Leisure and events

What if that special occasion doesn't go to plan? Or those tickets for a sporting event or a much-loved band don't turn up? Or if a restaurant meal is unpalatable? Our guides can help ensure you’re not out left of pocket.

  1. Restaurant rights

    A disappointing experience in a restaurant can ruin a special occasion but you may be able to claim compensation if things don’t go to plan. From poor restaurant service to booking problems, our guides help you pursue a complaint and seek redress.

    All restaurant rights guides
  2. Weddings

    It’s very upsetting to have your special day ruined by poor service, bad food or low quality photographs. If something goes wrong, you have the right to claim compensation. Our guides help you claim if things go wrong.

    All weddings guides
  3. Event tickets

    Buying tickets online can sometimes be a tricky business - especially if you’re not sure if the ticket seller is official and your tickets fail to turn up at all. Read our guides to help you if things go wrong.

    All event tickets guides