National Republican Senatorial Committee

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National Republican Senatorial Committee
NRSC new logo.jpg
Basic facts
Top official:Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.)
Website:Official website

Party Committees

Democratic National Committee (DNC)Republican National Committee (RNC)

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC)National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC)

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)


Leadership elections

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is a national political committee and subsidiary of the Republican Party which supports campaigns of Republican candidates for the U.S. Senate. According to the group's website, it is "the only national organization solely devoted to strengthening the Republican Senate Majority and electing Republicans to the United States Senate."[1]

As of May 21, 2024, the NRSC chairman is Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.).[2][1]

To read about the NRSC's recent political activity, click here. To read about the NRSC's recent fundraising reports, click here.


The NRSC was founded in 1916 and took on its modern form following the U.S. Supreme Court's 1976 decision in Buckley v. Valeo.[3][4][5]

As of May 2024, the NRSC had the following mission statement:

" We provide invaluable support and assistance to current and prospective Republican U.S. Senate candidates in the areas of budget planning, election law compliance, fundraising, communications tools and messaging, and research and strategy.[1][6]

About party committees

See also: Party committee fundraising, 2023-2024

Both Democrats and Republicans have three major party committees. The national committee's purpose involves oversight of the presidential nominating process as well as supporting party candidates with research, polling and funding in races across the country. Each party also has two Hill committees, one each for the House and Senate, which are dedicated to helping elect candidates from their party to Congress and helping incumbents win re-election.

These six committees were each among the top 15 spenders in the 2022 congressional elections with a combined $1.8 billion in spending. During the 2024 election cycle, the six committees associated with the Democratic and Republican Parties have reported raising a combined $1.3 billion.

Political activity

2022 elections


  • November 7, 2021: In an interview with NBC, Chairman of the NRSC Sen. Rick Scott (R) said the organization would support Republican incumbents in 2022.[7]


The following table displays the NRSC's top independent expenditures in 2021-2022.[8]

National Republican Senatorial Committee top independent expenditures, 2022[9]
Candidate State Support/oppose Amount
Mark Kelly (D) Arizona Oppose $9,906,548.83
Cheri Beasley (D) North Carolina Oppose $6,333,575.50
Raphael Warnock (D) Georgien Oppose $5,447,376.78
Catherine Cortez Masto (D) Nevada Oppose $3,705,229.87
Maggie Hassan (D) New Hampshire Oppose $2,908,483.00
Mandela Barnes (D) Wisconsin Oppose $2,827,083.46
John Fetterman (D) Pennsylvania Oppose $2,782,079.27

2020 elections


  • April 13, 2020: The NRSC booked ad buys in seven states set to begin in June. The ads were set to defend incumbents in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Montana, and North Carolina, and to oppose a Democratic incumbent in Michigan. The buys ranged from $7.2 million in North Carolina to $2.6 million in Iowa.[10]

2018 elections


The following table displays the NRSC's top 10 independent expenditures in 2018 Senate elections.[11]

2016 elections


The following table displays the NRSC's top 10 independent expenditures in 2016 Senate elections.[12]

2014 elections


The following table displays the NRSC's top 10 independent expenditures in 2014 Senate elections.[13]

2012 elections


The following table displays the NRSC's top 10 independent expenditures in 2012 Senate elections.[14]


Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) was elected chairman of the NRCC on November 16, 2022.[2]

Historical chairpersons

The following table contains a list of historical chairpersons of the NRSC.[15]

