International Gas Union

InfluenceMap Score
for Climate Policy Engagement
Performance Band
Organization Score
London, United Kingdom
Official Web Site:

Climate Policy Engagement Overview: International Gas Union (IGU) has limited engagement on top-line communications for mitigation of climate change, but is highly and negatively engaged on the energy transition, including by promoting new investments in fossil gas infrastructure.

Top-line Messaging on Climate Policy: IGU’s top-line communications on climate change appear broadly positive, albeit limited since 2021. In a June 2023 Global Voice of Gas publication, IGU stated that it is committed to the success of the Paris Agreement. In October 2021, on its website, former IGU president Joe Kang also stated clear support for the Paris Agreement and urgent action for GHG emissions reductions. The group has limited positions on the need for climate change regulation. Its most recent position, in a March 2021 La Republica article, appeared to suggest the need for government intervention for decarbonization but recommended a market-led strategy to achieve this.

Engagement with Climate-Related Regulations IGU has limited engagement on climate-related regulations, particularly since 2021. In March 2021 as reported by Reuters, it supported the adoption of a carbon tax in major economies. IGU also appears supportive of policies to reduce GHG emissions, especially methane, within the wider economy. In September 2021, in a LinkedIn post, IGU appeared to support the proposed methane reduction legislation in the EU Green Deal. However, in a December 2021 press release, IGU did not support EU Methane Regulation for the energy sector, citing the complexity and administrative burden that comes with the rules.

Positioning on Energy Transition: IGU does not appear to fully support the transition of the energy mix, and continues to advocate for new fossil gas exploration and infrastructure globally. In a January 2024 joint letter to US President Biden, IGU among other global industry associations, opposed the administration’s decision to pause liquified natural gas (LNG) export permits. Meanwhile, in a March 2023 industry association joint letter to Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, IGU advocated for new fossil gas and LNG infrastructure investments ahead of a May 2023 G7 meeting.

IGU’s public messaging seeks to influence the narrative around fossil fuels by promoting it as a vehicle for decarbonization. On its corporate website, accessed in April 2024, IGU is vocal about fossil gas and the need for it in the present and future. This includes advocating for fossil gas for greater energy security, to transition away from coal, to complement renewables, and to provide energy access in the global south, among other arguments.

IGU has advocated for policies to support fossil gas, with direct advocacy focused primarily in the EU. A press release from December 2021, did not support EU’s Hydrogen and Gas Decarbonization Package, referring to measures for total electrification as “impracticable” and used this argument to support fossil gas. Outside of Europe, in November 2021, IGU supported expanded fossil gas usage in Vietnam in a press release commenting on Vietnam’s updated Power Development Plan no 8 (PDP8).

Details of Organization Score
