New Media Group HK

New Media Group HK

Online Audio und Video Medien

Kowloon, HK 6,470 followers

We are a new generation media company specializing in both digital and print content as well as experience development.

Über uns

New Media Group is a leading Digital First media and Content Publisher in Hong Kong, specialized in covering a wide range of topics that include travel & entertainment, food & dining, lifestyle & fashion, sports, finance and analysis, as well as local culture & trends etc. Our fully developed on/offline platforms and social networks, allow us to provide one-stop total solutions to reach different target audiences. Our omnichannel footprint and extensive data library serve to fulfill our clients’ every sales and promotional needs, from creating content, building brands, increasing loyalty, to launching tactical campaigns and expanding marketing reach in the digital world. We look for young and energetic people who are keen to work in a dynamic and fast-paced environment, passionate about digital and creativity, and resourceful in solving problems. For more information, please visit our website:

Online Audio und Video Medien
Größe des Unternehmens
201-500 Mitarbeiter
Kowloon, HK
In Privatbesitz
digital media, online marketing, marketing, advertising, agency, publishing, partnership, and digital marketing


Employees at New Media Group HK


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    New Media Lab , the innovation arm of New Media Group HK, recently wowed attendees at the "AWS TechFest: AI for Every Business" event with its latest media and marketing technology innovations. Demonstrating a steadfast dedication to reshaping the media landscape in the post-digital age, the lab showcased two standout creations: the Social Post Assistant, leveraging generative AI for efficient ad copy processing, and the Freelancer Management System, enhancing freelancer oversight and operational efficiency. This display not only highlighted New Media Group's technological prowess but also solidified its position as a trailblazer in driving the digital transformation of the media industry. We welcomes industry partners to try our products and looks forward to more cooperation in product development and business innovation, jointly promoting innovation in media technology. If you’re interested in our products, please email us :[email protected].

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    [🚀 New Media Lab Showcases Media and Marketing Technology Achievements at AWS TechFest ❗ ] New Media Lab , the innovation arm of New Media Group HK , recently participated in the "AWS TechFest: AI for Every Business" event organized by AWS, showcasing its latest achievements in media and marketing technology to the industry. As a leading digital media and content publisher in Hong Kong, New Media Group has been committed to exploring the future direction of media in the post-digital era. Our mission is to be a driving force in media and marketing technology, leveraging the group's rich media talent, valuable first-party data, and real-time experimental environment to develop innovative technological solutions. At this event, we highlighted two self-developed products: 1. Social Post Assistant: Utilizing generative AI technology with filtered quality first party data to help customer service teams process advertising copy more efficiently, improving content quality and saving time. 2. Freelancer Management System: Achieved unified management of over 800 freelancers, greatly improving work efficiency, reducing human errors, and enhancing budget control transparency. This appearance not only demonstrated New Media Group's strength in technological innovation but also highlighted its leading position in promoting the digital transformation of the media industry. Special thanks to AWS support for making the event happen. We welcomes industry partners to try our products and looks forward to more cooperation in product development and business innovation, jointly promoting innovation in media technology. If you’re interested in our products, please email us :[email protected]. Po Chan Aaron Chong Daniel Shek Amazon Web Services (AWS) Man-Leung Yeung #newmediagroup #newmedialab #media #digitalmedia  #genai #marketingtechnology #artificialintelligence #technology #innovation #contentcreation #socialpost #chatgpt #aws #talk #techfest #aisolution #hk

