Letter to challenge a council parking ticket

If you're issued with a parking ticket on the street but didn't commit the offence, use our letter to challenge it. Make sure you have evidence to back up your claim.
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[Your address]
[Issuing authority address]

[Reference: PCN number/ Date of issue]

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am writing to formally challenge the above Penalty Charge Notice.

On [date] my vehicle [registration number] was issued with a Penalty Charge Notice for the reason of [offence code and official reason stated on PCN].

In accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004, my challenge is on the basis that the contravention did not occur [reasons why].

Please find enclosed evidence to this effect, in the form of [give details and why it backs up your case].

For this reason, I look forward to receiving notification that the Penalty Charge Notice has been cancelled within 28 days.

Yours faithfully,

[Your signature]

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