Your Starting Point in Privacy Education

Take the Essential First Step Toward a Working Knowledge of Privacy

IAPP Foundations of Privacy and Data Protection is a comprehensive training course for quickly teaching privacy fundamentals to organizations and individuals. It is available in three modalities – self-paced online, live online and in-person.

Foundations’ expert-authored curriculum details privacy’s legal and regulatory frameworks. It describes common operational processes and illustrates privacy at work through case studies and real-world examples. Foundations also teaches a common vocabulary that helps communicate privacy issues clearly between professionals and throughout organizations.

Foundations for Organizations

With Foundations training, organizations can cultivate in-house privacy knowledge in operational areas with growing privacy responsibilities, such as marketing, human resources, technology and finance. Training modules can be delivered through learning management systems for easy incorporation into existing training programs.

Contact IAPP sales about preferred pricing for group training.

Foundations for Individuals

Privacy responsibilities can land on a professional’s desk with no warning. Foundations training provides ready-to-go knowledge that can be put to work immediately.

For professionals considering privacy as a career, Foundations is excellent preparation for advanced IAPP training and certification testing. It is the first step to building the credentials to join the fast-growing privacy profession.

Choose your training modality and start your privacy learning today.

Learn from experts

The Foundations curriculum combines theoretical and practical instruction in fundamental privacy concepts, legal models, and emerging issues. Its seven learning modules are:

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    Key Privacy Concepts

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    Fair Information Practices (FIPs)

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    The Data Life Cycle

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    Models for Data Protection Legislation

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    Major Privacy and Data Protection Laws

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    Case Studies

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    Emerging Topics

See the course outline for more details on each learning module.


Learning Options

Click below to see lists of available trainings in the modality that matches your schedule and learning style.

Build your privacy culture with in-depth training for all key decision makers. 

Media-rich, computer-based training at your own pace, on your own schedule.

Virtual classrooms with the real-time interaction of a live classroom minus the travel.

In-person interaction with instructors plus networking with classmates during breaks.