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    尋找隱世食神!全港最大型飲食及生活消閒平台《新假期》舉辦的《新假期必吃食店大獎2024》頒獎禮早前完滿結束,帶來了前所未有的創新和突破,讓香港的美食地圖更加精彩多元。 今年,大獎首次設立「年度開胃王」,專門表彰那些在美食界有顯著貢獻的Foodie,包括YouTube過百萬訂閱的馬田、陳柏宇和有碗話碗Alfred Chan等。這些美食家不僅提升了飲食文化的質量,也激勵了整個行業的發展。 此外,與至Wow美食外送平台foodpanda帶來了「Foodpanda外賣必食推介」系列獎項,得獎獎餐包括麥當勞、譚仔三哥米線、星巴克和添好運等。美食外送已成為港人生活不可或缺的部分,這個系列能令頒獎禮更全面反映大眾喜好。 頒獎禮不僅是對傳統和現代美食的一次全面概述,也突出了香港美食的多元性,從街頭小食到米芝蓮星級餐廳都涵概了,亦隨著北上飲食潮流而設的大灣區必吃食店。得獎餐廳超過100間,期中包括Amber、CHAAT、 挽肉と米 、Dragonfly、Red Room by LUBUDS、太二酸菜魚、探魚、米線陣、豆漿大王、華嫂冰室等。 新假期董事總經理Venus Lee分享: 「香港有近三萬間餐廳,面對如此競爭激烈的環境,每一位餐飲業者的努力都是對優質飲食文化的貢獻。我們設立這些新獎項,目的是為了表揚那些在充滿挑戰的條件下依然能夠突破重圍的業界人士。」她進一步強調,新假期將推出一系列促銷活動和專屬優惠,鼓勵大眾不僅品嚐美食,還要積極參與支持本地餐館: 「我們將利用社交媒體、網站和App的廣泛覆蓋,推動更多專為新假期讀者設計的美食活動。」 Venus 亦衷心感謝foodpanda在這一年的大力支持,她說:「這樣的合作使我們能夠把香港的美食推向更廣闊的舞台,讓更多的人享受到這座城市獨特的味道。foodpanda一個app可以餵百萬人,相信加上新假期2隻App一齊,我們可以餵多幾百萬人。」 New Media Group HK New Media Lab Venus Lee Ryan Lai Christine Chan Carmen Yip Joanne Kwong Venue Support: Royal Plaza Hotel The Peninsula Hotels Lubuds F&B Group Rosewood Hotel Group 唯港薈 LHGroup Tam Jai International Co. Limited 譚仔國際有限公司 麥當勞 星巴克香港 Café de Coral Holdings Limited 大家樂集團 FOOD & LIFE COMPANIES LTD. / Sushiro 八方雲集國際集團有限公司 Tai Hing 文華東方酒店集團 Daniel Lin Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees, Hong Kong JIA Group 休閒國聯股份有限公司 QQ Rice Management Limited #新假期必吃食店大獎2024 #HongKongFoodie #CulinaryInnovation #HKDiningExcellence #Branding #BrandCollaborations #PromoteHKCuisine #FoodDeliveryFavorites #FineDiningHK #ExploreHKFlavors #FoodandBeverage #FineDining #Events #Marketing #EDigest

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    The rapid advancement of AI technology is driving significant transformations across industries. This underscores the growing importance of skillful AI integration in addressing the evolving demands of media businesses for efficient word, article and image production. New Media Group and New Media Lab focus on providing tailored training, prompts, and technical assistance aims to boost work efficiency, enhance competitiveness, and drive sustainable business growth by leveraging AI in content creation and backend operations for better performance evaluation. Let's collaborate synergistically with AI for enhanced productivity and innovation.

