French Association of Large Companies (AFEP)

InfluenceMap Score
for Climate Policy Engagement
Performance Band
Organization Score
All Sectors
Paris, Frankreich

Climate Policy Engagement Overview: The French Association of Large Companies (AFEP) engaged on EU climate policy with mostly negative positions between 2020-22, and with very limited engagement in 2023-24. While it supported ambitious climate policy in its top-line messaging and in relation to some specific policies, it consistently opposed policy reforms under the Fit for 55 package.

Top-line Messaging on Climate Policy: The French Association of Large Companies (AFEP) has limited top-line messaging on climate policy in 2022-24. In 2021, the association supported the need for urgent emissions reductions in line with IPCC recommendations, for example supporting the EU Green Deal in a February 2021 position paper. AFEP also stated support for the EU Fit for 55 package in a position paper in November 2021. However, in an April 2024 position paper, AFEP advocated for a revision of policies adopted under the EU Green Deal, suggesting ambition and timelines should be weakened to protect industry competitiveness. InfluenceMap did not detect a position from AFEP on the UN Paris Agreement in 2022-24.

Engagement with Climate-Related Regulations: The French Association of Large Companies (AFEP) appears to have limited engagement with EU climate change regulations in 2023-24, but took mostly negative positions in 2021-22. In 2020-21, AFEP advocated for weaker ambitions of several policies in the EU Fit for 55 package, including the reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), the reform of the EU Renewable Energy Directive, and the reform of the EU Industrial Emissions Directive in public consultation responses and position papers. In a February 2022 position paper, the association took unsupportive positions on the EU Commission’s proposal for an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), advocating against the phase-out of free emissions allowances under the EU Emissions Trading System and against a wider scope of the CBAM. In an April 2024 position paper, AFEP advocated for slower implementation timelines of the EU Emission Trading System and Carbon Boarder Adjustment Mechanism.

Positioning on Energy Transition: The French Association of Large Companies (AFEP) stated top-line support for the energy transition, for example, in an October 2022 publication on its Ambition 4 Climate initiative. However, in a January 2022 position paper on the revision of the EU Energy Taxation Directive, AFEP advocated for tax exemptions for energy intensive industries, favorable taxation of fossil gas and a “proportionate" approach to low-carbon and green hydrogen. In a February 2023 public consultation response on the EU Electricity Market Design revision, the association seemed to not support the phase out of natural gas in the energy mix.

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