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The Commission is working with Member States to improve controls on pesticides

The Commission has just published a report on the controls on plant protection products in the EU. The overview is based on 19 audits carried out in Member States between 2012 and 2014. The audits concentrated on the authorisation systems for plant protection products, and on the controls carried out for the marketing and use of these products. Shortcomings in the authorisation systems were identified in two areas: • Delays with authorisations within the EU deadlines: Many authorised products had not been evaluated to EU standards, more than 15 years after the EU principles for evaluation had been established. Similarly, delays and weaknesses in co-operation between Member States were identified for the new zonal authorisation system established in 2009. This highlights the difficulty for Member States to put in place authorisation systems in line with EU legislation; • The report also identifies problems with the misuse of simplified emergency authorisations, undermining the effectiveness of the strict criteria for regular authorisations established by EU legislation. Regarding official controls on the marketing of plant protection products, there were weaknesses related to inadequate checks of labels and unsatisfactory quality controls of these products. As a consequence, counterfeit and illegal pesticides may not always be detected. Controls of the Member States on the use of plant protection products were more effective. Relevant aspects were covered during inspections and thorough checks of records kept by users were undertaken. Initial measures were taken for putting into practice the EU Directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides, which is a step forward to ensure the sustainable use of pesticides.

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Commission identifies areas of good practice for national controls on food supplements

The Commission has just published a report on the controls of food supplements in the EU. The Food and Veterinary Office had visited five Member States in 2013 and 2014, to obtain an overview on the controls carried out for these products. Food supplements contain concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals, plant and herbal extracts. They are marketed in capsules, pills, powders or liquids. Their purpose is to supplement the normal diet, but not to treat or cure a disease. The visits in Member States took place against the backdrop of a growing trade in food supplements in the EU, especially via the internet, and an increasing number of alert notifications in the EU Rapid Alert System for Food. This demonstrates that these products can be a real risk to food safety. Minerals and vitamins are approved by the European Commission, but maximum levels have not been set. A Commission report of 2008 had concluded that it was not feasible to harmonise the use of other substances such as plant and herbal extracts. In most Member States, producers or traders have to inform (“notify”) the national authorities about the products marketed. The procedures for assessing these notifications differ considerably within the EU. Member States pointed out that the lack of harmonised lists of approved plant and herbal extracts, and of maximum levels for vitamins and minerals, means that the safety criteria are not transparent to traders, inspectors and consumers. Likewise, different national provisions can be an obstacle to intra-EU trade. A number of Member States have taken initiatives to address issues such as the control of internet sales. Such examples of good practice will provide the basis for discussions with Member States on practical steps to improve the effectiveness of controls. Regarding the possible approval of plant and herbal extracts, the Commission is currently examining the feasibility of various options.

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EXPO FVO event 8th July: Food safety audits - Making best use of a valuable resource

The aim of this event hosted by the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) of the European Commission is to discuss how audits and inspections contribute to high food safety standards and importantly to learn how they are best used at European and Global level to improve Food Control Systems and to facilitate trade. The discussions will focus on audit approaches in food safety systems of global food producing/trading nations. Audits are a key enabler for safe food safety systems in the EU and in countries exporting to the EU, thus contributing to feeding the planet safely but also to enabling safe food trade within and outside the EU. Colleagues from key Food Safety Authorities in the EU and trading partners, from the international standard setting bodies, the food industry and civil society will take part in the event. The event will be video broadcast and can be viewed on the 8th July from 10:30 to 16:30 clicking the link "Read more…"

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How well is the EU tackling the threat of antimicrobial resistance in food of animal origin?

The FVO has just published an overview report evaluating the Member States' 2013 monitoring plans for residues of veterinary medicines and other contaminants in food of animal origin. For the first time, the FVO also examined the ability of national laboratories to monitor for residues of critically important antimicrobials (CIAs). This report forms part of the road map of the European Commission's action plan against the rising threats from antimicrobial resistance. The report finds that EU Member States do monitor animal products for a range of residues of veterinary antimicrobials (including most of the CIAs evaluated). The ability of Member States to test for residues of these substances in food of animal origin is useful to identify any misuse of these drugs. For example, if the test results showed that the Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) were exceeded, a possible explanation could be that the animals had been given an excessive dose. An alternative explanation could be that the withdrawal period prior to slaughter had not been respected or was insufficient.

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The Commission has just published a report on the state of implementation of HACCP in the EU and areas for improvement. Procedures based on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles are mandatory for most business operators placing food or feed on the EU market. They are essential to put in place, implement and maintain a food safety management system, protecting consumers from hazards. The report looks at the implementation of HACCP across Member States and concludes that the experience of Food and Feed Business Operators with HACCP has been generally positive. There is overall agreement on the importance and benefits of implementing Food and Feed safety management systems based on HACCP principles. In all Member States there is an adequate level of implementation of HACCP-based procedures. National control systems check on the implementation of HACCP-based systems on an on-going basis. However, there is room for improvement. The project has identified seven key areas where challenges exist. In particular, two factors give rise to inconsistencies of interpretation and implementation: • some of the HACCP principles are not always well understood, particularly by small FBOs, and • national frameworks for implementing HACCP-based systems vary between Member States and within sectors. The report contains a range of examples of good practices already being implemented in Member States which could be used as a basis for improvement in these areas. There is much common ground between official and stakeholder bodies on the main areas where improvements could be made. There is an eagerness to work together to resolve these difficulties for the benefit of all consumers in the EU and beyond. The report includes a work-programme for a better implementation of HACCP to be implemented at EU level, by the Member States, by stakeholder organisations and by FBOs. It is envisaged that progress at each level can be achieved in parallel. For its part, the Commission has already initiated discussions with Member State experts on a revision of the existing EU guidance documents in HACCP to improve understanding of the HACCP principles. Ongoing and planned Better Training for Safer Food (BTSF) activities related to HACCP will be adapted accordingly.

