The SOF AT&L mission is to provide rapid and focused acquisition, technology, and acquisition logistics support to SOF Warfighters. To accomplish this mission, SOF AT&L comprises eight Program Executive Offices (Fixed Wing, Maritime, Rotary Wing, SOF Support Activity, SOF Warrior, Services, SOF Digital Applications and Tactical Information Systems) and five Directorates (Comptroller, Enterprise Information Systems, Logistics, Procurement, and Science & Technology). Together, they manage and support the development, acquisition, and fielding of critical items to enable a no-fail mission for the SOF Warfighter. SOF AT&L executes its mission and accelerates the force by following four key acquisition principles:

  • Delivers capability to the user expeditiously​
  • Exploits proven techniques and methods 
  • Keeps Warfighters involved throughout the process 
  • Takes risk and manages it 

​On an average, SOF AT&L delivers more than 100 aircraft; 700 tactical vehicles; 4,000 weapon systems; 20 million munitions; ​ 3,000 radios; 2,000 C4I items; and 600 ISR kits to SOF units, per year.

For an overview of the Program Executive Offices and the Directorates​ of SOF AT&L, please visit our Prog​rams page.​

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​The USSOCOM Commander has unique acquisition authorities and responsibilities. Title 10 United States Code, Section 167, vests the USSOCOM Commander with the responsibility and authority for the development and acquisition of Special Operations (SO)-peculiar equipment, the authority to exercise the functions of the head of agency, and the authority to execute funds. The Commander has delegated those authorities to the USSOCOM Acquisition Executive who leads SOF AT&L in executing them. Congress has also provided USSOCOM with the specific appropriation funding, Major Force Program-11, to support the development, acquisition, and sustainment activities for SO-peculiar equipment. This funding gives us the ability to optimize equipment to satisfy the Command's unique mission requirements, and our distinct authorities allow us to carry out our acquisition functions to fulfill these requirements in a streamlined fashion.​

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Our operational priorities remain focused on achieving improvements in affordability, streamlining requirements, incentivizing innovation, increasing competition and fielding, and sustaining capabilities to our Forces. Our objective is to operate toward supporting those priorities through the following Lines of Effort:

  • ​​Recruit, train and retain an elite team of empowered SOF Acquirers, Logisticians, Engineers, Contracting Officers and Business Financial Managers in support of SOF.
  • Team with SOF enterprise to provide SO-p equipment and services informed by Operators and focused on Command requirements in support of SOF.
  • Drive the industry and intellectual network to mitigate risks and exploit opportunities across the full-life-cycle in support of SOF.
  • Exceed the agile acquisition expectations of Congress and DoD by excelling at tailored and transparent execution in support of SOF.
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