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How we test steam cleaners

Our lab tests and reviews are designed to uncover the best steam cleaners you can buy, and to help you avoid the models that leave dirt and grime behind
Hardeep ChannaResearcher & writer
Steam mop lifestyle

Our recommended Best Buy steam cleaners – also known as steam mops take the hard work out of cleaning. They blitz through stubborn dirt and grime on a range of surfaces, steam for as long as you need them to and are easy to use.

We've reviewed all types of domestic steam cleaners, from large, wheeled cylinder models to upright steam cleaners that also have a handheld mode. 

We tailor our tough lab assessments to make sure they're in line with the way you use these different models. For larger cleaners we check how well they clean floors, while for handheld devices we focus on their ability to spruce up curtains or clean bathroom tiles. Keep reading to find out more.

Go straight to our steam cleaner reviews to compare the 40 steam cleaners we've tested

Watch: How we find the best steam cleaners

Our video below explains how we test and assess the most popular steam cleaners to help you identify which ones are worth investing in.

Best Buy, Don’t Buy, Great Value and Eco Buy steam cleaners

Which? logos

To help you see at a glance which steam cleaners are the best, the most environmentally friendly and excellent value for money, look out for our Best Buy, Eco Buy and Great Value badges. Those steam cleaners that fail to impress are clearly identified as Don't Buys. 

Best Buy steam cleaners 

Steam cleaners that impress in our tests and score 70% or higher are Best Buys. They excel at cleaning a range of surfaces, they're easy to use, and their steam levels don't drop with repeated use. See our Best Buy steam cleaners.

Don't Buy steam cleaners 

If a steam cleaner is unreliable or ineffective and scores 45% or less, it's a Don't Buy. These models are so bad that we think you should avoid them, even if they're on sale or cheaper than most. Find out which are Don't Buy steam cleaners.

Great Value steam cleaners 

How much buyers are willing to spend on a steam cleaner varies, and that’s where our Great Value recommendation comes in. These steam cleaners do well in our tests – scoring 60% or more  – while also being at least 20% cheaper than the average price of those we’ve tested. Great Value models are the ones to go for if you’re looking for a bargain. Some Great Value steam cleaners also score highly enough to be Best Buys. See our Great Value steam cleaners.

Eco Buy steam cleaners

If your steam cleaner keeps breaking down or isn't working as it should, it might be worth considering a model that's built to last. We will only give our Eco Buy label to steam cleaners that score more than 60%, have excellent build quality and durability, and don't suffer from steam drop-off. To check for this, we run each steam cleaner 30 times to check whether the steam reduces due to limescale build-up. Check out our Eco Buy steam cleaners.

How the Which? score is calculated

The Which? overall score is a percentage. This score only takes into account the results of our tests, and ignores price completely. This means that all steam cleaners are tested on exactly the same scale, so you can compare any model at any price and know how it measures up against its rivals in key areas. 

All steam cleaners are tested in the same way, regardless of the manufacturers’ claims. 

Each of the assessments goes part way to making up a total test score, which is the percentage figure we give each steam cleaner. Certain assessments are more important than others and so carry different weights:

  • 70% Cleaning performance
  • 20% Ease of use
  • 10% Durability

Our steam cleaner testing criteria

1. Floor cleaning

Key question: How well will the steam cleaner clean my floors?

We assess how well a steam cleaner is able to clean floors by measuring the time and effort it takes to shift dried-on pasta sauce and sticky drink stains. We test this on two different floor types: smooth floors such as wood laminate, and textured floors such as ceramic tiles.

The picture above shows the difference between tiles that have been cleaned by a steam cleaner that gets five stars for cleaning – our floor is dirt-free – and one that gets just one star in our testing and struggles to remove these kinds of marks.

2.16km² - the area of floor we mopped in our steam cleaner tests over the last year.

2. Using on other surfaces

Key question: How well will it clean other surfaces?

We also test cylinder and handheld steam cleaners on three other common surfaces to see how well they remove grime and dirt. These include tiles and grout (stained with soap, shower gel and shampoo), glass (coated with an oily film) and crevices (filled with tough everyday food soils).

And while a steam cleaner is no replacement for a true carpet cleaner, we still test cylinder steam cleaners' ability to clean stains on carpets, as you told us you use them to do this at home.

3. Refilling the water tank

Key question: How long will it steam for before it needs to be refilled?

You don't want to run out of steam halfway through mopping. We’ve come across steam cleaners that last for less than 10 minutes before they need to be topped up, and they sometimes last for less than their advertised amount of time. 

Our reviews reveal the true steaming time of each model we've tested. The more hard floors you have, the longer the steam time you'll need to cover them.

4. Dampness after cleaning

Key question: Will the steam cleaner leave my surfaces wet?

There are big differences in how damp steam cleaners leave surfaces after cleaning. Some models leave them almost dry, but others spit or drip water as they clean, leaving floors wet and slippery. 

Check the star ratings in the test results section of our steam cleaner reviews to see how different models stack up.

5. Ease of use

Key question: How easy is it to use the steam cleaner?

A great steam cleaner should take the hard work out of cleaning. But some are much easier to use than others. Our tests reveal which will clean your home with minimum fuss and which will give you a hard time.

  • We weigh the steam cleaners with full water tanks so we can tell you how heavy they are and whether you’ll struggle to lug them around.
  • We test how straightforward they are to assemble and disassemble, and how easy it is to attach the cleaning pads and accessories. Plus, we check whether you can wash and reuse the pads.
  • We assess how manoeuvrable each cleaner is, and how well they can reach nooks and crannies.
  • Finally, we note other essentials, such as how the steam is activated (whether it’s continuous steaming or requires you to use a trigger), whether the level of steam can be controlled and how noisy the cleaner is.

6. Durability

Key question: Is the steam cleaner built to last?

While our regular steam cleaner reliability surveys show that most models will give you years of fault-free use, this isn't true of all cleaners.

That's why our lab tests include several endurance assessments. As well as rating the build quality of each model, we test how repeated use affects the amount of steam they produce, as some can soon clog up with limescale.

We use each steam cleaner 30 times and measure the steam output throughout. One steam mop had a steam output that dropped by 65% during our test, while another didn't even complete 30 runs before giving up the ghost.

Pick the perfect steam cleaner with Which? reviews

We're constantly improving our steam cleaner tests to ensure only the very best models are Best Buys. 

Go to the best steam cleaners to see a round-up the top models in our tests.