Citywide Goals 2024

Mayor Mike Johnston and agency leaders across the City and County of Denver worked together to design ambitious goals, and a guiding vision, mission and values for 2024. Team members will work collaboratively as they execute this work.

Vision, Mission, Values

Together, we can build a Denver that is vibrant, affordable and safe for all.

Our problems are solvable. We are the ones to solve them.


  • Listen
    We listen with humility to our community, partners, and each other, learning together to drive action.
  • Dare
    We dare to be bold and creative, driven by the urgency the people of Denver deserve.
  • Deliver
    We take ownership of every problem, deliver breakthrough solutions and never do it alone.

2024 Goals

Denver's goals are primarily set across five different categories. They are designed to be specific, measurable and accomplished by the end of this year.

The Mayor established "Tiger Teams" to take on the objectives set forth in these goals. Leaders in multiple agencies will collaborate to advance the work. Every city agency will participate in at least one of Tiger Teams. They will each meet weekly with the Mayor and the Chief of Staff or Chief Operating Officer. Denver's Chief Equity Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer will serve as advisers for all goals, as well as additional content experts and on-call advisers.

Vibrant Denver

Build a Shared Vision for a Vibrant Denver

Engage the public across the 11 council districts to envision vibrant neighborhoods and a vibrant downtown, identifying funding for both.

Affordable Denver

All in Mile High

Reach a total of 2,000 people moved indoors from unsheltered homelessness.

Affordable Homes

Permit, secure, finance, or support the development and preservation of 3,000 long-term affordable housing units.

Safe Denver

Roads to Recovery

Move 200 individuals struggling with addiction or mental health out of the criminal justice system and into a coordinated intervention, treatment, and rehabilitation pipeline.

Safe City

Reduce violent gun crime by 20% and improve customer satisfaction by 15%.

Great Government

Cut Permitting Time

Re-envision the development permitting process and reduce city review time by 30%.

Improve Services

Reduce our response time by 20% to the top three constituent concerns.

Employee Engagement

Increase employee engagement by 5%

All goals are centered around supporting and working with the incredible employees across Denver.  


View the entire slide deck from Mayor Johnston's goals announcement here.

WATCH: Mayor Johnston Announces Denver Goals for 2024