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Grant M. Domke

Grant M. Domke
Team Leader, Research Forester
1992 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108-1034
United States

Current Research

I have leadership responsibilities for forest carbon estimation and reporting within the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program of the USDA Forest Service. This program is responsible for reporting on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals in the forest land category as part of the United States’ commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This involves working with a team of scientists and staff to compile estimates of carbon stocks and stock changes in forest ecosystems for national and international reporting instruments.

Research Interest

In addition to leadership of the carbon estimation and reporting group, I use strategic-level forest inventory data and auxiliary information (e.g., climate and remotely sensed data) to develop models that estimate carbon stocks and stock changes in forest ecosystem carbon pools for the FIA program and GHG reporting. I am also interested in developing new inventory and monitoring techniques to facilitate carbon estimation and accounting across spatial and temporal scales.

Why This Research Is Important

Forest ecosystems represent the largest terrestrial carbon sink on earth and provide myriad goods and services to society. Improving our understanding of forest carbon dynamics will provide Forest Service partners with a better picture of the forest resource, allowing them to make more informed policy and management decisions.


  • University of Minnesota, Ph.D., Quantitative Silviculture and Forest Ecosystem Health, 2010
  • University of Toronto, M.S., Applied Forest Ecology and Silviculture, 2005
  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, B.S., Biology and Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Management, 2003

Professional Experience

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor in Forest Resources,  University of Minnesota,  2011 - Current

Professional Organizations

  • Member,  International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO),  2013 - Current
  • Member,  American Geophysical Union,  2010 - Current
  • Member,  Ecological Society of America,  2004 - Current
  • Member,  Society of American Foresters (SAF),  2001 - 2010

Awards & Recognition

  • Research & Development Deputy Chief's Science Delivery Award , 2021
    Recognized for leadership, service, and contributions in providing value to users of scientific research through science delivery; contributions of major impact to science, technology, and natural resource policy; and development of effective partnerships
  • Forest Inventory and Analysis Directors Award , 2018
    Selected for contributions on carbon science within the national FIA program with research recognized “as definitive in the international area of GHG estimates for forests.”
  • NRS Director’s Award – Early Career Scientist, 2014
    Given in recognition of science accomplishments and contributions to carbon and biomass research achievements in the Northern Research Station within 5 years of completing a Ph.D.
  • Spot Award, 2012
    In recognition and extra effort to revise substantial portions of the U.S.'s 2012 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, revisions published in EPA's 2012 NGHGI

Other Publications

Last updated February 28, 2024