Letter to request a private seller refunds goods not as described

If a private seller on Ebay makes claims about a product they’re selling, then what you receive should match this description. If not, use this letter to ask for a refund.
Which?Editorial team

[Your address and contact number] 

[Seller's address]


Dear Sir/Madam, 

[Reference: Goods purchased through eBay on dd/mm/yy] 

On [date], I bought a [item] on from you on eBay for £[xx]. When I received the item I found that it was not as described. 

You described the item as [quote from how item was described on eBay] when, in fact, it was [explain why it was not as described]

As there has been a breach of contract and a misrepresentation I am entitled to a refund of the sum I paid to you. 

If I don't receive confirmation that you will process a refund and that you will make arrangements for the item to be returned to you or cover the cost of me returning it within the next three working days, I will have no alternative but to raise a dispute through the eBay eBay Money Back Guarantee dispute resolution process. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Yours faithfully, 

[Your name]

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