Storage Support

Persistent storage for stateful applications


On AWS, an example using dynamic persistent volumes.

juju bootstrap aws
juju deploy kubernetes-core
juju deploy aws-integrator
juju trust aws-integrator

Note: the aws-integrator charm is needed to allow dynamic storage provisioning.

Wait for juju status to go green.

juju scp kubernetes-master/0:config ~/.kube/config
juju add-k8s myk8scloud
juju add-model myk8smodel myk8scloud
juju create-storage-pool k8s-ebs kubernetes storage-class=juju-ebs parameters.type=gp2
juju deploy cs:~wallyworld/mariadb-k8s --storage database=10M,k8s-ebs

Now you can see the storage being created/attached using juju storage.

juju storage or juju storage --filesystem or juju storage --volume or juju storage --format yaml

You can also see the persistent volumes and volume claims being created in Kubernetes.

kubectl -n myk8smodel get all,pvc,pv

In more detail

Application pods may be restarted, either by Juju to perform an upgrade, or at the whim of Kubernetes itself. Applications like databases which require persistent storage can make use of Kubernetes persistent volumes.

As with any other charm, Kubernetes charms may declare that storage is required. This is done in metadata.yaml.

    type: filesystem
    location: "/var/lib/mysql

An example charm is mariadb-k8s.

Only filesystem storage is supported at the moment. Block volume support may come later.

There’s 2 ways to configure the Kubernetes cluster to provide persistent storage:

  1. A pool of manually provisioned, static persistent volumes

  2. Using a storage class for dynamic provisioning of volumes

In both cases, you use a Juju storage pool and can configure it to supply extra Kubernetes specific configuration if needed.

Manual Persistent Volumes

This approach is mainly intended for testing/prototyping.

You can create persistent volumes using whatever backing provider is supported by the underlying cloud. One or many volumes may be created. The storageClassName attribute of each volume needs to be set to an arbitrary name.

Next create a storage pool in Juju which will allow the use of the persistent volumes:

juju create-storage-pool <poolname> kubernetes storage-class=<classname>

classname is the base storage class name assigned to each volume. poolname will be used when deploying the charm.

Kubernetes will pick an available available volume each time it needs to provide storage to a new pod. Once a volume is used, it is never re-used, even if the unit/pod is terminated and the volume is released. Just as volumes are manually created, they must also be manually deleted.

This approach is useful for testing/protyping. If you deploy the kubernetes-core bundle, you can create one or more “host path” persistent volumes on the worker node (each mounted to a different directory). Here’s an example YAML config file to use with kubectl to create 1 volume:

kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
  name: mariadb-data
    storage: 100Mi
    - ReadWriteOnce
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
  storageClassName: <model>-mariadb-unit-storage
    path: "/mnt/data"

You’d tweak the host path and volume name to create a selection of persistent volumes to test with - remember, each manually created volume can only be used once.

Note: the storage class name in the PV YAML above has the model name prepended to it. This is because storage classes are global to the cluster and so Juju will prepend the model name to disambiguate. So you will need to know the model name when setting up static PVs. Or you can create them and edit the storage class attribute later using kubectl edit.

Then create the Juju storage pool:

juju create-storage-pool test-storage kubernetes storage-class=mariadb-unit-storage

Now deploy the charm:

juju deploy cs:~juju/mariadb-k8s --storage database=10M,test-storage

Juju will create a suitably named Kubernetes storage class with the relevant provisioner type to enable the use of the statically created volumes.

Dynamic Persistent Volumes

To allow for Kubernetes to create persistent volumes on demand, a Kubernetes storage class is used. This is done automatically by Juju if you create a storage pool. As with vm based clouds, a Juju storage pool configures different classes of storage which are available to use with deployed charm.

It’s also possible to set up a Kubernetes storage class manually and have finer grained control over how things tie together, but that’s beyond the scope of this topic.

Before deploying your charm which requires storage, create a Juju storage pool which defines what backing provider will be used to provision the dynamic persistent volumes. The backing provider is specific to the underlying cloud and more details are available in the Kubernetes storage class documentation.

The example below is for a Kubernetes cluster deployed on AWS requiring EBS persistent volumes of type gp2. The name of the pool is arbitrary - in this case k8s-eb2. Note that the Kubernetes cluster needs be deployed with the cloud specific integrator charm as described earlier.

juju create-storage-pool k8s-ebs kubernetes storage-class=juju-ebs parameters.type=gp2

You can see what storage pools have been set up in Juju.

juju storage-pools

Note: only pools of type “kubernetes” are currently supported. rootfs, tmpfs and loop are unsupported.

Once a storage pool is set up, to define how Kubernetes should be configured to provide dynamic volumes, you can go ahead a deploy a charm using the standard Juju storage directives.

juju deploy cs:~juju/mariadb-k8s --storage database=10M,k8s-ebs

Use juju storage command (and its variants) to see the state of the storage.

If you scale up

juju scale-application mariadb 3

you will see that 2 need EBS volumes are created and become attached.

If you scale down

juju scale-application mariadb 2

you will see that one of the EBS volumes becomes detached but is still associated wih the model.

Scaling up again

juju scale-application mariadb 3

will result in this detached storage being reused and attached to the new unit.

Destroying the entire model will result in all persistent volumes for that model also being deleted.

What’s next?

Last updated 2 years ago. Help improve this document in the forum.