Letter requesting a refund for a cancelled wedding venue

It's stressful when your wedding venue is cancelled at short notice. You are entitled to a refund of any money paid and possibly compensation. This letter will help.
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[Your address]

[Venue address]

Dear Sir/ Madam,

RE: The wedding of [your names] on [date of wedding]

On the [date of booking] we booked your venue for our [wedding/ reception] which was held on [date of wedding].  

We paid [in full/ a deposit] of [£xx].

On the [date the venue cancelled] you cancelled our [wedding/ reception]

This meant we had to find a new venue at short notice at an additional cost of [£xx]

Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, you are in breach of contract and we therefore request a refund of [£xx] plus additional expenses of [£xx] within the next seven days.  

Failure to do this will result in further action being taken.

Yours faithfully,

[Your name]

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