Command 'juju unexpose'

The information in this doc is based on Juju version 3.5.3, and may not accurately reflect other versions of Juju.


Removes public availability over the network for an application.


juju unexpose [options] <application name>


Flag Default Usage
--B, --no-browser-login false Do not use web browser for authentication
--endpoints Unexpose only the ports that charms have opened for this comma-delimited list of endpoints
--m, --model Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>


Adjusts the firewall rules and any relevant security mechanisms of the cloud to deny public access to the application.

Applications are unexposed by default when they get created. If exposed via the “juju expose” command, they can be unexposed by running the “juju unexpose” command.

If no additional options are specified, the command will unexpose the application (if exposed). For example, to unexpose the apache2 application, you can run:

juju unexpose apache2

The --endpoints option may be used to restrict the effect of this command to the list of ports opened for a comma-delimited list of endpoints. For instance, to only unexpose the ports opened by apache2 for the “www” endpoint, you can run:

juju unexpose apache2 --endpoints www

Note that when the --endpoints option is provided, the application will still remain exposed if any other of its endpoints are still exposed. However, if none of its endpoints remain exposed, the application will be instead unexposed.

See also: expose

Last updated 10 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum.