Engaging in Corporate Climate Advocacy Series: Developing an Advocacy Strategy

UN Global Compact UK Webinar Series

April 17th, 2024

2:00 - 3:30PM BST/9:00 - 10:30AM EDT

Zoom Webinar


Corporate climate action is on the rise, but there are still critical policy gaps that must be addressed to enable businesses to deliver on their net zero goals. Though a growing number of companies have set voluntary science-based emissions reduction targets, there is a need for clear, long-term policy direction across key areas to unlock further levers for decarbonization and help businesses mobilize the levels of investment needed to meet their net zero targets.

Companies have a collective role to play in driving bolder government action on climate. When done right, corporate climate advocacy can serve as a key enabler through which businesses can shape the climate policy agenda in line with their sustainability goals, exercise climate leadership, and demonstrate how they are engaging with governments to deliver on their net zero goals, as recommended by the Transition Plan Taskforce’s disclosure framework.

To help companies engage in effective climate advocacy, the UN Global Compact Network UK is organizing a 4-part webinar series. This series will provide practical guidance on how companies can contribute towards driving the regulatory outcomes needed to deliver on their net zero goals.

InfluenceMap's Director, Ed Collins, will join the opening webinar in the series: Developing an Advocacy Strategy. This webinar will explore why corporate climate advocacy matters and the various ways in which businesses can influence climate-related policymaking. It will highlight some of the key principles and governance mechanisms that should be considered as part of devising an effective, Paris-aligned advocacy strategy, as well as how to create a culture of advocacy within the business.

The aim of this session is to help participants: * Understand what business climate advocacy looks like in practice and the business case for engaging in corporate climate advocacy; * Learn about existing principles and frameworks that can help companies devise an effective, Paris-aligned climate advocacy strategy; and * Identify governance mechanisms that should be in place to ensure the integrity of their advocacy efforts and create an internal culture of advocacy within the business.

Moderator: Tessa Vincent, Policy & Engagement Lead, Race to Zero


  • Ed Collins, Director, InfluenceMap
  • Rachel Crossley, Head of Stewardship (Europe), BNP Paribas Asset Management
  • Owen Bethell, Environment Impact Lead – Global Public Affairs, Nestlé
  • Charmian Love, Global Director of Advocacy, Natura &Co

Event Details

April 17th, 2024

2:00 - 3:30PM BST/9:00 - 10:30AM EDT

Zoom Webinar




Edward Collins


Ed has led InfluenceMap's research on lobbying and corporate influence (LobbyMap) since 2017, having joined the company in 2015. Working with a team of dedicated analysts, Ed manages InfluenceMap's system for tracking and assessing the climate change lobbying of the world's largest 500 industrial companies and their key trade associations.