Kaviraj, on his 26 years in the Kannada film industry

A trip down memory lane for the director-lyricist
Kaviraj, on his 26 years in the Kannada film industry

Director-lyricist Kaviraj has had a long journey in the Kannada film industry, and as expected, he has his fair share of experiences and anecdotes through the years, which he shares with Bangalore Times. Here’s a peek into some of the funny, emotional and moving moments of his life, more of which he’s penned as a collection of memories.
He starts off with a fun story with actor Ganesh.“In 2010, when Ganesh was doing back-to-back movies, he turned up at my house and told me we were stepping out for five minutes. I, in my pyjamas and with my own busy schedule ahead of the day, got into the car, but we ended up halting only in Chennai! We were there for five days, and I had to end up buying a pair of jeans and some t-shirts to survive!”

There are so many little incidents that make up one’s life, and I hope to be able to share some of my stories with everyone

Another interesting story has to do with one of Kaviraj’s quirky habit. “I’ve always dreamt of finding gold on the streets, and therefore have the habit of collecting anything flashy from the road and putting it in my daughter’s trinket box. One day, at a party thrown by actor Sudeep, I found a button-like trinket on the floor. I showed it around and everyone said it was too flashy to be a diamond. Around 2 am, when I was heading home, I got a call from Priya Sudeep (Sudeep’s wife), informing me that the trinket was indeed a diamond pendant, which was worth a whopping `18 lakhs! I returned it the very next day.”
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