Gang robbing houses active in Ambala, commit two burglaries in one night

Gang robbing houses active in Ambala, commit two burglaries in one night
AMBALA: Armed with sharp-edged weapons, big knives, barefoot and wearing undergarments only, a gang of robbers termed as ‘Kachha Banyan Gang’ has committed two burglaries in one night while the residents were sleeping in their houses in Ambala City. The incidents have caused a sense of worry among the residents of the city, as the thieves are targeting the houses without any fear.
Luckily, nobody has been hurt during these crimes.
CCTV camera recordings from two houses that were targeted by the gang show that six men are jumping over walls and lurking inside to find a way to enter. After committing robbery, they flee together.
In the first case, Bant Singh, a retired Punjab police officer, resident of Naresh Vihar, Ghel Road in Ambala City, said that a gang of six persons committed burglary in his house, who took away 100 gm gold and 900 gm silver jewellery besides about Rs 50,000 cash.
“On June 11, at about 3 am, my wife woke up from her sleep and saw that the door of our room was locked from outside. She went outside from the backdoor and saw that the entire household items were scattered as somebody had committed theft. In the CCTV camera, we saw 6 men trespassed into my house after jumping over the boundary wall”, complained Bant Singh.
In the second incident about 6 kilometers away from the first target, Anish Gupta, a businessman, resident of Sector 1, Ambala City said six men committed burglary in his house.
“On June 11, six men trespassed into my house and they broke in by breaking a safety grill. They broke an almirah and committed theft of 5 gents watches, 4 ladies watches, silver jewellery and about Rs 40,000 cash”, said Anish.
Anish added that he came to know that the gang had also targeted the house of Manish Gupta, whose house is at the back of his house, but as the family woke up, they could not succeed. He said the thieves also took away the key of his car.
In-charge of Ambala CIA-I said, “They are working on the case and efforts are being made to trace the accused persons.”
About the Author
Jaskaran Singh

Daily news reporting from the field of agriculture, farmers, crime, health, environment, education, politics, and feature articles from Ambala (with coverage of Kurukshetra & Yamunanagar).

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