Historical chairpersons of the National Republican Senatorial Committee
Chairperson State Tenure
John Townsend, Jr. Delaware 1936-1949
Ralph Brewster Maine 1949-1951
Styles Bridges New Hampshire 1951-1953
Everett Dirksen Illinois 1953-1955
Barry Goldwater Arizona 1959-1963
Thruston Morton Kentucky 1963-1967
George Murphy California 1967-1969
John Tower Texas 1969-1971
Peter Dominick Colorado 1971-1973
William Brock Tennessee 1973-1975
Ted Stevens Alaska 1975-1977
Robert Packwood Oregon 1977-1979
Henry Heinz Pennsylvania 1979-1981
Robert Packwood Oregon 1981-1983
Richard Lugar Indiana 1983-1985
Henry Heinz Pennsylvania 1985-1987
Rudy Boschwitz Minnesota 1987-1989
Donald Nickles Oklahoma 1989-1991
Phil Gramm Texas 1991-1995
Alfonse D'Amato New York 1995-1997
Mitch McConnell Kentucky 1997-2001
William Frist Tennessee 2001-2003
George Allen Virginia 2003-2005
Elizabeth Dole North Carolina 2005-2007
John Ensign Nevada 2007-2008
John Cornyn Texas 2009-2013
Jerry Moran Kansas 2013-2015
Roger Wicker Mississippi 2015-2017
Cory Gardner Colorado 2017-2019
Todd Young Indiana 2019 - 2020
Rick Scott Florida 2020- 2022
Steve Daines Montana 2022 - present


Annual overview

The following table identifies total annual federal receipts and disbursements for the NRSC according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission:[16]

Annual federal receipts and disbursements for the NRSC, 2010-2023
Year Federal receipts Federal disbursements
2023 $91,330,517.49 $65,200,478.20
2022 $145,204,742.00 $169,809,408.70
2021 $104,840,157.80 $86,469,618.97
2020 $270,593,115.19 $276,191,470.46
2019 $67,670,267.37 $55,157,984.11
2018 $109,652,457.51 $117,423,685.52
2017 $41,918,069.73 $33,781,836.29
2016 $97,593,307.68 $102,156,275.99
2015 $40,783,214.93 $31,793,104.56
2014 $91,602,617.15 $96,916,949.43
2013 $36,675,643.22 $32,036,311.71
2012 $75,631,291.79 $83,705,703.83
2011 $41,414,571.79 $30,077,686.74
2010 $73,384,474.89 $81,574,282.44

2024 election cycle

See also: Party committee fundraising, 2023-2024

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) reported the following fundraising amounts for the 2023-24 election cycle:

Monthly fundraising for the NRSC for the 2023-24 election cycle
(Dates covered)
Total receipts Total disbursements Cash on hand (end of month) Debts owed (end of month) FEC document
August 2024
(July 1-31, 2024)
$17,006,684.74 $14,301,144.12 $51,011,608.34 $0.00 Filing
July 2024
(June 1-30, 2024)
$18,526,967.69 $11,223,941.80 $48,306,067.72 $0.00 Filing
June 2024
(May 1-31, 2024)
$12,363,159.55 $9,360,646.45 $41,003,041.83 $0.00 Filing
May 2024
(April 1-30, 2024)
$13,153,581.64 $11,693,870.31 $38,000,528.73 $0.00 Filing
April 2024
(March 1-31, 2024)
$18,296,197.19 $6,561,007.14 $36,540,817.40 $0.00 Filing
March 2024
(February 1-29, 2024)
$13,140,404.43 $6,527,476.89 $24,805,627.35 $0.00 Filing
February 2024
(January 1-31, 2024)
$10,828,320.12 $7,004,624.34 $18,192,699.81 $0.00 Filing
Year-End 2023
(December 1-31, 2023)
$9,722,094.10 $3,075,142.77 $14,369,004.03 $0.00 Filing
December 2023
(November 1-30, 2023)
$6,020,717.63 $5,263,802.25 $7,722,052.70 $0.00 Filing
November 2023
(October 1-31, 2023)
$5,359,549.01 $6,564,098.06 $6,965,137.32 $0.00 Filing
October 2023
(September 1-30, 2023)
$8,104,492.54 $6,427,702.98 $8,169,686.37 $500,000.00 Filing
September 2023
(August 1-31, 2023)
$5,028,592.35 $6,799,472.85 $6,492,896.81 $2,900,000.00 Filing
August 2023
(July 1-31, 2023)
$5,423,862.47 $6,645,063.69 $8,263,777.31 $4,250,000.00 Filing
July 2023
(June 1-30, 2023)
$7,755,495.96 $6,835,894.90 $9,484,978.53 $6,250,000.00 Filing
June 2023
(May 1-31, 2023)
$6,512,464.45 $6,837,230.80 $8,565,377.47 $7,750,000.00 Filing
May 2023
(April 1-30, 2023)
$6,231,654.08 $5,397,762.21 $8,890,143.82 $10,750,000.00 Filing
April 2023
(March 1-31, 2023)
$7,815,097.81 $8,119,969.57 $8,056,251.95 $12,750,000.00 Filing
March 2023
(Feb. 1-28, 2023)
$5,490,474.62 $5,992,200.52 $8,361,123.71 $16,350,000.00 Filing
February 2023
(Jan. 1-31, 2023)
$4,511,554.07 $3,826,440.31 $8,862,849.61 $20,000,000.00 Filing

