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  • UAPA tribunal backs 5-year ban on 2 pro-Pak outfits in J&K

UAPA tribunal backs 5-year ban on 2 pro-Pak outfits in J&K

Unlawful Activities Tribunal upheld Centre's ban on MLJK-MA and Tehreek-e-Hurriyat for 'anti-India activities' in Jammu and Kashmir.
UAPA tribunal backs 5-year ban on 2 pro-Pak outfits in J&K
NEW DELHI: Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal on Saturday upheld Centre's decision to impose a five-year ban on Muslim League Jammu and Kashmir Masrat Alam faction (MLJK-MA) and Tehreek-e-Hurriyat for their 'anti-India activities'.
The tribunal, presided over by Delhi high court judge Justice Sachin Datta, held that there were sufficient grounds to confirm Centre's Dec 31 decision regarding the two pro-Pakistan separatist organisations which promoted terrorism under the direct support of Pakistani agencies.

Tehreek-e-Hurriyat, founded by late separatist Syed Ali Shah Geelani, aims to separate J&K from India and establish Islamic rule there, Union home ministry contended.
Centre told the tribunal, set up under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) that MLJK-MA was in direct contact with Pakistani high commission and Pakistani institutions to secure large funds for anti-India activities. On ISI's instructions, it tried to indoctrinate schoolchildren about jehad. TNN
Centre told the tribunal that MLJK-MA was in direct contact with Pakistani high commission and Pakistani institutions to secure large funds for anti-India activities.
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