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Today in Energy

June 2021

June 30, 2021

NERC report outlines potential electricity disruptions in the United States this summer

June 29, 2021

U.S. distillate demand returned to 2019 levels earlier than gasoline and jet fuel demand

June 28, 2021

EIA estimates drilled but uncompleted wells for key oil and natural gas basins

June 25, 2021

EIA’s updated liquids pipeline database shows 19 projects moving toward completion in 2021

June 24, 2021

U.S. ethane exports surge with additional export capacity and expanded tanker fleet

June 23, 2021

Most U.S. wind capacity built since 2011 is located in the center of the country

June 22, 2021

U.S. natural gas exports and non-power sector demand to drive higher prices through 2022

June 21, 2021

February’s increase in coal-fired electric generation reduced U.S. coal stockpiles

June 17, 2021

U.S. dry natural gas production and rig count continue to grow from pandemic lows

June 16, 2021

The United States consumed a record amount of renewable energy in 2020

June 15, 2021

Growing global production limits crude oil price increases in the most recent forecast

June 14, 2021

Production of crude oil and natural gas in New Mexico reached new record in March 2021

June 11, 2021

EIA Product Highlight: Status of U.S. Nuclear Outages

June 10, 2021

Supply disruptions and rising demand boosted East Coast petroleum product imports in March

June 9, 2021

Electric power sector CO2 emissions drop as generation mix shifts from coal to natural gas

June 8, 2021

New infrastructure connects West Texas natural gas-producing areas to demand markets

June 7, 2021

In 2020, natural gas exports and natural gas for electricity reached record highs

June 4, 2021

U.S. energy consumption in 2020 increased for renewables, fell for all other fuels

June 3, 2021

U.S. natural gas storage capacity has remained flat over the past eight years

June 2, 2021

Agricultural feedstock costs drive RIN prices to all-time highs

June 1, 2021

Vietnam’s latest power development plan focuses on expanding renewable sources

July 2021 › ‹ May 2021