DASC 2024

DASC 2024
DASC 2024 Banner
Sep 29 - Oct 3, 2024
San Diego, CA

Khronos Safety Critical Related Tutorial

Introduction to Certifiable General Purpose GPU Programming for Avionics Systems

Join Leonidas Kosmidis from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) for this Safety Critical tutorial which is being presented at DASC 2024.  This year's AIAA DATC/IEEED DASC (Digital Avionics Systems Conference) takes place in San Diego, California, USA. DASC is the preeminent R&D conference in the field of digital avionics.

When: September 30, 2024 - 11:30am - 2:30pm
Description: Do you want to learn how to program General Purpose GPUs in a safety critical domain such as avionics and space? How can you meet compliance using existing open Khronos standards used in avionics and what options are being developed for next generation systems? Not sure whether you know the basics of conventional GPU programming and architecture? We got you covered with another tutorial on the basics, so you can appreciate the reduction in complexity and the benefits for certification offered by The Khronos Group Safety Critical Standards! In this crash course, you will learn about OpenGL SC, Vulkan SC and SYCL SC, the latest standard under development. We will also cover various aerospace case studies we have performed in the CAOS group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) for both avionics and space sectors in collaboration with large players in these fields.
Presenter: Leonidas Kosmidis, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and SYCL SC Outreach Officer
Learn More: https://2024.dasconline.org/program/tutorials

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