Irrigated Lands Program Banner


Virtual grower workshops

Virtual grower workshops were held in July 2021 to discuss the newly adopted requirements for irrigated agriculture. These workshops were hosted using the Zoom video conferencing platform. Presentations covered an introductory overview of Agricultural Order 4.0 requirements and milestones that need to be achieved in the first few years.

Please refer to the below presentation slides and recordings for more information.

  • Presentation slides (English | Español | 中文 )
  • Presentation recordings:
    • Tuesday, July 20 (English)
      • Einführung
      • Groundwater Protection Requirements (0:12:02)
      • Surface Water Protection Requirements (1:00:32)
      • Upcoming Requirements: The Next Three Years (1:18:10)
    • Wednesday, July 21 (English)
      • Einführung
      • Groundwater Protection Requirements (0:12:09)
      • Surface Water Protection Requirements (1:09:12)
      • Upcoming Requirements: The Next Three Years (1:26:50)
    • Thursday, July 22 (Spanish)
      • Einführung
      • Groundwater Protection Requirements (0:13:15)
      • Surface Water Protection Requirements (1:11:50)
      • Upcoming Requirements: The Next Three Years (1:30:42)
    • Monday, July 26 (English)
      • Einführung
      • Groundwater Protection Requirements (0:12:00)
      • Surface Water Protection Requirements (1:02:30)
      • Upcoming Requirements: The Next Three Years (1:15:00)
    • Tuesday, July 27 (Spanish)
      • Einführung
      • Groundwater Protection Requirements (0:09:43)
      • Surface Water Protection Requirements (0:59:25)
      • Upcoming Requirements: The Next Three Years (1:13:30)
    • Wednesday, July 28 (Mandarin) - Translation of content originally presented
      • Einführung
      • Groundwater Protection Requirements (0:13:07)
      • Surface Water Protection Requirements (0:49:51)
      • Upcoming Requirements: The Next Three Years (1:02:03)

Coming soon, additional workshops to learn about upcoming requirements and how third-party programs can assist growers with Agricultural Order 4.0 requirements.