Fair Treatment Statement

Which?* champions all UK consumers: we aim to understand, represent and reach all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds.

We expect people who work or interact with us to be treated, and treat others, with respect and dignity. Which? takes a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination.

What is discrimination?

Discrimination occurs when, because of someone's: 

  • age, 
  • disability, 
  • sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, 
  • pregnancy, maternity, 
  • marital status
  • race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), 
  • religion or belief

(known as protected characteristics), they are:

  • treated worse, excluded, or disadvantaged
  • harassed, bullied or victimised (e.g. derogatory comments or creating an intimidating working environment).

Discrimination might be intentional or unintentional, and direct (to an individual/group) or indirect (about an individual/group to others). 

In addition to the protected characteristics covered by the law, Which? is committed to treating people fairly based on gender identity, gender expression, socio-economic background and mental health.

Expressing beliefs

We should all be considerate towards and respectful of other people and their opinions.

We live in a diverse society, which comes with a diversity of thought and opinion, and we appreciate that individuals should be able to express beliefs that some others may disagree with.

However, if someone expresses their beliefs in a manner that violates someone else’s dignity and/or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment, this could be considered discrimination.

Our approach to discrimination

We are striving to ensure that discrimination doesn’t happen in our organisation and we have a duty to protect our employees from discriminatory behaviour. This means if an employee or a stakeholder (e.g a member, supplier, contractor or other stakeholder working with Which?) is discriminatory, their behaviour will be challenged and the person reminded that their actions are unacceptable and may result in further action being taken. 

If discrimination in any shape or form takes place and/or continues, we are committed to taking action that is proportionate to the circumstances. For external stakeholders this might lead to a temporary ban, suspension of services or reviewing/terminating the relationship. Where employees are involved, discriminatory action will be dealt with via our disciplinary procedure. 

We will continually review our processes and policies to ensure that we can act appropriately and protect our employees, members and stakeholders.

Being an ally

We expect our employees, suppliers, partners, members and any other stakeholders of Which? to support our stand against discrimination and be an ally.

We all have a role to play to help champion inclusion or to take a stand against discrimination. You don’t have to be from an underrepresented group to contribute to making Which? a welcoming and inclusive organisation: we can all be allies by supporting each other and calling discrimination out.

Reporting discrimination

If you become aware of any form of discrimination when working with Which?, you should raise this to [email protected] for us to investigate and act promptly. 

*Which? is the trading name of the Consumers' Association and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Which? Limited.