
Looking for commentary on privacy and security for your next story? You’ve come to the right place.

The IAPP connects journalists and writers with high-profile experts, story ideas on the latest trends and even access to our globally recognized conferences.

Press Contacts

Marina Altschiller-Gannon

Public Relations Manager
+1 603.427.9200
[email protected]

Rajira Hernandez

Matter Communications
+1 978.335.7884
[email protected]

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Get Access to These Great Resources

The Daily Dashboard

Stay on top of what the privacy community is interested in—including original content and reporting from the IAPP, a Google news source—with our daily news round up.

Keynotes and top-tier presenters

Privacy’s most influential and controversial thought-leaders are who you’ll find speaking—and making news—at IAPP conferences. And we can connect you.

Resource Center

Looking for original research and industry practices to give your story more meat? Our Resource Center has it all organized in one easy-to-find place. See something you like that’s for members only? Let us know and we’ll help you out.

Social Media

See what the IAPP community is sharing. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.