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    隨著人工智能(AI)技術迅速發展,各行各業正迎來前所未有的變革。近期,AnyMind Group舉辦了一場名為「United Create Transform」的活動,邀請了來自各行各業的高層管理者和專業人士參與,包括新傳企劃(New Media Lab,01284)、Meta Platforms(美股代號:META)及Alphabet(美股代號:GOOGL)旗下的Google等代表,共同探討AI技術應用中的獨特見解和實踐經.。ChatGPT一推出便在全球爆紅。並使不少企業都紛紛研究如何把AI應用到業務上。一向積極推動數碼媒體應用AI技術的新傳企劃,亦不例外,其代表、首席資訊科技官楊民樑分享了他們的使用經驗。「在ChatGPT-3推出時,我們立即對其產生興趣,認為這對公司的業務運作會有不少幫助。」新傳企劃旗下的新傳媒集團,經營多個媒體品牌,其中包括《東方新地》、《新假期》、《more》及《Madame Figaro HK》等。楊民樑提到,作為媒體工作者,每天都需要生產大量文字、圖片,故他們需要思考如何將這些AI技術應用到每一個業務環節上。隨深入接觸,他發現原來使用ChatGPT-3,也並非想像中般容易,「例如撰寫Prompt(指示)等,都需要大量技巧。」 從普通素材到多版本創作 楊民樑注意到公司許多員工在使用ChatGPT時,經常在有效地與其「溝通」上遇到障礙。他指出公司內部員工對ChatGPT之取態可分為三類,「第一類是對AI抱有抗拒的人;第二類是想使用但不知道如何操作的人;第三類則是非常擅長使用的人。」他進一步解釋,儘管AI技術在某些方面能夠提升效率,但要達到「成功應用」,也需要企業提供更多培訓和技術支援,協助員工更好地掌握這項新工具,以尋求最佳的應用方式來提升業務效能。因此,楊民樑提到,公司會提供不同類型的Prompt及培訓給員工,讓他們能夠更有效地與ChatGPT溝通,以提升工作效率。長遠來看,這些措施有助於增強公司的競爭力,推動業務的可持續發展。展望未來,新傳媒集團將繼續投資提升其數碼平台及升級其內容管理系統,以提供優質且富有創意內容,幫助客戶聯繫目標受眾。其亦將加強人工智能及機器學習模型,於其平台後端操作的應用,以利用所得數據評估其業務分部表現。 另外,AnyMind Group是一家業務供應鏈技術公司,專注於開發並提供品牌設計規劃、生產、電商賦能、行銷、物流等一站式的支援平台,為網站和行動應用程式發行商以及內容創作者提供服務,以幫助他們實現品牌獲利和發展。其大中華區常務董事錢鵬在分享他們在業務中使用AI的經驗時,談及公司主要在不同領域應用AI,其中包括程序化廣告及內容創作方面等。他進一步舉出相關使用例子,如他們接收到一個普通的廣告素材時,其想將之轉換為直式影片,或者將普通素材製作成不同方向(直式或橫式)的多種版本。這些都是他們經常遇到的需求,利用AI就可以輕鬆地實現這些轉換和創作,從而獲得潛在的效益。 AI驅動產業轉型及創新動能 除了廣為人知的ChatGPT外,Google也推出了強大的人工智能模型——Gemini。Google香港媒體銷售總監李慧嫻表示,Gemini能幫助行銷人員和代理商減省工作時間。「Gemini現已整合進入Google ads,透過與Google對話可更簡單、高效地創作模板,以及激發更多創意,能顯著減少手動工作量,大幅提升工作效率。」在討論AI對行銷的影響時,她提到了各種AI類型,包括分析型和生成型。她解釋了如何選擇適合自己應用的方案,「從創意的角度來看,利用AI可以生成更多點子、改進用戶體驗,從而幫助你構建更多創意,並以更快的速度實現這些目標。」 除了Google的人工智能模型Gemini、META旗下的Facebook和Instagram也廣泛應用了AI技術。META大中華區業務總監司徒廷希表示,「現時,Facebook上的內容有30%是由AI推介給用戶,這比率在Instagram上超過50%。這意味著,你每天所看到的內容,有不少是經過AI精選後再呈現給你的。」AI的廣泛應用,無論是在創作還是推薦內容方面,都展示了它在提升用戶體驗和提高效率上的巨大潛力。這一趨勢無疑正在改變行業的運作方式,並為未來的創新提供了更多可能性。 New Media Lab New Media Group HK AnyMind Group Man-Leung Yeung Ben Chien Herbert L. 渣打銀行 Anson Cheng Janet Lee Alvita Szeto Google Hong Kong Meta Facebook Instagram Tsz Man I. Lily Jang #EDigest #Events #Marketing #Adtech #AI #GenerativeAI #DigitalAdvertising #DigitalMarketing #Content #Creativity #Videos #Influencers

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    We extend our heartfelt gratitude to The University of Hong Kong for inviting our CEO Royce Lee to participate as a panelist at the recent event#CareerAIgnitionDay. Royce shared profound insights on the transformative impact of AI on business operations and offered invaluable advice for postgraduate students navigating the dynamic AI-driven future of work. It was an honor to engage with the talented individuals at HKU and discuss the critical role of technology in shaping the future workforce. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to such a meaningful dialogue. #ArtificialIntelligence #BusinessInnovation #FutureOfWork #HKUCareerCentre #CareerAdvice #Technology #NewMediaGroup

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    Congratulations!These awards not only affirm New Media Group's strategic approach to digital transformation and innovation but also highlight their leadership position and contributions to the digital industry.