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Visit to the FVO by Taiwan’s TFDA and BAPHIQ

A delegation from the Taiwan Food and Drug Authority (TFDA) and the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine (BAPHIQ) visited the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) in June 2015, as part of the “Taiwan Study Visit - EU Animal Health and Food Safety Control" organised by DG TRADE. A two day programme was prepared for this visit to include elements of the EU food safety and animal health policy, the work of the FVO and to address specific questions received in advance from the delegation. These visits constitute a valuable opportunity to explain the role of the FVO in ensuring that public authorities meet their responsibilities to deliver the EU’s high standards and in turn receive information on how the visiting competent authorities organise their work. In particular, explanations were provided on the risk-based approach to planning the work of the FVO, prioritisation of areas and countries to audit, decision process highlighting timelines, consultation and transparency of the process as well as other activities developed by the FVO to contribute to the continual improvement of EU official controls. The exchange over two days was helpful in promoting better understanding of the respective control systems and how trade can be promoted under safe conditions.

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Listing of establishments approved for export commodities to the EU

In order to export food of animal origin (meat, meat products, milk, cheese, etc.) to the EU, countries need to be approved. This approval includes a number of steps: (1) a positive evaluation of the competent authorities responsible for overseeing production and for certification of consignments; (2) a favourable animal health status and control system and (3) an approved residue control plan. These steps involved require desk-based evaluations and on-the-spot audits by the FVO who also carry out repeat evaluations and audits on a regular basis. In addition, production establishments must also be approved. Lists of approved countries and establishments are published by DG SANTE via the TRACES portal and are available to EU Border Inspection Posts, the authorities in the EU and third countries and to the public. Within DG SANTE, the FVO is responsible for management and maintenance of lists of establishments in third countries that are approved to export food of animal origin to the EU. For the vast majority of food commodities of animal origin, requirements have been in place for many years. For such commodities, lists of approved establishments were drawn up many years ago; establishments may be added or deleted from the lists as appropriate. For a number of commodities, particularly specialised products or where import volumes were very small, Member States retained responsibility for maintaining their own lists of establishments from which they authorised imports. The FVO has undertaken to progressively harmonise the lists of approved establishments for these commodities. To date, in addition to the list for the main food commodities, a harmonised list has been drawn up for 'Eggs & egg products' and work is currently in progress to harmonise lists for 'Frog legs and snails', 'Rendered animal fats and greaves' and 'Collagen'.

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New audit series addressing risk from imports to the EU of planting material

In 2015 the FVO started a new audit series in third countries on planting material (cuttings, pot plants, bare rooted plants, seeds etc.) exported to the EU. The phytosanitary risk, related to plants intended for planting is considered as high, because these plants are further cultivated or propagated in the European Union and it could mean an efficient pathway for the introduction and spread of harmful organisms. The range of harmful organism concerned is different for each plant species or group of species and for each country of origin. Some of the infections/infestations may remain latent, therefore an inspection at the time of export or import does not necessarily guarantee that the plants are free from the harmful organisms concerned. The particular risk related to planting material is in the EU plant health legislation generally addressed by requirements for specific production and control conditions, rather than bans, which are only applied in exceptional cases. How these specific conditions are met must be declared on the Phytosanitary Certificates from the National Plant Protection Organisation of the exporting country. In 2015, audits will be carried out in the major exporting countries of planting material for the EU (Costa Rica, China, Guatemala, Honduras, Serbia). The FVO auditors will check the status of harmful organisms of concern in the production areas used for the exports to the EU; the system of production, with particular attention to measures to avoid infection/infestation with harmful organisms and the system of phytosanitary controls during the production and before export. The audit reports and an overview report will be published on the DG SANTE website.

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Cooperation with DG MARE on traceability and labelling of fishery products

New legislation came into force in December 2014 on the labelling of fish, covering aspects from the common marketing regulation under the responsibility of DG MARE and from the FIC regulation (Food information to the consumer) under DG SANTE responsibility. In joint activities including audits between DG MARE and the FVO it will be evaluated how the regulations are implemented by the food business operators and the competent authorities and how it is assured that the necessary information is available and followed the fish to ensure reliable information to the consumer. The use and labelling of additives will also be included in this project. The project will start in October 2015 and will finish with an overview report at the end of 2016.

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FVO at the SEAFOOD EXPO in Brussels

Representatives of the FVO unit dealing with fish participated in the Seafood EXPO organised in Brussels, Belgium from 21 to 23 April 2015. This is one of the world’s most important seafood trade fairs, dedicated to the industry, visited by buyers, suppliers, media, and other seafood professionals and with more than 1,690 exhibiting companies from over 75 countries. At the stand of the European Commission shared between DG MARE, DG TRADE and DG SANTE they presented the work of the FVO and discussed with the participants about common deficiencies and problems found during the audits on fishery products. The participation in this important event is a unique opportunity to show and explain the work of the FVO, to get in direct contact with various stakeholders and to get informed about news and trends of the production, processing and marketing of fish worldwide.

Further information

Annual reports

Our annual reports describe the overall outcome of national and Commission control activities to ensure a high level of health and food safety.

Work programmes

Our annual work programme identifies the work priorities in context of identified risks, legal obligations and Commission priorities.

Audit reports

Search and view Audit reports produced by the department.

Overview reports

Search and view Overview reports produced by the department.

Audit map

View the map, select a country to see a list of audits.

Country profiles

A compilation of key information for each Member State.


See our latest publications and news.


A selection of videos to help demonstrate what we do.

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