The College Financing Plan

This webpage provides students, families, and institutions with information about the College Financing Plan. The College Financing Plan has been previously referred to as the Financial Aid Shopping Sheet.

The College Financing Plan is a consumer tool that participating institutions use to notify students about their financial aid package. It is a standardized form that is designed to simplify the information that prospective students receive about costs and financial aid so that they can easily compare institutions and make informed decisions about where to attend school. In July 2012, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) released the College Financing Plan and asked institutions to voluntarily commit to using it to supply financial aid information to students in a way that could be understood and compared easily. The College Financing Plan became available for use beginning in the 2013-2014 award year. 

In 2020, the Department released an additional form to reflect the needs of graduate and professional school students more accurately. The Department worked with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), financial aid administrators and other stakeholders, and received valuable input to create the Graduate and Professional school form. 

HTML Specification

Institutions and their software providers may use the attached HTML specifications to produce and populate the College Financing Plan, using the applicable fields from their existing data systems. The HTML specifications include a “download” button on the College Financing Plan so that students may save their student aid offer information in XML, a machine-readable format. This XML layout is also attached. We encourage institutions providing students with their College Financing Plan in electronic format to include this feature.

Institutions delivering the College Financing Plan in print form may remove the “download” button. For convenience, a PDF version of the College Financing Plan is also attached.

Questions may be directed to [email protected]

The CFP is updated annually, and this website lists only the most up to date version.


Undergraduate form:

2024-25 Annotated Undergraduate College Financing Plan 
2024-25 Undergraduate College Financing Plan Template 
2024-25 Undergraduate College Financing Plan Technical Guide
2024-25 Undergraduate HTML Specification

  Graduate/Professional Form:

2024-25 Annotated Graduate/Professional School College Financing Plan 
2024-25 Graduate/Professional College Financing Plan Template 
2024-25 Graduate/Professional College Financing Plan Technical Guide
2024-25 Graduate/Professional  HTML Specification


2024-25 College Financing Plan (FAQ) (updated 3/19/2024)

24-25 Electronic Announcement:



OPE Policy Page | OPE Home

Last Modified: 03/19/2024