Are you suffering with ⁠thyroid storm? Here are some causes and symptoms you must know

Prompt recognition and intensive care are vital in treating thyroid storm, requiring immediate ICU admission and addressing precipitating factors to prevent complications or death.
Are you suffering with ⁠thyroid storm? Here are some causes and symptoms you must know

What is a thyroid storm?

Thyroid (or thyrotoxic) storm is an acute, life-threatening syndrome due to an exacerbation of thyrotoxicosis. Thyrotoxicosis is a clinical state of inappropriately high levels of circulating thyroid hormones (T3 and/or T4) in the body from any cause leading to a hypermetabolic state. The clinical presentation of thyrotoxicosis varies, ranging from asymptomatic or subclinical, to life-threatening thyroid storm.
Typical symptoms of thyrotoxicosis are due to the hypermetabolic state induced by excess thyroid hormones and include weight loss, heat intolerance, and palpitations.

Factors that may precipitate thyroid storm

Acute Illness such as acute myocardial infarction, stroke, congestive heart failure, trauma, etc.
Non-thyroid surgery in a hyperthyroid patient
Thyroid surgery in a patient poorly prepared for surgery
Discontinuation of anti-thyroid medications
Radioiodine therapy
Recent use of iodinated contrast
Pregnancy particularly during labor and delivery

Clinical Manifestations of Thyroid Storm

High fever
Marked tachycardia, occasionally atrial fibrillation
Heart Failure
Nausea and vomiting

Abdominal pain
According to Dr. Bhawna Attri, Consultant – Endocrinology, Sarvodaya Hospital, Faridabad, "Death from thyroid storm is not as common as in the past if it is promptly recognized and aggressively treated in an intensive care unit, but is still approximately 10-25%. Death may be from cardiac failure, shock, hyperthermia, multiple organ failure, or other complications."

Diagnosis of thyroid storm

Diagnosis of thyroid storm is made on clinical grounds and involves the usual diagnostic measures for thyrotoxicosis. A history of hyperthyroidism or physical findings of an enlarged thyroid or hyperthyroid eye findings is helpful in suggesting the diagnosis. The central features are thyrotoxicosis, abnormal CNS function, fever, tachycardia (usually above 130 bpm), GI tract symptoms, and evidence of impending or present CHF. There are no distinctive laboratory abnormalities. Thyroid hormone levels should be measured. Electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), blood sugar, liver function tests, and plasma cortisol should be monitored.
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Thyroid storm is a medical emergency that has to be recognized and treated immediately. Admission to an intensive care unit is usually required. Besides treatment for thyroid storms, it is essential to treat precipitating factors such as infections.

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