​ In accordance with 41 U.S.C. para. 423, the USSOCOM Acquisition Executive has appointed an Ombudsman for Procurement Integrity. The Ombudsman provides a neutral, informal, confidential, and independent alternative for employees, managers, and customers to seek assistance in resolving procurement integrity issues with USSOCOM. The primary function of the Ombudsman is to assist acquisition personnel by acting as an independent sounding board to hear concerns and to aid in the resolution of the issues. Contractors and individuals are encouraged to use existing communication channels through the Contracting Officer; however, the Ombudsman is available as an alternative to hear concerns and aid in the resolution of procurement integrity issues. ​
  • Receives and acts upon inquiries and complaints concerning alleged acts, omissions, improprieties, and systematic problems regarding procurement integrity issues.
  • Will maintain anonymity of the reporting individual(s), if requested, to the extent allowed by applicable laws and regulations.
  • Has authority to address independently or to call upon other USSOCOM officials to resolve matters related to command procurement.
  • Has authority to review or investigate complaints, intervene in disputes, and communicate with any staff element or organization within or outside USSOCOM.
  • Will refer allegations of potential criminal misconduct discovered during the course of an Ombudsman inquiry to the appropriate investigative organization, and take no further action with regard to the potential misconduct.
  • Has authority that shall be exercised within limitations imposed by appropriate laws, regulations, and policies.
  • Will recuse himself/herself from the matter, when appropriate, in the event of a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
  • Reviews complaints and inquiries impartially; facilitates problem solution, and monitors resolution progress of complaints.
  • Acts as a confidential intermediary between the complainant and USSOCOM officials to facilitate the resolution of problems.
  • Analyzes issues for indicators of systemic problems.
  • Informs the Acquisition Executive regarding complaints or requests for assistance and the concerns included therein.

​​​​​​​​emailUs.png Email: ​[email protected]​ Inquiries/complaints to the Ombudsman should be mailed to the following address:

7701 Tampa Point Blvd
MacDill AFB, FL 33621-5323​
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