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RSA Divisions

RSA is established by Congress as the principal Federal agency authorized to carry out Titles I, III, VI, and VII, as well as Section 509 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended by title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. RSA also administers programs and activities under the Randolph-Sheppard Act, as amended. 

RSA Programs develop and implement comprehensive systems of vocational rehabilitationsupported employment, and independent living services for older individuals who are blind through the provision of services, training, and advocacy to maximize the employment, independence, and integration of individuals with disabilities in their communities. 

State Monitoring and Program Improvement Division (SMPID)

SMPID is responsible for the review and approval of WIOA Unified and Combined State Plans and administration of RSA's five formula grant programs:

  1. State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program
  2. State Supported Employment Services Program
  3. Independent Living Services Program for Older Individuals who are Blind
  4. Client Assistance Program; and
  5. Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights 

SMPID State Teams provide technical assistance to and conduct monitoring of these programs to ensure consistency with Federal requirements and to ensure that States implement programs designed to improve results for individuals with disabilities. 

SMPID consists of four Units: Vocational Rehabilitation Program Unit, Technical Assistance Unit, Fiscal Unit, and Data Collection and Analysis Unit

Training and Service Programs Division (TSPD)

TSPD is responsible for administering several programs under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Randolph-Sheppard Act. The programs are a mix of formula and discretionary grants and contracts. 

TSPD consists of two Units. The Training Programs Unit administers the rehabilitation training and demonstration programs, including the Disability Innovation Fund projects. The Service Programs Unit administers the American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services program and leads Federal activities in support of the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program

Grant Application Package

Historically, RSA used a specific application package for discretionary grant competitions because several of the programs have program-specific selection criteria identified either in statute or regulations. However, the Department updated the generic application package to include the ability to use program specific or statutory criteria, if approved previously, and if program offices were not adding program specific forms or other specific information beyond the selection criteria. RSA requested approval to transition to the Department’s generic application package at that time. In April 2022, the Department’s generic application package was approved for RSA use resulting in a decrease of burden hours for the submission of proposals.