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This resource shows some of the most important dates and milestones for the future implementation of the AI Act.
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This series provides walkthrough of the most important components of the EU AI Act.
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Implementing Trans-Atlantic Transfers

Implementing kids’ privacy protections around the world

European Strategy for Data – Overview of New Regulations

American Privacy Rights Act cheat sheet

Enacted Federal Statutes with PRA

FTC enforcement trends: From straightforward actions to technical allegations

Global data transfer contracts

EU elections explainer: Heading into the next term, reading the smoke signals

Global adequacy capabilities

Navigating Government Access to Private Data in the EU

AdTech: A Look Back

European Institutions Privacy Stakeholder Map

Key Dates of Federal Data Privacy Reform in Australia

Key dates for EU initiatives

Privacy Engineering Domains

US federal AI governance: Laws, policies and strategies

Implications of the AI executive order for business

EU NIS2 Directive: 101

EU Digital Services Act: 101

EU Digital Markets Act: 101

Top 10 operational impacts of India’s DPDPA

Implementing Transatlantic Transfers

The Kids Are All Rights: The Conflict between Free Speech and Youth Privacy Laws

What AI Governance Leaders are Thinking About

Countries At-a-Glance: Privacy and Consumer Trust

Health care privacy on the ground: Key challenges and practical solutions

The half-baked future of cookies and other tracking technologies

EU-US Data Privacy Framework – Guidance and Resources

Privacy Resources for Digital Health Data

A practical comparison of the EU, China and ASEAN standard contractual clauses

GDPR at Five

EU Data Initiatives in Context

EU decision-making at a glance: How do EU laws get approved?

Washington’s My Health, My Data Act

Privacy and AI Governance Report

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US Federal Privacy Legislation Tracker

The IAPP Research and Insights team tracks and organizes the privacy-related bills proposed in the U.S. Congress to keep our members informed of developments within the federal privacy landscape. The “US Federal Privacy Legislation Tracker” includes proposed legislation organized by topic and summarizes the key parts of each bill to shed light on the most impactful provisions. Read More