Proposed Incorporation of the Town of Alamo, Measure A (March 2009)

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A Proposed Incorporation of the Town of Alamo, Measure A ballot question was on the March 3, 2009 ballot for voters in the area that would have become the Town of Alamo (if Measure A had been approved) in Contra Costa County, where it was defeated.[1][2]

The incorporation campaign took almost three years and was spearheaded by the Alamo Incorporation Movement led by Vicki Koc.

Sixteen candidates announced they would run for the five spots on the Alamo Town Council had it become available. The candidates were Diane Barley, Bob Connelly, Dennis Johnson, Vicki Koc, Karen McPherson, Steve Mick, Vish More, Kevin Morrow, John Morrow, Randall Nahas, Karl Niyati, Joe Rubay, Grace Schmidt, Roger Smith, Brad Stribling and Brad Waite.

Since Measure A failed, the area in question continued to be governed by the county government of Contra Costa.

Election results

Measure A
ResultVotesProzentualer Anteil
Defeatedd No4,45664.4%
Yes 2,468 35.6%
These final election results are from the Contra Costa County election office.


Linda Best, Cecily Talbert Barclay and Joe Bologna published a guest commentary on February 7 in the Contra Costa Times arguing against Measure A. Their arguments against Measure A were:

  • The Comprehensive Fiscal Analysis (CFA) conducted to assess the fiscal impact of the incorporation "significantly overstates projected revenue and understates expenses, resulting in budget shortfalls that can be remedied only by cutting resident services or raising taxes and fees."[3]
  • "Property tax revenue assumptions are based on revenues generated in 2006, the peak of the state's economy and real estate market, and assume continued growth. In 2008, with the economic downturn and collapse of the real estate market, the reduction in home resales and falling prices yielded a significant decline in residential sales values. CFA assumptions of property tax revenue are no longer realistic."
  • The CFA understates the lawsuit costs associated with running a new city.
  • The CFA understates the city staffing, salary and benefits required by $1.8 million out of a $7.5 million budget in 2010-11, based on comparisons with city staffing costs in Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda.
  • Recent experiences of similar cities suggests that the CFA understates the costs of preparing the state mandated general plan, municipal code and housing element and meeting affordable housing requirements.

Ballot question

The question on the ballot:

Measure A: "Shall the order of the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation Commission, adopted on September 18, 2008, as Resolution No. 07-27, ordering the incorporation of the territory described and designated in Resolution No. 07-27 as the "Incorporation of the Town of Alamo," be confirmed, subject to the terms and conditions specified in Resolution No. 07-27?"[4]

External links
