant Attack’. To do so, nominate an enemy unit that the Bonegrinder Giant
limbs continue to stretch and is engaged in combat with to be the target of the attack and roll on the Bonegrinder Giant
grow. Thus are the largest Attacks table below. The Troop Type of the target unit determines whether it is a ‘little
and oldest of Giants known thing’, a ‘big thing’ or a ‘bigger thing’:
to the folk of the Old World
as ‘Bonegrinders,’ both for Little Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘regular infantry’, ‘heavy infantry’, ‘swarms’,
their habit of eating the ‘light cavalry’, ‘heavy cavalry’ or ‘war beasts’.
smaller creatures they prey Big Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘monstrous infantry’, ‘monstrous cavalry’,
upon whole, bones and all, ‘light chariot’ or ‘war machine’.
and for their awkwardness Bigger Things: Units whose Troop Type is ‘heavy chariot’, ‘monstrous creature’
of gait, caused by visibly or ‘behemoth’.
painful joints and twisted
limbs. Fortunately, such Bonegrinder Giant Attacks Table
towering behemoths are D6 Little Things Big Things Bigger Things
rare in civilised lands, having 1-2 Crush Underfoot Crush Underfoot Wallop
been driven into the wild 3-4 Grind its Bones Vomit Mighty Swing
places of the world by bold 5-6 Vomit Mighty Swing ’Eadbutt
knights and adventuring
heroes eager to slay a foul
monster andGiants
Bonegrinder earn great
renown. There are said to be
so few of these creatures now,
that there are more skulls
belonging to Bonegrinder
Giants decorating the Slayer-
halls of Karak Kadrin, than
wandering the wilds of the
Old World!
Bonegrinder Giant Attacks
Crush Underfoot: The Bonegrinder Giant stomps heavily upon the enemy. Place a large Monster
(5") blast template so that its central hole is directly over the centre of the target unit.
Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the
template risks being hit and suffering a single hit, using the Strength characteristic of this
model, with an AP of -3.

’Eadbutt: The Bonegrinder Giant squints angrily at their enemy and ’eadbutts them.
The target unit suffers a single hit and suffers D3+1 wounds with no armour or
Regeneration saves permitted (Ward saves can be attempted as normal).

Grind its Bones: Faced with rank upon rank of bite-sized snacks, the Bonegrinder Giant
tries to gobble up enemies by the handful. Every model within the fighting rank of the
target unit must immediately make an Initiative test:

Those unable to escape the grasping hands of the Bonegrinder Giant are scooped up and
eaten whole. Every model that fails this test is removed from play as a casualty.
Those able to duck or dodge away from the Bonegrinder Giant’s grasping hands escape a
terrible fate. Every model that passes this test remains unharmed. Bonegrinder Giants
Though not especially evil
Note that any characters in the fighting rank of the target unit can make a “Look Out, Sir!” roll, as creatures, Bonegrinder
if their unit had been hit by a shooting attack. Giants are viewed as
destructive brutes that wreak
Mighty Swing: The Bonegrinder Giant swings its club at its enemies. The target unit havoc wherever they pass,
suffers D6+1 hits from the Bonegrinder Giant’s club. For this attack, the Bonegrinder their nomadic wandering
Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+1 and an AP of -2. occasionally bringing them
through homesteads and
Vomit: Peering down at such tiny creatures makes the Bonegrinder Giant dizzy and hamlets which are destroyed
messily sick! Place a flame template so that the narrow end touches the edge of this model’s by their clumsiness and left
base that is in contact with the target unit and the broad end is over the target unit. barren by their hunger. In
Any model (friend or foe, but not including this model) whose base lies underneath the truth, when a Bonegrinder
template risks being hit and suffering a single Strength 5 hit with an AP of -2. stumbles upon a settlement,
it will be eager to impress the
Wallop: The Bonegrinder Giant grasps its club two-handed and cracks its enemy on the inhabitants with its size and
head. The Bonegrinder Giant makes a single attack against the target unit. For this attack, strength. Bonegrinders, being
the Bonegrinder Giant’s club has a Strength characteristic of S+3, an AP of -4 and the bullies first and foremost,
Multiple Wounds (2D3) special rule. reason that those meek
creatures that farm livestock
and brew beer will, when
Dogs Of War suitably intimidated, gather
0-1 Bonegrinder Giant may be taken as a Mercenary in any of the following Grand their bounty and present
Army composition lists: it without a fight. Alas,
Bonegrinders are so clumsy
Orc & Goblin Tribes that they often misjudge the
Warriors of Chaos fine line between intimidated
Beastmen Brayherds and squashed flat. At which
point, the disappointed Giant
Note that mercenary units are subject to the ‘Misbehaving Mercenaries’ rules, as described on will simply take what it wants
page 279 of the Warhammer: the Old World rulebook. before moving on.
B rought to bear by grotesque Troll Hags, and the few Orc and Goblin Shamans that have been lucky enough to learn
from these ‘motherly’ figures, the Lore of Troll Magic is foul and foetid in nature. How this odd arcane tradition first
came into being is lost to time for the more learned races of the Old World, but studies suggest that it traces back to the
time of the Old Ones and perhaps shares a similar heritage to the Waaagh! magic of the Orc and Goblin tribes.

