Shell’s ‘net zero’ Plan Ignores Company’s Anti-Climate Links

February 12 2021

Shell’s ‘net zero’ Plan Ignores Company’s Anti-Climate Links

Oil and gas giant remains member of American Petroleum Institute

Royal Dutch Shell's (Shell) acknowledgement of the need to drive down carbon emissions fails to address the company's links to trade associations which are actively undermining science-based climate policies.

Most notably, Shell remains a member of the American Petroleum Institute (API) which has consistently lobbied to block or water-down effective climate policy.

"If Shell is serious about its climate change commitments, it should consider why its competitor Total withdrew from the American Petroleum Institute (API)," Director of Corporate Climate Lobbying at InfluenceMap, Edward Collins, said.

"As it stands, Shell remains a member - even though the API's climate positions are at odds with the stated ambitions of Shell. Until this misalignment is addressed, there will continue to be pressure on Shell over its climate lobbying links."

The American Petroleum Institute scores an 'F' on InfluenceMap's A to F scale of support/opposition to Paris aligned climate policy. Further, is has a lobbying intensity of 41% which, along with the F grade, indicates highly strategic and oppositional positions on climate policy.

The API continues to stress the importance of oil and gas to the US economy while opposing policies to address greenhouse gas emissions. This includes playing a leading role in opposing and then successfully repealing federal methane emissions regulations.

The Institute also opposes any carbon tax that would increase the cost of US energy exports, has repeatedly opposed measures to support electric vehicles, and as recently as last month described the Paris climate goals as "aggressive".

In addition to the API, Shell remains a member of other highly oppositional groups which have impeded climate action, including: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, National Association of Manufacturers, US Chamber of Commerce, and Western States Petroleum Association.

InfluenceMap operates the world's leading database of climate lobbying and supports investors globally, including the Climate Action 100+ engagement process.

For further information or to arrange interviews, please contact:

Simon Cullen, Communications Manager, InfluenceMap (London)

simon.cullen( @ )