List of known Juju plugins

Plugin > List of known Juju plugins

Juju plugins allow users to extend the Juju client with their own custom commands. This doc lists official Juju plugins, as well as some prominent third party ones.


Official plugins

  • juju-metadata

    This plugin provides tools for generating and validating image and tools metadata. It is used to find the correct image and agent binaries when bootstrapping a Juju model.

  • juju-wait-for

    NB: this is a plugin in Juju 2.9, but from Juju 3.0 onwards, it is a standard command.

    This plugin allows you to wait for a specified model, machine, application or unit to reach a certain state (defined by a jq query against the output of juju status --format=yaml).

Third party plugins

  • juju-bundle: Juju plugin for easy bundle interactions

    This plugin allows building a bundle from charms config and metadata, and then deploying them. Options to publish the bundle in the charmstore are also available.

  • juju-bmc: juju plugin that adds a command to access a server out band management

    This plugin takes advantage of the integration between Juju and MaaS to obtain the relevant credentials to display them or to establish a connection (via udp/623 or tcp/22) to the BMC console of a bare metal server. The snap uses the MaaS CLI client to communicate with the MaaS API.

  • juju-crashdump: Gather logs and other debugging info from a Juju model

    This plugin runs commands via SSH to collect evidence to help troubleshoot Juju units within a model.

  • juju-kubectl: Juju plugin for running kubectl

    This plugin tries to run kubectl commands against the K8s API of the current model. If the provider is inferred to run microk8s or CDK, the plugin will try to run specific commands (e.g. microk8s.kubectl). Otherwise, the plugin will try to copy the ~/config file from the kubernetes-master/0 unit.

  • juju-lint: Linter for Juju models to compare deployments with configurable policy

    This plugin is intended to be run against a YAML dump of Juju status, a YAML dump of a Juju bundle (juju export-bundle), or a remote cloud or clouds via SSH.

  • juju-stash: stash model names, makes moving between models super simple

    This plugin allows you to jump between models as if you have a stack; pushing and popping between models. This makes it possible to switch back and forth between models without having to remember their names.

  • juju-verify: verify the safety of maintenance operations

    This plugin allows a user to check whether it’s safe to perform some disruptive maintenance operations on Juju units, like shutdown or reboot .

Last updated 1 year, 8 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.