2022 election cycle

See also: Party committee fundraising, 2021-2022

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) reported the following fundraising amounts for the 2021-22 election cycle:

Monthly fundraising for the NRSC for the 2021-22 election cycle
(Dates covered)
Total receipts Total disbursements Cash on hand (end of month) Debts owed (end of month) FEC document
Year-End 2022
(November 29-December 31, 2022)
$3,372,124.04 $5,784,107.36 $8,177,735.85 $20,000,000.00 Filing
Post-General 2022
(October 20-November 28, 2022)
$12,054,403.63 $15,155,797.37 $10,589,719.17 $20,000,000.00 Filing
Pre-General 2022
(October 1-19, 2022)
$15,468,969.33 $15,452,555.70 $13,691,112.91 $20,000,000.00 Filing
October 2022
(September 1-30, 2022)
$25,016,489.17 $27,341,833.7 $13,674,699.28 $0.00 Filing
September 2022
(August 1-31, 2022)
$12,613,097.87 $19,778,682.06 $16,000,043.81 $0.00 Filing
August 2022
(July 1-31, 2022)
$8,050,263.06 $13,337,920.86 $23,165,628.00 $0.00 Filing
July 2022
(June 1-30, 2022)
$9,456,309.22 $17,006,565.16 $28,453,285.80 $0.00 Filing
June 2022
(May 1-31, 2022)
$8,018,426.36 $17,132,632.32 $36,003,541.74 $0.00 Filing
May 2022
(April 1-30, 2022)
$8,146,970.56 $7,164,015.84 $45,117,747.70 $0.00 Filing
April 2022
(March 1-31, 2022)
$13,280,793.52 $10,790,212.26 $44,134,792.98 $0.00 Filing
March 2022
(Feb. 1-28, 2022)
$11,707,886.37 $9,172,518.56 $41,644,211.72 $0.00 Filing
February 2022
(Jan. 1-31, 2022)
$18,019,008.84 $11,692,567.55 $39,108,843.91 $0.00 Filing
Year-End 2021
(Dec. 1-31, 2021)
$11,236,079.02 $8,541,350.07 $32,782,402.62 $0.00 Filing
December 2021
(Nov. 1-30, 2021)
$8,389,156.42 $7,985,767.53 $30,087,673.67 $0.00 Filing
November 2021
(Oct. 1-31, 2021)
$9,001,481.07 $7,089,100.08 $29,684,284.78 $0.00 Filing
October 2021
(Sept. 1-30, 2021)
$9,531,613.39 $6,998,909.18 $27,771,903.79 $0.00 Filing
September 2021
(Aug. 1-31, 2021)
$8,004,299.83 $6,902,129.94 $25,239,199.58 $0.00 Filing
August 2021
(July 1-31, 2021)
$7,467,414.93 $8,404,026.26 $24,137,029.69 $0.00 Filing
July 2021
(June 1-30, 2021)
$10,523,491.53 $6,153,766.10 $25,073,641.02 $0.00 Filing
June 2021
(May 1-31, 2021)
$10,375,900.98 $3,921,710.51 $20,703,915.59 $0.00 Filing
May 2021
(April 1-30, 2021)
$7,206,465.03 $5,290,732.63 $14,249,725.12 $0.00 Filing
April 2021
(March 1-31, 2021)
$8,336,221.77 $11,153,372.57 $12,333,992.72 $0.00 Filing
March 2021
(Feb. 1-28, 2021)
$6,427,393.63 $8,492,567.28 $15,151,143.52 $5,400,000.00 Filing
February 2021
(Jan. 1-31, 2021)
$8,340,640.22 $5,536,186.82 $17,216,317.17 $9,000,000.00 Filing

