8 pairs of twins, 7 identical, send Mizoram teachers into a tizzy

In a govt school in Mizoram's Aizawl, teachers found eight sets of twins, including fraternal, identical, sororal, boy, and girl twins, studying at Government Model English Medium Primary School without a specific policy for their care.
8 pairs of twins, 7 identical, send Mizoram teachers into a tizzy
GUWAHATI: A teacher in a govt school in Mizoram's Aizawl had just completed checking the exercise book of a boy and was surprised when she looked up to find the "same" boy holding up the "same" exercise book to be checked. Confused, she stopped the boy whose book she just checked. The teacher saw him turn with a smile.
Even more confused, it was now her turn to look at the other "same" boy who was still there smiling with the exercise book.
In fact, similar situations were also unfolding in other classes of the school.
Teachers recorded the events happening with both boys and girls. Well, it's just a case of twins but not one - eight sets - in this school. Mystery solved.
H Lalventluanga, headmaster of Government Model English Medium Primary School in College Veng area of Aizawl, is father to fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, both students of the institute.
The school has three pairs of boy twins and four pairs of sororal twins this year apart from Lalventluanga's fraternal twins, in classes KG I to Standard II. Despite lacking a specific policy for the care of the twins, the teachers take pride in this rare occurrence.
Living in a Christian-majority state, Lalventluanga thanked God, calling it a blessing for the school to have such unique children. "Identical twins are a source of fascination and in our case, we were 'attracting' twins without any deliberate effort. We all are jubilant. Being a govt school, we cannot announce any policy of our own on taking care of the twins. We need to treat all students equally," Lalventluanga said.
About the Author
Kangkan Kalita

Kangkan Kalita is a reporter with The Times of India and covers issues on health, education, stories of human interest while keeping a close watch on political developments and student movements. Reporting on environment and forest related issues and concerns of the northeast interest him equally.

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