Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad--Bilateral Projects

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 Office of Postsecondary Education Home
Applicant Information


Competitions are held annually.

The FY 2024 program competition is now closed, the application deadline was Jan. 4, 2024. Check back in Fall 2024 for news on the FY 2025 competition.

The information that follows on this webpage is for reference only.

Federal Register Notice

This program does not post competition information in the Federal Register.

Current Application

Note that the FY 2024 competition is now closed, and the information below is for reference only.

The application package document for the FY 2024 competition provides specific instructions on how to apply to a fiscal year 2024 Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad.

FY 2024 Application Package: MS Word (285K)

Applications for this year's Seminars Abroad program must be submitted through the G5 system. Please note that visiting www.G5.gov will redirect you to the new G6 website. From the G6 website, you can still access and sign up as a new user for G5 to complete an application.

FY 2024 Seminar Destinations:

  • Elementary (Grades K-8) teachers or administrators: Finland
  • Secondary (Grades 9-12) teachers or administrators: Thailand
  • Postsecondary faculty and administrators: Colombia

Tips and Assistance

Seminars Abroad program officers have pre-recorded a technical assistance webinar about the FY 2024 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program's application process. The webinar provides guidance on how to prepare a competitive application, use the G5 electronic application system, and troubleshoot technical issues. Watch the prerecorded webinar anytime on IFLE’s YouTube channel at the following link: https://youtu.be/Qvz0eZg1FlA

Additional questions about the program or application can be emailed to [email protected] at any time.


SAP Home | IFLE Home | Discretionary Grant Application Packages

Last Modified: 01/05/2024