Tony Herbert

Senior Policy Adviser

Latest articles from Tony

Policy submission

Payment Systems Regulator’s (PSR) consultation CP24/3: The FPS APP scams reimbursement requirement: compliance and monitoring - Which? response

Which?'s response to the PSR's proposals for a compliance and monitoring regime for the new system of APP scam reimbursement

1 min read
Policy submission

Payment Systems Regulator’s (PSR) consultation CP24/8: CHAPS APP scam reimbursement requirement - Which? response

Which?'s response to the PSR's and Bank of England's consultation on developing a mandatory reimbursement regime for Clearing House Automated Payment System (CHAPS) payments

2 min read
Policy submission

Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee’s (JROC) proposals for the design of the Future Entity for UK open banking - Which? response

Which? response to JROC proposals for the future governance of UK open banking

1 min read
Policy submission

Payment Systems Regulator’s (PSR) Call for views: Second annual review of Specific Direction 12 - Which? response

Which?'s response to the PSR's consultation on Specific Direction 12 which requires LINK to maintain a broad geographic spread of the UK’s free-to-use cash machine network

1 min read
Policy submission

HMT consultation on delaying payments where fraud is suspected

Which?'s response to HMT proposals to slow down payments when fraud is suspected

1 min read
Policy submission

FCA consultation on Access to Cash - Which? response

Which?'s response to the FCA consultation on Access to Cash. We supported the FCA's approach to securing free access to cash but argued that it should seek to ensure consumers also receive good outcomes in relation to access to banking services

1 min read
Policy submission

PSR consultation on APP fraud: Excess and maximum reimbursement level for Faster Payments and CHAPS - Which? response

Which?'s response to the PSR's proposals for a claims excess and maximum reimbursement level on APP scam claims.

1 min read
Policy submission

Future of Payments Review 2023: Call for Input - Which? response

Which? submission to the Future of Payments Review

1 min read
Policy submission

HM Treasury and Bank of England consultation on ‘The digital pound: a new form of money for households and businesses’ - Which? response

Which?'s response to the Bank of England and HM Treasury's consultation on proposals for a digital pound

1 min read
Policy submission

PSR Call for views: First review of Specific Direction 12 (LINK) - Which? response

Which? response to PSR's Call for views: First review of Specific Direction 12 (LINK). We argue that the Specific Direction continues to serve an important purpose in maintaining free access to cash and should therefore be retained

1 min read