Search Result: All Sectors

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Climate Policy Engagement and CA100+ Target Companies

May 2024

This briefing explores and provides updates on key trends in company performance identified by InfluenceMap’s assessments for the October 2023 iteration of the CA100+ Net-Zero Company Benchmark.

Corporate Climate Policy Engagement in Australia

January 2024

Key corporate policy engagement trends following Labor's election in May 2022

The COP28 Corporate Climate Advocacy Landscape

December 2023

Cross-referencing the UNFCCC-disclosed list of registered attendees against InfluenceMap’s database on corporate lobbying shows the balance in favor of companies whose policy engagement and communications are pushing for policy pathways likely to lock-in warming scenarios in excess of the internatio...

The Corporate Sector and Biodiversity Policy

December 2023

New research demonstrates that the world’s largest companies lack transparency around their biodiversity-related advocacy, while retaining membership of industry associations actively opposing critically needed policy.

Corporate Advocacy on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

December, 2023

This report assesses global corporate advocacy on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the context of the energy transition. It examines the high-level positions of 21 national governments on CCS and maps out linkages between corporate and government messaging on the issue.

Net Zero and the Need for New Leadership in Corporate Climate Advocacy

March 2023

Using InfluenceMap's world-leading database for tracking and assessing corporate climate policy engagement, and extensive interactions with corporations and investors on the issue, this article proposes five steps that companies can take to shift to true leadership in climate policy advocacy.