Prepare your apps for the latest version of Wear OS. Learn about behavior changes in Wear OS 5 Developer Preview, and discover how you can further enhance your app's user experience.
Explore how your app behaves on Wear OS 5 Developer Preview. Install and test your app on an emulator that runs Wear OS 5 Developer Preview. In select regions, you can also register for a beta program from Samsung to test your app on an eligible Samsung Galaxy Watch device.

What's in Wear OS 5 Developer Preview

The latest version of Wear OS includes several updates and optimizations to help your app run as smoothly as possible in a more power-efficient way.
Wear OS 5 Developer Preview includes features that improve system navigation experiences on devices that contain larger displays. In particular, Wear OS 5 Developer Preview supports a denser app selection screen.
Bring your creative vision even more to life using an updated version of Watch Face Format. Integrate new types of complications and data expressions to enrich your watch face experience.