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com’s European
Distribution Strategy : Case

 Established in the year 1998.

 Started with the acquisition of Kingdom) and
 Amazon international comprises of Amazon Europe and Amazon Japan, 35% of total
 To sustain its growth Amazon has replicated the broad array of product line structure of U.S
into Europe.
 It is expected that Amazon Europe would exceed Amazon U.S in terms of revenue by 2004

Evolution of Amazon’s Supply Chain and Distribution system in the US

 1995 – 1998 : Establishing
 1999 : Building additional fulfillment infrastructure.
 2000-2002 : Optimizing the customer

Amazon in Europe
• Challenge in Europe
• Assessing the EDN opportunity
• Impact of the implementation oft the EDN
• Hope on EDN
• Design the EDN
What distribution strategy would you recommend to Amazon in Europe? Explain
the alternatives evaluated & justify your recommendation.

 Dependent in part on the functions of the DCs in the EDN, with three approaches..
 Continuing with its current strategy of holding inventory in all three DCs.
 Selectively sharing inventory among European sites
 Three DC’s inventories physically mixed, based on demand patterns and inventory
and transportation costs.
Challenge in Europe

 Hard to decrease the shipping costs

 Cost cutting
 Restructuring effort to reach profitability
 Unify the marketing and branding functions

 Did Amazon need three independent distribution centers in UK, Germany and France or
build a European Distribution Network (EDN)?
Assessing the EDN opportunity

EDN = European Distribution Network Internal Impact

Decentralized model  Redesign its transportation process

Possible Benefit of EDN

 Staff retraining
 Infrastructure cost
 Expand product selection through DCs.
 Facilitate global sourcing at the global network.
Educate the customer to associate a different
 Reduce the risk of relying on a single DC. shipping price to the delivery service level
 Improve customers’ experience. Implement “ postal injection” , seek better
terms from a pan-European carrier.
 Expand into other countries from current DCs.
Recommended Strategy

 Amazon Europe should consider third choice i.e. the Amazon Europe’s operations should
be integrated fully, with three sites’ inventories physically mixed, based on demand
patterns and inventory and transport cost.
 Once implemented this design would prove very cost effective although it requires
analysis of demand patterns, cost, transportation options, IT requirements.
 It’s necessary to reduce the gap between split orders and the cost associated in fulfilling

 Implement European distribution network(EDN).

 Centralize management office in the UK in order to perform more operations.
 Create cross-docking enabled warehouses, preferably in Southern Europe where higher
demand is observed.
 Make use of strategic order fulfillment to minimize lead time
 Utilize strategic inventory distribution to reduce cost.
 By continuing free shipping for local products, extending the use of postal injection for
some high demand products.
Recommendations Contd.

 Leveraging Amazon techniques:

1. Drop-shipping
2. Pick profiles
3. Technology Investment.
 Full truck loads from DC’s to major cities.
 Reduce postal service charges, maintain low shipping cost and offer free shipping in some
new places.

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