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    We're proud to share that EDigest has been recognised at the 8th Media Convergence Awards , organized by AIM - Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing . This success is a testament to our unwavering dedication to media innovation and excellence in the digital era. We earned a Gold Award in the Magazine category and a Bronze in the ESG category, which means a lot to us that our past effort in promoting sustainability in both business and consumer sides are visible to the market . We will keep pushing the boundaries of content creation and delivery, focusing on quality, innovation, and social responsibility. We would like to thanks every member of our team who has worked tirelessly to ensure we stay at the forefront of the media transformation journey. It also signifies our commitment to providing our readers with insightful, relevant, and responsible content that matters. A huge thanks to the HKAIM again for this honor. Also, congrats to Weekend Weekly, another title from New Media Group HK for being selected as Silver for Mobile Application and Social Media, and Bronze for Overall Digital Media, in addition to being named one of the "Top Ten Favorite Fan Pages." Weekend Weekly shines as a culinary guide, offering vibrant and insightful recommendations on the best dining spots and local and GBA adventures. And it is successful in engaging with every HK consumer daily lives. These awards not only affirm New Media Group's strategic approach to digital transformation and innovation but also highlight their leadership position and contributions to the digital industry. Francis Fong Ralph Szeto #EDigest #MediaTransformation #DigitalExcellence #ESG #Innovation #MediaIndustry #ProudMoment #HongKong #Content #Contentmarketing #socialmedia

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    梁朝偉-香港電影傳奇人物。從影40年見證住港產片的輝煌,近年他進軍荷里活,更勇奪終身成就金獅獎。23年年尾,梁朝偉與劉德華相隔21年再度合作拍攝《金手指》,帶我們回到80年代揭開轟動一時的世紀金融騙案內幕。經一王牌節目《有可能的話》最新一集,偉仔將盡訴對投資市場、影視行業發展及人生的想法。 經濟一週 EDigest New Media Group HK New Media Lab #Interview #TonyLeung #Investment #Content #Marketing

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    🎄🎉 New Media Group HK Party Time! Celebrating Christmas at Work 🎉🎄 Hey everyone! Just wanted to share the awesome time we had at our company's Christmas party last week. It was an absolute blast! From the stunning decorations to the yummy food. We played and laughed our hearts out. We wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! We hope this holiday season brings you lots of joy and happiness. Make sure to spend quality time with your loved ones, and let's look forward to an amazing New Year! Cheers to a fantastic holiday season! 🎅🎁✨ #Newmediagroup #Newmedialab #2023XmasParty #MerryChristmas #LetsCelebrate #Wishescometrue

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    In a landmark symposium 'Tech & AI in Media', co-created with Omnicom Media Group , we've set a new benchmark for innovation in media and advertising. Brand leaders and digital visionaries joined us in a forward-thinking pursuit to harness AI's potential for creating more engaging and efficient content and advertising strategies. We’re immensely thankful to each participant who brought their insights to the table. Your collective wisdom and enthusiasm for innovation have truly enriched the day's discussions. New Media Group owned by New Media Lab is leading the charge, having seamlessly integrated generative AI into our content curation process. Our commitment goes beyond just keeping pace; we're dedicated to being the harbingers of a media revolution, shaping the narrative in collaboration with our partners. In our CEO, Royce Lee 's keynote, he highlighted not only our technology-driven mission but also underscored the significance of adtech in advancing the media industry. We were also treated to an exceptional showcase by Peter Lee from 微軟公司 , who brought AI to life with his vivid demonstration of Copilot, setting a new standard for content marketing and advertising across the spectrum from creators to brands. Special thanks to OMG and Derek Yip support for making the event happen. We would like to extend an open invitation to all our partners and peers who are as passionate about this journey as we are. If you wish to explore the vast possibilities of AI and its application in adtech and content marketing , let's connect and take this conversation forward. Florence Wong Antony Yiu Helen Cheung PHD OMD Hong Kong rebecca cheung Chris Lee Man-Leung Yeung Venus Lee #NewMediaGroup #NewMediaLab #Digitaltransformation #AdTech #DigitalMarketing #Innovation #AI #GenerativeAI #Events #ContentMarketing

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