Unemployment insurance experience rating

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Unemployment insurance
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An unemployment insurance experience rating, or experience rating, is a term that refers to a tax evaluation tool used by state unemployment insurance programs that allows states to collect unemployment taxes from employers according to the amount of unemployment insurance benefits drawn by their former employees. Experience ratings determine the state unemployment tax rates employers must pay. Employers with low experience ratings pay less in state unemployment taxes than employers with high experience ratings.[1]


See also: Unemployment taxes, Federal Unemployment Tax, State unemployment tax

Under the joint federal-state unemployment insurance program, the federal government oversees the general administration of state unemployment insurance programs. The states control the specific features of their unemployment insurance programs, such as eligibility conditions, length of benefits, and experience ratings.

New employers begin paying into the unemployment insurance system at the new employer rate. During this period, employers pay a consistent, state-determined unemployment tax rate. Employers receive an experience rating after they have paid unemployment insurance taxes for a set time period (usually a few years, depending on state laws). Experience ratings correspond to a range of unemployment tax percentages on the wage base (taxable employee wages) in each state.

The more unemployment claims an employer has, the higher their state unemployment tax (SUTA) rate. For example, in Arizona, employers with the lowest experience rating pay a 0.08% tax on the first $7,000 paid to an employee. Employers with the highest experience rating pay a 20.6% tax on the first $7,000 paid to an employee.[2][3]

In Nebraska and Rhode Island, wage bases are also adjustable depending on an employer's experience rating. For example, in Nebraska, most employers pay unemployment taxes on the first $9,000 paid to an employee. Employers with the highest experience ratings pay the top unemployment tax rate (5.4%) on the first $24,000 paid to an employee.[2][3]

The federal government does not use an experience-rated system for Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) taxes.

Unemployment tax ranges by state

SUTA tax amounts vary by state. The following list provides a summary of the SUTA tax amounts across states:[3][2][4]

  • The new employer rate ranged from 0.41% in South Carolina to 4.1% in New York as of August 2024.
  • Regular rates ranged from 0% for employers with the lowest experience rating in seven states up to 20.93% of each employee's base wage in Arizona for employers with the highest experience ratings as of January 2024.
  • Arkansas, California, Florida, and Tennessee had the lowest wage bases at $7,000, and Washington had the highest wage base at $68,500 as of January 2024.

The table below outlines regular SUTA tax rate ranges for experienced employers and wage bases and new employer SUTA tax rates for all 50 states as of 2024.

State unemployment tax rates
State SUTA new employer tax rate Employer tax rate range[5] SUTA wage bases
Alabama 2.70% 0.2% – 6.8% $8,000
Alaska Standard rate 1.66% 1% – 5.4% $49,700
Arizona 2.00% 0.08% – 20.93% $8,000
Arkansas 2.025% (including 0.125% administrative assessment) 0.225% – 10.125% $7,000
California 3.40% 1.5% – 6.2% $7,000
Colorado 3.05% 0.81% – 12.34% $23,800
Connecticut 2.5% 1.1% – 7.8% $25,000
Delaware 1% 0.3% - 6.5% $10,500
Florida 2.70% 0.1% – 5.4% $7,000
Georgien 2.70% 0.06% – 8.1% $9,500
Hawaii 3.00% 1.7% - 6.2% $59,100
Idaho 1.231% (including the workforce rate, UI rate, and admin rate) 0.352% – 5.4% $53,500
Illinois 3.95% 0.85% – 8.65% $13,590
Indiana 2.50% 0.5% – 11.2% $9,500
Iowa 1.00% 0.0% – 7% $38,200
Kansas 2.70% 0.1% – 6% $14,000
Kentucky 2.70% 0.3% – 9.0% $11,400
Louisiana Varies 0.09% – 6.2% $7,700
Maine 2.32% (including the CSSF rate and UPAF rate) 0.28% – 6.03% $12,000
Maryland 2.6% 0.3% – 7.5% $8,500
Massachusetts 1.87% 0.56% – 8.62% $15,000
Michigan 2.70% 0.06% – 10.3% $9,500
Minnesota Varies 0.1% – 9.00% $42,000
Mississippi 1.0% (1st year) 0.0% – 5.4% $14,000
Missouri 1.0% for nonprofits and 2.376% for mining, construction, and all other employers 0.0% – 5.4% $10,000
Montana Varies 0.0% – 6.12% $43,000
Nebraska 1.25% 0% – 5.4% $9,000
Nevada 2.95% 0.25% – 5.4% $40,600
New Hampshire 1.7% (minus any Fund Reduction or Plus any Emergency Power Surcharge in place for the applicable quarter) 0.1% – 7.5% $14,000
New Jersey 3.1% (including the 0.1175% Workforce Development and Supplemental Workforce Funds) 1.2% – 7% $42,300
New Mexico 1.0% or the industry average rate, whichever is greater 0.33% – 5.4% $31,700
New York 4.1% (including the subsidiary tax rate of 0.625% and the reemployment tax of 0.075%) 2.025% – 9.825% $12,500
North Carolina 1.00% 0.06% – 5.76% $31,400
North Dakota 1.09% (positive-balanced employers) or 6.08% (negative-balanced employers) 0.08% – 9.68% $43,800
Ohio 2.70% 0.4% – 10.1% $9,000
Oklahoma 1.50% 0.3% – 9.2% $27,000
Oregon 2.40% 0.9% – 5.4% $52,800
Pennsylvania 3.822% 1.419% – 10.3734% $10,000
Rhode Island 1.0% (including the 0.21% Job Development Assessment) 1.1% – 9.7% $29,200
South Carolina 0.41% (including 0.06% Contingency Assessment) 0.06% – 5.46% $14,000
South Dakota 1.2%, plus 0.55% Investment Fee 0% – 8.8% $15,000
Tennessee 2.70% 0.01% – 10% $7,000
Texas 2.7% (or the industry average rate, whichever is greater) 0.25% – 6.25% $9,000
Utah Varies 0.3% – 7.3% $47,000
Vermont 1.0% (for most employers) 0.4% – 5.4% $14,300
Virginia 2.50% (plus add-ons) 0.1% – 6.2% $8,000
Washington Varies 0.27% – 6.02% $68,500
West Virginia 2.7% (for most employers) 1.5% – 8.5% $9,000
Wisconsin 3.05% for new employers with payroll < $500,000 0% – 12% $14,000
Wyoming Varies 0.48% – 9.78% $30,900

See also

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