2020 election cycle

See also: Party committee fundraising, 2019-2020

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) reported the following fundraising amounts for the 2019-20 election cycle:

Monthly fundraising for the NRSC for the 2019-20 election cycle
(Dates covered)
Total receipts Total disbursements Cash on hand (end of month) Debts owed (end of month) FEC document
Year-End 2020
(Nov. 24 - Dec. 31, 2020)
$43,032,018.48 $65,451,234.64 $14,411,863.77 $9,000,000.00 Filing
Post-General 2020
(Oct. 15 - Nov. 23, 2020)
$75,545,792.20 $57,053,982.04 $36,831,079.93 $18,023,850.00 Filing
Pre-General 2020
(Oct. 1-14, 2020)
$19,310,128.33 $23,608,784.20 $18,339,269.77 $10,000,000.00 Filing
October 2020
(Sept. 1-30, 2020)
$32,704,196.62 $23,655,932.90 $22,637,925.64 $6,000,000.00 Filing
September 2020
(Aug. 1-31, 2020)
$19,011,898.74 $21,811,488.95 $13,589,661.92 $0.00 Filing
August 2020
(July 1-31, 2020)
$15,049,387.89 $29,204,894.32 $16,389,252.13 $0.00 Filing
July 2020
(June 1-30, 2020)
$14,010,051.79 $23,499,907.40 $30,544,758.56 $0.00 Filing
June 2020
(May 1-31, 2020)
$10,104,413.14 $7,894,583.70 $40,034,614.17 $0.00 Filing
May 2020
(Apr. 1-30, 2020)
$11,507,707.90 $6,218,053.90 $37,827,284.73 $0.00 Filing
April 2020
(Mar. 1-31, 2020)
$9,085,278.89 $6,924,004.69 $32,537,630.73 $0.00 Filing
March 2020
(Feb. 1-29, 2020)
$11,177,348.56 $6,035,717.70 $30,376,356.53 $0.00 Filing
February 2020
(Jan. 1-31, 2020)
$10,054,892.65 $4,830,386.02 $25,234,725.67 $0.00 Filing
Year-End 2019
(Dec. 1-31, 2019)
$7,011,164.74 $5,011,674.33 $20,010,219.04 $0.00 Filing
December 2019
(Nov. 1-30, 2019)
$6,239,031.10 $3,233,010.22 $18,010,728.63 $0.00 Filing
November 2019
(Oct. 1-31, 2019)
$6,693,286.68 $4,757,833.35 $15,004,707.75 $0.00 Filing
October 2019
(Sept. 1-30, 2019)
$5,070,354.27 $3,636,725.01 $13,069,254.42 $0.00 Filing
September 2019
(Aug. 1-31, 2019)
$3,711,685.29 $3,778,870.03 $11,635,625.16 $1,275,000.00 Filing
August 2019
(July 1-31, 2019)
$4,346,443.23 $5,207,700.04 $11,702,809.90 $2,275,000.00 Filing
July 2019
(June 1-30, 2019)
$5,716,943.47 $4,425,850.59 $12,564,066.71 $4,500,000.00 Filing
June 2019
(May 1-31, 2019)
$4,841,510.07 $4,872,670.02 $11,272,973.83 $6,000,000.00 Filing
May 2019
(Apr. 1-30, 2019)
$4,525,407.72 $5,312,206.62 $11,304,133.78 $7,500,000.00 Filing
April 2019
(Mar. 1-31, 2019)
$7,549,651.35 $5,030,433.85 $12,090,932.68 $9,000,000.00 Filing
March 2019
(Feb. 1-28, 2019)
$6,384,969.14 $4,402,730.52 $9,571,715.18 $12,000,000.00 Filing
February 2019
(Jan. 1-31, 2019)
$5,579,820.31 $5,488,279.53 $7,589,476.56 $14,000,000.00 Filing

