No, You Don’t Need To Drop Your Favourite Foods To Lose Weight

Written by Femina Food
Posted on Jun 17, 2024, 10:50 IST
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Eat  your favourite foods and still lose weight

Dr Archana Batra shares simple strategies so you can lose weight while still enjoying your favourite foods

When it comes to losing weight, everyone thinks it means you have to stay away from your favourite foods and follow a diet. But is it possible to eat your favourite dish every day without gaining weight? Yes, it is if you follow these strategies…

Eat  your favourite foods and still lose weight - pracise portion control

Portion Control Is Key
Portion control is important for weight management. Use smaller plates for your food. Fill your plate with healthy foods and then add some of your favourite food as well. This strategy is how the people of some Japanese districts stay fit and healthy even at the age of 80.  

Eat  your favourite foods and still lose weight - drink plenty of water

Stay Hydrated
Hydration also helps the weight loss journey. Drinking water before a meal helps to fill your stomach, leading to an intake of fewer calories during the meal. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day – at least eight to 10 glasses. Something you feel ‘hungry’ because you need water rather than  food. Drinking plenty of water also helps in the fat-burning process; when your body is hydrated, it helps with revving the metabolism.

Eat  your favourite foods and still lose weight - eat colourful fruits and vegetables

Add Colourful Fruits And Veggies

Colourful fruits and veggies look beautiful and satiating – which makes you happy while eating them. This combination also provides lots of proteins and vitamins for the body. And, rather than eat fruit candy, eat a healthy meal. It helps you to maintain sugar levels as well.

Eat  your favourite foods and still lose weight - choose healthier ingredients and cooking methods

Choose Healthier Alternatives

Try to eat a healthier version of your favourite food. There are many recipes to help you do this. Try to use vegetables and fruit to make a healthy version. If you love to eat rice – which is high in calories – take a small portion of rice and add double the amount of vegetables. It helps to fulfill your desire and maintain your health as well. Explore healthier ways of cooking as well – for example, baking instead of frying. 

Eat  your favourite foods and still lose weight - stay active

Stay Active

Do some exercise and yoga every day. It helps to burn extra calories and to maintain your weight. If you want to lose weight, do some heavy exercise for long periods every day. Being active throughout the day can allow you to enjoy your favourite meal.  

Eat  your favourite foods and still lose weight - plan balanced meals

Plan Ahead
Plan your meals and dishes in advance. Do research into new recipes and the way you can make them healthy. Create a balanced diet that helps you with weight loss and management. Try different ways of cooking an ingredient or dish to ensure  you do not get bored. Also plan for a healthy dessert with one meal a day.

Losing weight while eating your favourite food is possible if you have strategies in place. If you add exercise, mindful eating, veggies and nutritious foods to your life, you can easily maintain weight loss without losing out on taste. So go ahead with adding your favourite dishes back into your diet but in a planned and mindful manner.

Disclaimer: All views are the author’s own. Femina cannot be held liable for any mishap arising thereof

Images: Shutterstock

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