Despite its primitive appearance, Troll Magic is as potent

on the battlefield as any other form of arcane power, as its
practitioners conjure forth great torrents of corrosive bile and
whirlpools of foul liquid that sunder and soil all they touch.
It isn’t just these deadly cascades of disgusting slop that are
cause for concern, however, as the magic’s seeping influence
can addle and slow the minds of the Wizard’s enemies and
reduce them to little more than a rabble of babbling fools.

Though this kind of magic has become more rare as the

years have passed, there are some who still wield it with
devastating effect. Like all power in this world, the potency
of Troll Magic does not come without cost, and those who
disregard the physical strain it takes to wield such magic, find
their bodies warping and twisting in grotesque fashion. More
than once has an Orc or Goblin Shaman greedily channelled
too much Troll Magic in too short a time, only to suddenly
find themselves covered in hardened scales or sporting a new,
clawed hand and slack-jawed expression!

Troll Magic
In addition to the Lores of Magic detailed in the Warhammer:
the Old World rulebook, some Wizards, especially those with
an affinity for Trolls, may know spells from the Lore of Troll
Magic. As usual, if it is stated that a Wizard knows spells from
Lore of Troll Magic one of a number of given Lores of Magic, you must choose one
of these Lores when writing your muster list.

Big Smartz (Signature Spell)

Gesturing lazily with a crooked staff, the caster enhances and
sharpens the minds of those nearby, giving them a clearer look
upon the world.

Type: Enchantment
Casting Value: 8+
Range: Self
Effect: Remains in play. Whilst this spell is in play,
friendly units within the Command range of this model
may re-roll any failed Stupidity tests. Additionally, if a
friendly unit within the Command range of this model
when this spell is cast failed its Stupidity test during
the Start of Turn sub-phase of the same turn, it may
immediately make this test again.
1. Acidic Bile 4. Foetid Whirlpool
Spitting a guttural incantation, the caster launches a ball of A deluge of foul swamp water and unmentionable waste is spun
sickly green and yellow Troll vomit toward the enemy, scorching into a swirling tornado and unleashed onto the battlefield.
flesh and dissolving armour.
Type: Magical Vortex
Type: Magic Missile Casting Value: 9+
Casting Value: 8+ Range: 18"
Range: 18" Effect: Remains in Play. Place a small (3") blast template
Effect: Place a small (3") blast template so that its central so that its central hole is within 18" of the caster.
hole is directly over the centre of the target enemy unit. Whilst in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain.
Once placed, the template will scatter D3+1". Any enemy The template moves D6" in a random direction during
model whose base lies underneath the template’s final every Start of Turn sub-phase. Any enemy unit the moving
position risks being hit (as described on page 95 of the template touches or moves over suffers D3+3 Strength 4
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook) and suffering a hits, each with an AP of -2.
Strength 3 hit with an AP of -2.
5. Torrent Of Filth
2. Troll Brainz
With an almighty belch, the caster heaves a stream of burning
Under the beguiling influence of this crude magic, even the most bile across their foes as the battlelines clash.
experienced warriors can quickly find themselves hopelessly
confused and at a loss for what to do. Type: Assailment
Casting Value: 8+
Type: Hex Range: Combat
Casting Value: 9+ Effect: Place a flame template so that the narrow end
Range: 15" touches the caster’s base edge and the broad end is over a
Effect: Remains in Play. Whilst this spell is in play, the unit they are engaged in combat with. Any model (friend or
target enemy unit becomes subject to the Stupidity special foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being hit
rule and reduces their Leadership characteristic by 1. and suffering a single Strength 3 hit with an AP of -2.