2018 election cycle

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) reported the following monthly fundraising amounts for the 2017-18 election cycle:

Monthly fundraising for the NRSC for the 2017-18 election cycle
Month Total contributions Total Disbursements Cash on hand (end of month) Debts Owed (end of month) FEC document
December 2018 $2,722,454 $8,945,039 $7,497,936 $17,000,000 Filing
Post-general election 2018 $19,493,440 $20,113,733 $13,720,520 $17,000,000 Filing
Pre-general election 2018 $15,100,879 $16,337,226 $14,340,813 $17,000,000 Filing
September 2018 $23,381,741 $19,457,321 $15,577,161 $12,000,000 Filing
August 2018 $7,152,968 $18,251,266 $11,652,741 $0 Filing
July 2018 $8,706,988 $4,761,538 $22,751,039 $0 Filing
June 2018 $5,670,694 $3,251,116 $18,805,589 $0 Filing
May 2018 $5,445,184 $5,839,054 $16,386,010 $0 Filing
April 2018 $6,033,494 $4,051,967 $16,779,881 $0 Filing
March 2018 $6,329,140 $6,838,742 $14,798,354 $0 Filing
February 2018 $5,115,223 $5,048,049 $15,307,956 $4,000,000 Filing
January 2018 $4,500,253 $4,528,634 $15,240,782 $7,000,000 Filing
December 2017 $3,370,299 $2,330,516 $15,269,164 $9,500,000 Filing
November 2017 $2,096,646 $2,169,629 $14,229,381 $10,000,000 Filing
October 2017 $2,090,330 $2,668,025 $14,302,364 $10,250,000 Filing
September 2017 $2,196,461 $2,405,831 $14,880,059 $10,750,000 Filing
August 2017 $2,125,303 $2,836,517 $15,089,429 $10,750,000 Filing
July 2017 $2,065,584 $2,500,844 $15,800,643 $11,000,000 Filing
June 2017 $4,775,284 $2,687,320 $16,235,903 $11,000,000 Filing
May 2017 $3,028,529 $3,149,850 $14,147,938 $12,000,000 Filing
April 2017 $3,795,057 $2,814,380 $14,269,259 $13,000,000 Filing
March 2017 $7,021,672 $4,015,308 $13,288,583 $14,000,000 Filing
February 2017 $5,112,259 $4,638,226 $10,282,219 $15,000,000 Filing
January 2017 $4,240,646 $1,565,391 $9,808,186 $18,000,000 Filing
December 2016 - - $7,132,930 $18,000,000 Filing

2016 election cycle

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) reported the following monthly fundraising amounts for the 2015-16 election cycle:

