COVID-19 Reporting and Guidance For Schools

Reporting COVID-19 in Schools & Early Child Education Settings

While there is no outbreak definition, all school and Early Childhood Education (ECE) COVID-19 cases are required to be reported per 6 CCR 1009-1. Please utilize the following links to report individual cases of COVID-19 in students or staff.

Outbreak Definition for Schools

 There currently is no outbreak definition for schools. Even though there is no numeric definition for COVID-19 cases and outbreaks, context of the situation does matter. The Denver Dept. of Public Health & Environment (DDPHE) will continue to monitor for clusters of cases of COVID-19 and reach out when numbers seem to be concerning or if there is an increase in cases that is higher than expected. Simultaneously, if you are concerned about COVID-19 cases at your school, please reach out to us at DDPHE. Additionally, school, and childcare outbreaks do not need to be reported to CDPHE unless there are signs of concerning characteristics (i.e., a large spike of cases in a short period of time, increased hospitalizations).

Resolving an Outbreak

 COVID-19 outbreaks are considered resolved after 28 days have passed since the symptom onset or test collection date (if asymptomatic) or the last identified COVID-19 case at the facility. 

School Guidance 

  1. Child is sick with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or has a positive COVID-19 test.
  2. Child isolates at home away from others for 5 full days. Their day 0 should be the day their symptoms started or their positive test date (if they are asymptomatic).
  3. Child can end isolation after 5 full days if their symptoms are improving and they are fever free for 24 hours.
  4. Child should continue to mask and monitor for symptoms through day 10.

Early Childhood Education Guidance

  1. Child is sick with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or has a positive COVID-19 test.
  2. Child isolates at home away from others for 5 full days.
  3. Child can end isolation after 5 full days if that child is fever free, symptoms free or symptoms are improving, and the child is over 2 years of age and able to consistently wear a mask in the ECE program. The child can also return if they had two negative antigen tests 48 hours apart.
    1. If they child does not meet the above criteria, they should continue to isolate through day 10.
    2. If the child does meet the above criteria, they can return to the ECE program, but they should continue to mask and monitor for symptoms through day 10.

Exposures to COVID-19 Information

After being exposed to COVID-19, you should start taking precautions immediately. Wear a mask as soon as you find out you were exposed and continue precautions for 10 full days. Treat the date you were last exposed to COVID-19 as your day 0. If you develop symptoms, isolate immediately and get tested.