Matt Gardner

Senior Economist

Latest articles from Matt

Insight article

How do consumers feel about acquisition-only tariffs?

5 min read
Policy submission

DESNZ consultation on proposals to introduce a specific licence for Demand Side Response Service Providers (DSRSPs) - Which? response

1 min read
Policy submission

Ofgem’s statutory consultation on the future of the Ban on Acquisition-only Tariffs (BAT) - Which? response

Which? outlines its concerns with Ofgem's proposals to remove the ban on acquisition-only tariffs. We think removing the ban risks reintroducing an unfair loyalty penalty into the market.

1 min read
Policy submission

The CMA's Statement of Issues on the proposed merger between Vodafone and Three - Which? Response

Which? responds to the CMA's Statement of Issues in its Phase 2 Investigation of the proposed merger between Vodafone and Three

1 min read
Policy submission

Ofgem's discussion paper on the future of domestic price protection - Which? response

Greater diversity of energy consumption could pose difficulty for Ofgem to maintain the price cap in its current form. But consumers will continue to need some form of protection from price exploitation, at least in the medium-term

1 min read
Policy submission

The Future Default Tariffs Call for Evidence - Which? Response

Which? agrees with the government that consumers should be able to access the benefits of flexibility. Flexible consumption can unlock private benefits for the consumers engaging in flexibility, as well as shared benefits among all consumers. However, making changes to default energy tariffs to support more flexible energy use will impact large numbers of consumers, most of whom have no experience with time-of-use tariffs and some of whom have been on default tariffs for several years without switching. With this in mind, policymakers and suppliers cannot only focus on the end goal of reforming default tariffs but also the transition to that goal

2 min read
Insight article

Household energy costs in 2023/24

8 min read
Policy submission

CMA initial invitation to comment on the Vodafone/Three merger - Which? response

Which? outlines its initial analysis and position on the proposed merger between Vodafone and Three, to support the CMA's investigation

1 min read
The Vodafone/Three Merger: how could it affect consumers?
Insight article

The Vodafone/Three Merger: how could it affect consumers?

5 min read
Tackling Fake and Misleading Reviews
Policy paper

Tackling Fake and Misleading Reviews

In this paper Which? sets out how platforms can take a Safety by Design approach to tackle fake reviews and ensure that their content moderation process are sufficient to prevent consumer harm

32 min read
Policy submission

DSIT's "A pro-Innovation approach to AI" White Paper - Which? response

Which? response to the government's White Paper on a pro-innovation approach to AI regulation

1 min read
Consumer Protections and Economic Growth
Policy paper

Consumer Protections and Economic Growth

This report sets out how effective consumer protections can support economic growth by encouraging competition and innovation in markets. Good consumer protections play a vital role in fostering a well-functioning market economy, where firms compete fairly by becoming more efficient, innovative and ultimately more productive. They can also engender confidence in consumers to try new firms, products and services in ways which can benefit businesses that want to grow

25 min read
Insight article

Competition between providers of Alternative Dispute Resolution. Can it be bad for consumers?

3 min read
Insight article

The state of competition in the UK: what does it mean for consumers?

3 min read