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Today in Energy

February 2015

February 27, 2015

Petroleum refinery outage in California highlights markets’ quick price reaction

February 26, 2015

Rise in salt cavern storage capacity for natural gas offsets declines in other capacities

February 25, 2015

Wind generation seasonal patterns vary across the United States

February 24, 2015

Large reduction in distillate fuel sulfur content has only minor effect on energy content

February 23, 2015

Higher RIN prices support continued ethanol blending despite lower gasoline prices

February 19, 2015

Wind generates more than 10% of Texas electricity in 2014

February 18, 2015

Energy efficiency improvements have largely offset effect of more, larger homes

February 17, 2015

Proposed efficiency standard may eliminate noncondensing gas furnaces

February 12, 2015

Saudi Arabia budget insulated from effects of lower oil prices

February 11, 2015

Japan plans to restart some nuclear plants in 2015 after Fukushima shutdown

February 10, 2015

EIA tracking tool shows light-sweet crude oil imports to Gulf Coast virtually eliminated

February 9, 2015

Iraq was second-leading contributor to global oil supply growth during 2014

February 6, 2015

Midwest propane market more balanced than a year ago

February 5, 2015

Defense Department energy use falls to lowest level since at least 1975

February 4, 2015

Energy consumption by U.S. government at lowest level since at least 1975

February 3, 2015

Increase in average gasoline prices ends 17-week streak of declining prices

February 2, 2015

New England generation fuel mix changes likely as Vermont Yankee nuclear plant retires

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