Monthly fundraising for the NRSC for the 2015-16 election cycle
Month Total contributions Total Disbursements Cash on hand (end of month) Debts Owed (end of month) FEC document
Year-End 2016 $1,875,324.07 $2,731,253.08 $7,132,930.35 $18,000,000.00 Filing
Post-General 2016 $13,633,682.50 $16,390,798.13 $7,988,859.36 $18,000,000.00 Filing
Pre-General 2016 $9,963,007.27 $11,525,203.19 $10,745,974.99 $18,000,000.00 Filing
October 2016 $30,582,624.63 $30,145,471.88 $12,308,170.91 $15,500,000.00 Filing
September 2016 $6,453,897.12 $18,391,878.66 $11,871,018.16 $0.00 Filing
August 2016 $4,156,722.35 $6,732,807.08 $23,808,999.70 $0.00 Filing
July 2016 $6,526,968.96 $4,061,691.82 $26,385,084.43 $0.00 Filing
June 2016 $5,277,446.07 $2,940,231.73 $23,919,807.29 $0.00 Filing
May 2016 $4,279,583.41 $2,698,346.88 $21,582,592.95 $0.00 Filing
April 2016 $6,158,856.15 $2,366,149.16 $20,001,356.42 $0.00 Filing
March 2016 $4,803,627.16 $2,443,743.20 $16,208,649.43 $0.00 Filing
February 2016 $3,881,567.99 $1,728,701.18 $13,848,765.47 $0.00 Filing
Year-End 2015 $2,950,954.35 $2,520,839.73 $11,695,898.66 $0.00 Filing
December 2015 $2,769,864.85 $1,808,779.28 $11,265,784.04 $0.00 Filing
November 2015 $2,332,317.33 $1,896,335.31 $10,304,698.47 $0.00 Filing
October 2015 $2,905,718.67 $1,038,098.92 $9,868,716.45 $0.00 Filing
September 2015 $2,604,068.33 $2,224,471.35 $8,001,096.70 $0.00 Filing
August 2015 $3,293,488.36 $2,155,025.33 $7,621,499.72 $0.00 Filing
July 2015 $4,058,499.26 $3,884,614.59 $6,483,036.69 $0.00 Filing
June 2015 $4,529,788.75 $3,222,919.29 $6,309,152.02 $2,000,000.00 Filing
May 2015 $4,211,784.54 $4,465,644.08 $5,002,282.56 $3,500,000.00 Filing
April 2015 $4,881,679.25 $3,943,807.68 $5,256,142.10 $6,000,000.00 Filing
March 2015 $3,785,939.40 $3,551,848.68 $4,318,270.53 $8,000,000.00 Filing
February 2015 $2,459,111.84 $1,080,720.32 $4,084,179.81 $10,000,000.00 Filing

2014 election cycle

During the 2014 election cycle, the NRSC raised $128,278,255.33 and spent $128,953,257.06.[17]

2012 election cycle

During the 2012 election cycle, the NRSC raised $117,045,860.05 and spent $113,783,386.93.[18]

See also

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 National Republican Senatorial Committee, "About NRSC," accessed May 21, 2024
  2. 2.0 2.1 Axios, "McConnell re-elected as Senate GOP leader," November 16, 2022
  3. Roll Call, "Senate Chairmen Try to Avoid Historic Home-State Losses," September 24, 2014
  4. U.S. Senate, "Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairs," accessed June 18, 2019
  5. Google Books, "Campaign Finance Reform: The Political Shell Game," accessed June 18, 2019
  6. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  7. NBC, "NRSC will campaign against Trump-endorsed Murkowski challenger, Scott says," November 7, 2021
  8. Federal Election Commission, "Disbursements," accessed December 9, 2022
  9. Note: Spending for or against candidates who ran in Georgia's 2021 U.S. Senate runoffs, but who did not run in 2022, is not included in this table.
  10. Politico, "Senate Republicans' campaign arm books $33M to protect majority," April 13, 2020
  11. OpenSecrets, "NRSC, Independent Expenditures and Coordinated Expenses, 2017-2018," accessed July 5, 2019
  12. OpenSecrets, "NRSC, Independent Expenditures and Coordinated Expenses, 2015-2016," accessed July 5, 2019
  13. OpenSecrets, "NRSC, Independent Expenditures and Coordinated Expenses, 2013-2014," accessed July 5, 2019
  14. OpenSecrets, "NRSC, Independent Expenditures and Coordinated Expenses, 2011-2012," accessed July 5, 2019
  15. United States Senate, "Senatorial Committee Chairs," accessed April 16, 2020
  16. Federal Election Commission, "NRSC—ID: C00027466," accessed February 11, 2021
  17. Federal Election Commission, "National Republican Senatorial Committee, Financial summary, 2013-2014," accessed July 5, 2019
  18. Federal Election Commission, "National Republican Senatorial Committee, Financial summary, 2011-2012," accessed July 5, 2019