Privacy’s Not Dead…It’s Hiring

Where the Jobs Are—IAPP Career Central

Job seekers, meet top employers looking for privacy professionals. Employers, meet job seekers with the privacy training you need. Our job board connects people worldwide. Browse what’s available. Advertise your openings. Your career and your organization will thank you.


We also deliver a monthly e-newsletter that includes a brief article on the state of the privacy industry and offers a sampling of privacy job postings. It’s free—just subscribe to Career Central.

Here are a few more clicks to build your career:

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To place a job board ad, contact [email protected].


According to IAPP research, the GDPR will create as many as 75,000 data protection officer positions around the globe.

The Privacy Advisor, November 2016
GDPR’s global reach to require at least 75,000 DPOs worldwide