Search Result: Electric Power

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Press Releases


Fossil Fuel Climate Advocacy Update #16

January 2024

This briefing contains an overview of the corporate lobbying detected by InfluenceMap related to fossil fuels for the month of December 2023.

The COP28 Corporate Climate Advocacy Landscape

December 2023

Cross-referencing the UNFCCC-disclosed list of registered attendees against InfluenceMap’s database on corporate lobbying shows the balance in favor of companies whose policy engagement and communications are pushing for policy pathways likely to lock-in warming scenarios in excess of the internatio...

Utility Engagement on U.S. Power Plant Rules, April 2023

April, 2023

New InfluenceMap research finds that nearly the same collective of electric utilities that fought the Clean Power Plan between 2014 and 2019 are lining up again to oppose the Biden Administration's power plant rules.

The U.S. Power Sector and Climate Policy

April 2022

Utilities carry significant clout in policymaking processes, particularly at the subnational level, and have a critical role to play in advancing the legislation and regulation needed to mitigate climate change. This report analyzes the climate policy engagement of the 25 largest investor-owned ener...

Gas & Power Companies Divided on the EU's Taxonomy

February 2021

European companies backing robust, science-based regulation on CO2 emissions under the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy are also performing better on stock markets when compared with their peers that are opposing the same policy, according to analysis of InfluenceMap's policy position scores and fina...

Gridlock in UK Power Markets

October 2017

This report finds the Big Six utility companies have undue influence on UK energy policy and regulation, hindering the clean energy transition and posing significant investor risk.

The Dirty Dozen – Diesel Power Subsidisation in the UK

December 2016

How taxpayer's funding is being spent on diesel subsidies worth almost £260m