Campaign finance agencies in North Carolina

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In North Carolina, there is one primary agency involved in campaign finance regulation: the North Carolina State Board of Elections.

See also: Campaign finance requirements in North Carolina


North Carolina requires candidates and political action committees to report finances and expenditures to the North Carolina State Board of Elections. The board is empowered to create the forms used for campaign finance reports, to prepare and file such reports, to investigate alleged failures to properly file reports, to assess and collect civil penalties, and to report violations to district attorneys for prosecution.[1]


The board consists of five registered voters appointed by the governor to four-year terms. No more than three members may belong to the same political party. Members may not serve more than two consecutive terms. According to North Carolina election law, "[t]he Governor shall appoint the members from a list of nominees submitted to him by the State party chairman of each of the two political parties having the highest number of registered affiliates as reflected by the latest registration statistics published by the State Board of Elections. Each party chairman shall submit a list of five nominees who are affiliated with that political party."[2][3]

North Carolina State Board of Elections members as of October 2020
Name Position Party
Damon Circosta Chairman Democratic
Stella Anderson Secretary Democratic
Jeff Carmon Member Democratic
Stacy "Four" Eggers IV Member Republican
Tommy Tucker Member Republican
Source: North Carolina State Board of Elections, "About NCSBE," accessed October 12, 2020

North Carolina State Board of Elections—staff as of October 2020
Name Position
Karen Brinson Bell Executive Director
Source: North Carolina State Board of Elections, "About NCSBE," accessed October 16, 2020

Electronic reporting system

The North Carolina State Board of Elections hosts a campaign finance reports system. The system can be accessed here.[4]

Contact information

North Carolina State Board of Elections

441 N Harrington Street
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Telephone: 919-733-7173
Email: [email protected]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance North Carolina. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