3. Ravenous Recourse 6. Rapid Regeneration

Through arcane means or by simply being reminded how hungry Drawing on the regenerative properties of the Trolls, the caster
they are, the assembled Trolls race forward with a sudden burst channels that enhanced healing towards those in harm’s way.
of vigour.
Type: Enchantment
Type: Conveyance Casting Value: 9+
Casting Value: 8+ Range: 12"
Range: Self Effect: Until the end of your next Start of Turn sub-
Effect: Until the end of this turn, all friendly units that have phase, the target friendly unit gains the Flammable and
the Stupidity special rule and are within 12" of the caster Regeneration (5+) special rules.
gain a +2 modifier to their Movement characteristic.
The following pages expand upon the Orc & Goblin Tribes magic items found in
Ravening Hordes. These magic items are unique to Orc & Goblin Tribes armies and
can be purchased in exactly the same way as Common magic items, as described in the
Warhammer: the Old World rulebook.

Extremely Common Magic Items: Any magic item marked with an asterisk (*)
is considered to be extremely common, as described in the Warhammer: the Old
World rulebook.

Magic Weapons
Bigger, Choppier Axe..................................................................................... 55 Points
Loot & Plunder While Warbosses love having a big, choppy axe, there is nothing they love more than a bigger,
Nomadic Orc and Goblin choppier axe!
tribes are enthusiastic raiders
and thieves. They descend R S AP Special Rules
upon the fragile outposts Bigger, Choppier Combat S+2 -2 Killing Blow, Magical Attacks,
of civilisation that scatter Axe Requires Two Hands, Strikes Last
the Border Princes and the
heavily defended merchant Martog’s Best Basha......................................................................................50 Points
caravans that regularly cross Warboss Martog the Mauler was renowned for his vast collection of ‘legitimately acquired’
the Badlands, bringing only weapons. The most prized of which was a massive Dwarfen hammer, covered with intricately
violence and taking any carved runes and (since Martog’s acquisition of the weapon) plenty of Dwarfen blood.
treasures they can carry.
Amongst this loot they often R S AP Special Rules
discover enchanted weapons, Martog’s Combat S+1 -2 Magical Attacks, Requires Two Hands
armour and more. Such Best Basha
items are prized by their new Notes: The wielder of this weapon has a +1 modifier to its Weapon Skill and
owners and, once suitably Initiative characteristics.
modified to fit their forms,
become symbols of strength Da Akrit Axe ..................................................................................................30 Points
and prowess. So much so, in In battle, this weapon seems to writhe in the hands of its wielder, seeking out the enemy’s most
fact, that the most precious vulnerable spots.
of stolen artefacts frequently
change hands, eventually R S AP Special Rules
finding their way into the Da Akrit Axe Combat S+1 - Armour Bane (1), Magical Attacks
possession of the biggest Notes: The wielder of Da Akrit Axe may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit made whilst using it.
Orc Warbosses and the However, this weapon’s Strength modifier only applies during the first round of combat.
sneakiest and most cunning
Goblin Oddnobs. Backstabber’s Blade* .....................................................................................25 Points
Being bigger and meaner than most, Orcs are happy to fight anyone, anywhere. Goblins on the
other hand, are far happier sticking the pointy end of their blades into their foe’s back.
Orc & Goblin Tribes Magic Items
R S AP Special Rules
Backstabber’s Combat S+1 -1 Magical Attacks
Notes: Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin Bosses only. If the wielder of this weapon is engaged with
an enemy’s flank arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Wound. If the wielder of this weapon is
engaged with an enemy’s rear arc, it may re-roll any failed rolls To Hit and To Wound.
Magic Armour Magic Standards
Dead ’Ard Armour.............................................35 Points Da Angry Ladz Flag ..........................................35 Points
This battle-scarred armour is made up of thick armour plates Those who fight under Da Angry Ladz Flag hurl themselves at the
capable of turning aside the most telling of blows. enemy with careless abandon.

