Assam flood: Air Force rescues 13 stranded fishermen in Dibrugarh

GUWAHATI: The Indian Air Force rescued 13 stranded fishermen in upper Assam's Dibrugarh district on Tuesday morning, officials said. These people were marooned by the devastating floods in upper Assam region.

The Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) said that a medical check up has been done and all the fishermen are safe.

"ASDMA requested IAF to airlift these 13 stranded fishermen. All the expenditure for airlifting the people will be borne by ASDMA," read a statement by ASDMA on Tuesday morning.


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"High flood level and turbulent water prevented sending other boats. So as a last resort, Assam Police and Fire and Emergency Service requested ASDMA to help them. Accordingly CEO ASDMA contacted Govt.Of India and with their necessary permission deployed helicopter to rescue them," ASDMA said after the successful operation, on Tuesday.

Earlier on Sunday also another IAF helicopter was deployed to rescue eight State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) personnel and one revenue official of Jonai in Dhemaji district when hey were stranded in a chapori (sand bar) while going for relief operations.
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