Aligning Policy Engagement with Net Zero: A Spotlight on Australia

UNFCCC Race to Zero Webinar Series

July 10th, 2024

9:00 - 10:00AM AEST

Zoom Webinar


Climate policy leadership can incentivize faster climate action, unlock investment. and level the playing field for those leading the race to zero emissions.

This online event will explore how Australia, in its future potential position as COP31 host, can become a global leader on climate policy, with supportive engagement from non-state actors. The webinar will explore key questions, including: "What policy building blocks are needed to drive forward the emission reductions we need in this decisive decade?" and "How can non-state actors, like businesses, investors, and cities, be engaged in shaping better climate policy to cut emissions in Australia?"

The objectives of the webinar are to:

  • Raise the profile of halving emissions by 2030 in Australia;
  • Mobilize the community in Australia to engage in climate policy discussions; and
  • Showcase the intersection between non-state actor advocacy in Australia and how this connects with global discussions.

InfluenceMap's Australia Program Manager, Jack Herring, will be joining the second panel to share insights on Australia’s climate policy engagement landscape and outline how non-state actors can move towards climate policy leadership.

The event is part of a series of webinars around the world on this topic, with the first held last year in Japan. This event is convened by the UN Climate Champions Team & Race to Zero, Climate Action Network Australia (Better Futures Australia), and InfluenceMap.

Speakers: * Drew Wilkinson, Founder, Climate Leadership Collective * Geraint Rowland, Group Environmental Director, Costain Group * Jack Herring, Program Manager - Australia, InfluenceMap


  • Opening & Introduction - Tessa Vincent, Climate Champions
  • Panel 1: Net zero policy developments from around the world
  • Panel 2: State of non-state actor advocacy in Australia
  • Q&A + Breakout Session

Event Details

July 10th, 2024

9:00 - 10:00AM AEST

Zoom Webinar




Jack Herring

Program Manager, Lead on Australia

Jack joined InfluenceMap in August 2022 as an Analyst. He works across our Australia and Oil/Gas teams, where he tracks and assesses corporate engagement on climate-related policy. Prior to joining InfluenceMap, Jack worked as a Research Consultant with The Institute for Sustainable Futures. He holds a BA in Political Science from the Australian National University and an MA in Regenerative Economics from Schumacher College.