Black Orc Bosses and Orc Bosses whose troop type is ‘infantry’, A unit carrying Da Angry Ladz Flag gains the Frenzy
‘cavalry’ or ‘chariot’ only. The Dead ’Ard Armour is a suit special rule.
of full plate armour. In addition, its wearer improves their
Toughness characteristic by 1. Da Spider Banner ..............................................35 Points
Created by the Forest Goblins of the Rootgrubba tribe, this
Spiteful Shield ....................................................20 Points unsettling banner depicts their fearsome arachnid god, whom the
Possessed by an angry spirit and adorned with an enchanted tribe reveres alongside Gork and Mork.
maw filled with razor-sharp teeth, this shield snaps and snarls at
unwary opponents. A unit carrying Da Spider Banner gains the Poisoned Attacks
special rule. If the unit already has the Poisoned Attacks
The Spiteful Shield is a shield. In addition, any enemy model special rule, then their attacks will wound automatically on a
that rolls a natural 1 when making a roll To Hit or To Wound roll of a natural 5 or 6 To Hit, rather than the usual 6.
against the wielder of the Spiteful Shield during the Combat
phase immediately suffers a Strength 4 hit with an AP of -. Da Banner Of Da Nomadz ..............................25 Points
Though their Waaagh! takes them the length and breath of the
Talismans known world, those who carry this banner seldom seem to tire and
are constantly on the move.
Sparkly Wizard Finda ......................................45 Points
Disappointingly, this arcane gem has never helped find a single When a unit carrying Da Banner of Da Nomadz makes a
sparkly Wizard, though it does shine brightly when used to beat one Charge, Flee or Pursuit roll, it may re-roll any dice that roll
to a bloody pulp! a natural 1, before discarding any dice that are required to
be discarded.
The bearer of the Sparkly Wizard Finda has the Magic
Resistance (-2) and Hatred (enemy Wizards) special rules. Banner Of The Wildz .......................................20 Points
The multitude of natural elements used in the construction of
Effigy Of Mork ...................................................35 Points this ramshackle standard seem to possess some minor magical
Be it a string of lucky escapes, arcane enchantment, or perhaps the enchantment, allowing those who carry it to traverse through foetid
divine intervention of the cunning (yet brutal) Mork, this small swamps, dense forests and rocky slopes without pause.
trinket seems to keep the wearer out of danger.
A unit carrying the Banner of the Wildz gains the
Any model that directs its attacks against the bearer of the Move through Cover special rule.
Effigy of Mork during the Combat phase suffers a -1 modifier
to its rolls To Hit.
Enchanted Items
Necklace Of Blessed Teef.................................50 Points Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At........................................25 Points
Plucked from the jaws of enemies and fashioned into crude With the overpowering need to bash skulls removed from their
jewellery, the teef that hang from this necklace have been blessed mind, the wearer might now think twice about charging headlong
by Mork (or possibly Gork) to protect the wearer as they thunder into an Empire artillery battery!
into battle.
The wearer of Da Thinkin’ Orc’s ’At improves their Initiative
The bearer of the Necklace of Blessed Teef may re-roll any characteristic by 1. In addition, the wearer and any unit they
Armour Save roll, Ward Save roll or Regeneration Save roll of have joined is not subject to the Impetuous special rule.
a natural 1.
Arcane Items
Grisly Trophy Rack...........................................30 Points
Covered in the decaying scalps and flayed skulls of conquered Staff Of Baduumm ............................................55 Points
enemies, this totem is a foul reminder of the fate that awaits those Once carried by the famous Orc Shaman Baduumm, this charred
who fall to the boss’ blade. wooden staff still contains large reserves of the raw Waaagh! power
that evaporated its namesake.
Black Orc Bosses, Orc Bosses, Goblin Bosses and Night Goblin
Bosses only. All enemy units within 6" of the bearer of the The bearer of the Staff of Baduumm applies a +D3 modifier
Grisly Trophy Rack suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership to the result of any Casting roll they make. However, if they
characteristic (to a minimum of 2). roll a natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll,
centre a 5" blast template over the bearer. Every model (friend
or foe) whose base lies underneath the template risks being
hit and suffering a single Strength 6 hit with an AP of -1. The
staff is then destroyed and cannot be used again.

Note that this item’s effects are in addition to the effects of rolling a
natural double 1 or double 6 when making a Casting roll.

Idol Of Gork ......................................................40 Points

Before heading into a scrap, Orc and Goblin Shamans will craft
small idols of Gork, the most brutal (but cunning) of deities to aid
them in crumpin’ their enemies and disrupting their magic.

The bearer of the Idol of Gork increases the range of all of

their spells by 3". Additionally, once per turn, the bearer of the
Idol of Gork may re-roll a Casting roll.

Da Hag’s Brew ....................................................25 Points

Few are sure on exactly what goes into the foetid drink, but its effect
is undeniable, imbuing the drinker with the ability to harness the
dank magic of the Troll Hags.

Orc Shamans, Goblin Shamans and Night Goblin Shamans

only. In addition to the Lores of Magic they may normally
know spells from, the bearer of Da Hag’s Brew may know
spells from the Lore of Troll Magic (see page 44).

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